Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1020: Saints come

Lu Ya finally rushed out and brought the dying Taiyi Master.

No matter how angry San Xiao was, Lu Ya's strength still left them helpless. Even when Lu Ya brought Taiyi Zhenren out of the big formation, they had no other way. Even Lu Ya didn't pounce directly at them after he came out, he was a bit lucky. Otherwise, if Lu Ya's means were really coming towards them, it would be unstoppable.

But Lu Ya also knew that it was impossible for the other eleven Jinxians in the formation to be rescued, and at most one more would be rescued.

Now it's saving people, not running to clean up Sanxiao. Lu Ya consumes more than it looks, and it's not like he can run and fight Sanxiao again.

"Let's go in again." After making up his mind, Lu Ya secretly sighed, and turned around to enter again. But at this time, a ray of sunshine suddenly shot down in the sky, and the dark clouds were generally removed, and the entire misty nine-bend Yellow River Great Array was seen clearly and clearly.

"The suffering of cultivation is difficult to cultivate. Now it has been damaged for a while, ah."

With a sigh, instead of being harsh, there is a feeling of relaxation all over the body. Even San Xiao, whose nerves were tense, relaxed. When he came back to his senses, the eleven golden immortals who were trapped in the great formation had all been taken out, and they were rescued almost alive, lying in front of two white-clothed old men lined up.

Anyone with a high level of cultivation could see that these two old men suddenly appeared in the army of the Zhou Dynasty. But no one can tell how the two appeared. But all the pupils shrank sharply.

The two old men were all dressed in white. One of them wore a golden crown on his head, and the other was dressed in a simple, ordinary, mortal, old man's attire. But these two exude a terrifying aura of suppressing this battlefield.

In the Chaoge army, Kong Xuan shook his head and subconsciously covered his breath again. I sighed inwardly: Sure enough, it came.

The old man with the golden crown, the sect leader Yuanshi Tianzun. Simple old man, the leader of the human religion is too high. Now, not only did Kong Xuan directly intervene in this battle and came here in real form, but both of them came together!

"Jiang Ziya pays homage to Master and Master!"

Jiang Ziya was the first to come back to his senses. The commander-in-chief of the Zhou Dynasty was naturally very excited. Seeing Yuanshi and Taishang coming in person, the big stone in my heart finally fell to the ground. There are three saints in the world, and now there are two on his side, so what else can be called obstacles?


Jiang Ziya asked An to worship him, followed by a group of disciples from the two sects saluting. The priest is here.

On the other hand, on the side of Chaoge's army, whether Wen Zhong or Shen Gongbao, their faces were as black as the bottom of a pot. San Xiao in mid-air almost crushed his teeth.

"The method of destroying the human foundation, dissolving the body, and destroying the spirit and soul is really vicious and very vicious. It is said that the monks of Sanxian Island have always been tyrannical and cruel. I didn't believe it before, but now I see it. Xiao, are the three of you guilty?"

While Yuan Shi reversed the serious injuries on Twelve Golden Immortals by means, he questioned San Xiao in midair in a pitiful tone.

It stands to reason that Yuan Shi is Tongtian's junior and junior, and Sanxiao's uncle, and he is a family, so it is reasonable to reprimand them. But this is true, but it came out of Yuan Shi's mouth, but it didn't feel right in San Xiao's ears, and the anger in his heart was even more difficult to contain.

Oh, you also know what evil is? Is your disciple's injury vicious? Even if the disciples of the interception were destroyed by their spirits and souls, would they not even mention them? Or, that Lu Ya is not a disciple of the two sects of yours, so it has five problems with you, right? As soon as he shows up, he puts on a high posture and reprimands him directly. Is it really amazing for a saint?

Sanxiao is not a soft persimmon, what about you saint? Don't be ashamed to really think that everyone will be cowardly when they see you?

"Uncle Yuanshi, that's not a good word. The battle to be on the list is just a disaster for the disciples of the three sects. If you are not as skilled, you are not as skilled. Just like our eldest brother Zhao Gongming, if you die, you will die. It’s just being on the list. Could it be that Uncle Yuanshi thinks that it doesn’t matter if I cut off the disciples to be on the list, but the disciples of the two sects can’t be on the list?”

Yun Xiao immediately responded. He looked down on this saint in his heart, and his words were sharp, and he almost broke his face and said the words "shameless".


Yuan Shi never thought that Yun Xiao would dare to talk to him like this. A loud drink was like a slap in the face, and the sound alone really shot San Xiao who was hovering in the air. And along the way, he also crushed the nine-curved Yellow River Great Array laid down by Sanxiao, and took away the golden bucket.

In this way, the power of the saint can be seen at a glance. With ease, the situation that plagued the Zhou Dynasty army and could not be broken was all lifted.

"Today, if you're walking against the sky, and you are rude to the elders, you will wait for the master to discipline you. If you hurt people's souls and destroy people's physical bodies, then they will do it to others, and go on the list!" Yuan Shi took it away! With the Hunyuan Jindou, the nine-curved Yellow River Great Array was broken, and a loud shout shocked Sanxiao. This is not enough, he is determined to send Sanxiao to the list of gods.

I had plans before. The use of the Conferred God List will reverse the dominance of the Intercept Cult in the matter of luck. The direct way is to do everything possible to eliminate the top disciples in the sect, and send them to the list of conferred gods. Sanxiao is so strong, how can Yuanshi and Taishang let them go? As long as you dare to come to this muddy water, you can't easily get through it.

I don't want to do everything myself. However, there are really no extraordinary disciples of the two sects. The disciple can't do it, and the master doesn't care about his face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What else is there to say?

After Yuan Shi finished speaking, a coercion pressed towards San Xiao, who fell to the ground, and immediately crushed San Xiao to pieces.

This scene shocked the disciples in the Chaoge army. The sage really has no manners! If the disciple couldn't do it, he personally started to kill the junior!

However, Yuan Shi's coercion failed to hold onto San Xiao in the end. Because once the figure of Zipao suddenly appeared in front of Sanxiao, like a mountain, it blocked all the pressure from Yuanshi, and broke it with a wave of his hand.

"Yuanshi, you are going too far."

Seeing Zipao's figure, Sanxiao was overjoyed and knelt on the ground and shouted, "Thank you, Master, for your help!"

After Yuanshi and Taishang came together, the third saint, the leader of the sect, Tongtian, also came, wearing a purple robe, rescued Sanxiao, looked at Yuanshi and Taishang on the opposite side, and opened his mouth to question.

It's not that he didn't know Yuanshi and Taishang's filthy thoughts. Tongtian didn't show up before, and when he intercepted the disciple, he was already tyrannical. He had the confidence. Second, he pushed others by himself, and felt that Yuan Shi and Tai Shang should at least take care of their faces, and would not directly kill the younger generation. But he never imagined that his senior and junior brothers were actually shirtless, and they would kill the three top disciples under his sect as soon as they came up. He also took away the Hunyuan Jindou that he had given to his disciples.

Such shamelessness made Tong Tianzhen a little angry.


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