Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1036: settle grievances

"Tongtian! You still dare to disturb the secrets of heaven and do that wicked act! I swear I won't have a break with you!"

"Junior Brother Tongtian, you are so ignorant of current affairs, hey, what do you want your brother to say about you? Hurry up and stop, or I will have to go to the teacher and sue you."

Both Yuanshi and Taishang are extremely angry now. They actually took action when Jiang Ziya first launched his attack on Lintong Pass. It was Yuan Shi first, and it turned out that the attack was inexplicably intercepted, and his heart trembled, and he quickly contacted Taishang, and Taishang made a second shot, but the result was the same.

Although Yuanshi and Taishang couldn't clearly sense where the attack was coming from, they could guess. Only saints can deal with saints in this world. There were three in total, and the one who blocked them in the dark was naturally the sect's Tongtian.

This is an unexpected result. Before, I thought that Tongtian would be a tortoise and no longer pose a threat, but I didn't expect that Tongtian would dare to take action under the coercion of Teacher Zai. This is so brave! Could it be that Tongtian is not afraid to annoy the teacher and erase him?

For teacher Hongjun, Yuanshi and Taishang maintained the highest awe, and it was difficult for them to imagine where Tongtian had such courage.

Facing Yuanshi and Taishang's voice transmission questions and threats, Tongtian smiled and remained silent for a while. He hadn't laughed for a long time, and this time he made up his mind to go the other way, and was going to collect the old debts that others owed him, so uncharacteristically, he felt Yuan Shi and Tai Shang's anxious eyes were very happy for a while.

"I didn't do it." Tong Tian shouted for a long time before replying angrily, directly denying that he had secretly interfered before.

"Not you?!"

Yuan Shi and Tai Shang were stunned. In their impression, Tongtian never lies, nor does he bother to lie. Now denying it flatly, could it be that Tongtian did it? But if it weren't for Tongtian, who was disturbing their mana power before? Is there any existence in this world that can be compared with saints? !

But if it wasn't for the sage teacher Hongjun, Yuanshi and Taishang would immediately believe Tongtian's sophistry. But with Hongjun present, they were extremely suspicious of Tongtian's words. Some are not sure.

"No matter what, Tongtian, this matter must be stopped first, and then we will go to the teacher to report."

Yuan Shi and Taishang quickly reached an agreement. Anyway, regardless of whether you did it or not, we should go to complain. Pros and cons are a big deal, and the teacher has to know about it.

"I know that you are going to tell the truth in front of the teacher again, so I will also go with you." Tongtian gave his reasons, which seemed very reasonable. Yuanshi and Taishan could not refuse this.

Are things done by the sky? of course. Lying is against Babel's character, but what he wants now is to reckon with the previous anger. Not only Yuanshi and Taishang, but also his teacher.

Saying that he didn't do it himself, in this way, whether Yuanshi and Taishang doubted it, Tongtian could ignore it anyway. In the same way, on the big battlefield of the lower realm, unless Taishang and Yuanshi dare to go there in person, Tongtian can continue to use the hat of "mysterious man" to interfere with the battle situation, so that the battle situation will be unstoppable in favor of the Shang Dynasty. In other words, it is conducive to the direction change of interception. On the other hand, Yuzhikou denies that Tongtian has a reason to follow Yuanshi and Taishang to the teacher's location.

"Well, it's not too late, we'll meet at the entrance of the plane passage." Taishang said firmly.

"Well, I'll be one step ahead of you." Tong Tian replied.

Immediately, Tongtian, who was originally in "retreat" in Zizhi Cliff, moved away in an instant, and the next second he appeared above a thick cloud.

This is the highest point in the world. The drastic Heavenly Dao rules restrict all living beings except saints from arriving here. And here is the place where Hongjun constructed the passage of the eternal plane.

In the distance, on the pale dome, there was another huge hole with a golden glow, but with the eyesight of the sky, it was impossible to see through it, only a golden haze could be seen. And that is the plane passage. Walking in is an altar, and it is also where his teacher, Hong Jun, usually stays.

"I hope my inference is correct. He is not in the passage now, or he cannot detect anything outside the passage." Tong Tianyao looked at the plane passage in the distance and muttered in his heart.

Not long after, two figures appeared on the underside of the clouds. The mana on each of them fluctuated strongly, and they also seemed to be on strict guard.

"Oh? You guys look very nervous. Did the last sparring hurt you too much? So you're scared?" Tong Tian said sarcastically with an expressionless face. No one noticed that his fingers moved slightly, and a subtle mana with a strong cover flashed past his fingertips with a little spatial fluctuation.

"Hmph, Tongtian, since you are waiting for us here? But you have something to say?" Yuan Shi stood still and asked rudely. Based on his understanding of Tongtian, if it is not necessary, it is impossible to wait for which one. Now this scene must have something to say. But Yuan Shi was not worried at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because there was a dangerous passage next to it, Tongtian would never dare to mess around.

"Yes, there are some things I want to finish with you first."

Taishang frowned, he instinctively felt that a huge crisis was approaching him. But he, like Yuan Shi, glanced at the plane passage next to him, and felt that he had enough confidence to deal with all the drastic changes in the sky. He asked, "What do you want to say?"

"I remember that I actually knew you before I was forced to worship Hongjun. You have been unable to compete with me in terms of strength since then. But I have never been hostile to you, even if the competition for resources is always Don't intervene, let the disciples fight by themselves, and I just provide them with enough strength. But even so, your dirty mind has never changed. This has always made me feel very disgusted, and I used to hate talking to you. The reason, you don't deserve it."

Yuan Shi was stunned for a moment, then became furious. He pointed at Tongtian and was about to scold him, but before he could say anything, he was stunned by Tongtian's next move.

I saw that the killing intent on Tongtian began to disperse, and it was thick enough to make the world change color. Whether it was Yuanshi or Taishang for so many years, it was the first time that Tongtian had such a strong killing intent. The most terrifying thing is that they clearly feel that these killing intents are coming right at them!

"Tongtian you..."

"Everything is a cloud of smoke, but before the end, the grievances that should be settled must be settled! Therefore, this place is your burial place!" Tongtian said, with a wave of his finger, those previous small actions were exactly what he covered up this time. The foreshadowing of the means, and a one-foot-tall golden statue is now floating in front of him...

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