Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1042: hide

Tongtian smashed his two brothers with the golden ruling, and the violent rule explosion did destroy the plane channel erected by Hongjun, but this force was completely unable to drag the entire plane into the collapsed void. Besides, Tiandao and Xue Wusuan would not allow such a thing to happen.

Investigating its root cause, the plane collapsed into the void, which is actually an illusion. A play that even Hongjun couldn't see through. It was just because Xue Wusuan wanted to "hide" the Conferred God Plane, so that Hongjun would not continue to covet it afterwards.

Xue Wusuan learned from the Lord God that this trick could deceive Hongjun. That mysterious existence relies on this trick to hide the planes he rules one by one, seemingly hidden in the void, but in fact it is not.

This method is a bit like opening an empty window in the void, letting the plane sink in, and then opening the void elsewhere to get the plane out.

It sounds like this method is very strange and powerful, and the actual effect is also very good. Otherwise, how does the Lord God hide the powerhouses in these thousands of planes and secretly play his own game?

But it is not easy to use this method. The main **** has its own abilities, but the general principle is still told to Xue Wusuan, and it also allows Xue Wusuan to use his own methods to achieve results.

It is difficult to say, but it is not too difficult to operate. Of course, there is a premise here, that is, the complete control of the plane can only be operational. There is also system help. Let the system close and stabilize the plane first, so that the plane will not be torn apart by the tearing force in the void. Then it is to use the power of recovery of the Wudao Underworld to let the Wudao Underworld pull the Conferred God Plane and move towards the plane that the Wudao Underworld has already ruled.

This kind of traction force from the ruthless underworld has fixed coordinates and will not be disturbed by the chaos of the void. What I have to say is a kind of interconnectedness that crosses space barriers. This is what Xue Wusuan has been slowly exploring for so long. After synthesizing some small details and tips given to him by the Lord God, he completed this small means of satisfying Hongjun and hiding the Conferred God Plane.

Xue Wusuan felt that the cost of the mere soul points was a good deal compared to hiding Hongjun's sense of accomplishment. And the resources and loot of the gods plane can be quite a lot. And this is the place where Hongjun has worked hard for countless years, which is very helpful for understanding Hongjun. This is also the most important point for Xue Wusuan, otherwise he would not take such a big risk.

The plane was completely plunged into the void, and Tiandao reported that Hongjun could no longer feel Hongjun's attack on the plane barrier, so Xue Wusuan was completely relieved. Then he began to guide the Conferred God Plane to slowly move towards a coordinate he had preset.

"Conscientiously collect all the exercises, miscellaneous notes, and secret scrolls of Ren Chanliangjiao, as long as they are useful, they are not allowed to let one go, understand?"

A piece of information was sent to the minds of Wang Tianyun, who was in charge of the Yin Bing, and all the blood ghosts. In addition to the vulgar and the interception, Xue Wusuan was ready to immediately start to demonize the plane of conferred gods. Of course, interception still has to play an important role here. But this matter does not need Xue Wusuan to come forward in person.

Not long after, a smaller vampire hurried to the gate of the underworld with a gold and red box in his mouth. The box was placed at Xue Wusuan's feet, his head was crawling, and it looked like he was here to offer a treasure.

"What is this?" Xue Wusuan patted the blood-blooded ghost in front of him, and he could see that this little thing was eating well today. Did you know that you picked up something for him?

Out of curiosity, he picked up the box brought by the vampire, and was slightly stunned. Xue Wusuan felt that there was a strong atmosphere of rules in this box, and he was sure that it was not the rules of Heaven, let alone his Wudao rules. what exactly is it?

Opened the box, and inside was a golden-red scroll.

"Huh? This thing seems to be..."

Conferred God List!

The blood ghost that Xue Wusuan brought to Xue Wusuan was actually the Fengshen Bang. This surprised Xue Wusuan. He always thought that this list of gods was in Hongjun's hands, but he never thought that he would find it.

As far as Xue Wusuan is concerned, he feels that the most interesting and magical thing in the entire Conferred God Plane is this Conferred God List. This thing is far from being as simple as it looks, there are so many things in it, it's too scary.

Think about it, this God Ranking can let a certain person on the list at will, and seal the upper limit of his cultivation base, how strong is this method and function? Even the target of control includes the monks in the realm of Luo Tian Daxian.

If it is said that the upper limit of the coercion cultivation base is powerful, then this way of making the list can be regarded as terrifying. To be on the list, you have to die before you can be on the list. Whether it is physical death or death of the soul, this is not a problem. As long as it is within the coverage of this list of gods, it can give you "resurrection", and then Everything changed back fine. This is exactly the same as what Xue Wusuan heard on earth before: Xin **** is full of blood and full of demons and resurrected in situ.

To be honest, Xue Wusuan has not yet figured out how this "resurrection" was achieved.

Expanding this list of gods, there are already a lot of soul aura fluctuations on it, and it seems to be reaching the limit of loading, which means that this list of gods is about to be completed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The battle of gods will not be affected even without Xue Wusuan's intervention. It's time to end, but the current ending is the reverse of the original ending.

Look, Xue Wusuan quickly found a way to check this list of gods. It was nothing more than using the vitality of heaven and earth to follow some ingenious methods, which was not difficult for him.

"This person should be Zhao Gongming." Soon, Xue Wusuan discovered a rather powerful soul fluctuation in the Conferred God Ranking, and recognized that this person was probably Zhao Gongming who died under the book of Seven Arrows. .

Xue Wusuan has some understanding of Lu Ya's Nail-headed Seven Arrows book. That thing is designed to break people's souls. It is very vicious.

In other words, Zhao Gongming's soul was destroyed at that time. In Xue Wusuan's view, this kind of death is a complete death. But now this list of gods can revive people who have died so thoroughly, and it is still the kind of "living" that restores all injuries and all cultivation bases. .

Is there such a good thing in the world?

Xue Wu didn't believe it.

"Go ahead, take the rest of the food with you, you will have to go home soon." Xue Wusuan retracted his thoughts, patted the head of the **** ghost in front of him, and laughed.

The movement in the void is not the movement of "distance", but the behavior between coordinates and "breaking the void". Therefore, when the time in the Conferred God Plane is less than a stick of incense, the Conferred God Level The face escaped from the void, and this time, Hongjun didn't want to find it again. Because Xue Wusuan directly moved the Conferred God Plane to the place under the cover of the Lord God.

: . :

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