Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1044: Achievement of Luo Tian Daxian

? Xue Wusuan's rules of the Dao of Heaven are of no use, because now the cognition he has mastered has begun to diverge more and more from the rules of the Dao of Heaven, and it is useless to come.

But the road is different. That is above the heaven, and it may be the highest rule of all existences in the thousands of planes. Even if you become a demon, you need to learn from and understand, or even use it directly to understand.

A list of conferred gods allowed Xue Wusuan to see a little bit of Dao's shadow, and also saw a reflection of Hongjun's "power". But the most important thing is to let him get a refreshing point of view from this magic weapon, or "knowledge".

"The cycle of life and death is actually not irreversible and broken. All the nodes related to life and death are classified into categories, and the rules of the Great Way can reverse life and death and achieve limited resurrection from death."

This Mingwu still has follow-up thinking, and Xue Wusuan will continue to study it, but the current understanding has broken his previous view of "life and death". The update of cognition supplemented the little "opportunity" of his existence.

"The update of cognition has far exceeded the limit of cognition that Jinxian should have. Now it's time for my cultivation base to break through." Xue Wusuan got up, opened his arms, and began to swallow the magic energy in the underworld. , and directly connected with all the planes that he is currently ruling, and the "holes" with the thickness of buckets appeared densely around him, and began to frantically spit out the vitality of the world and the magic of the plane.

The speed of this devouring energy image far exceeds that of any individual in the world. Even Hongjun and Xue Wusuan dare to assert that it is absolutely not so fast.

This time is different from any previous breakthrough, and the energy required is beyond Xue Wusuan's expectations. Another difference is that the six kills that Xue Wusuan put in the space bag actually broke the barrier of the space bag by himself. various energies around.

"It's interesting, a magic weapon actually has self-consciousness, knows what you need, and knows that now is a good time. Yes, eat it, let me see how you can change." Xue Wusuan was in a good mood. , while allowing energy to enter his body and soul, he did not limit the absorption of the Six Paths of Killing. It's just energy, it's too rich for him.

Xue Wusuan didn't know how long it had passed when he absorbed the energy, anyway, the ten Yin eclipse seasons in the entire Wudao Underworld were spent in the situation of the Demon Yuan riot. The ghost people looked at the terrifying energy vortex above Yan Luo Temple from a distance, and felt the brilliance that spread out for several miles. All of them secretly guessed in their hearts: How powerful will Yan Jun be after this breakthrough?

After all external appearances are dissipated and restored. Xue Wusuan put away the posture of whale swallowing, closed his eyes, and felt the surging power in his body.

"Today I finally entered the realm of Luotian Immortal."

For Xue Wusuan, the improvement of a big realm is actually a skyrocketing comprehensive strength. Because he also has the unique and powerful means of a substitute, as well as the ability to absorb anger and flesh and blood energy carried by the substitute. All of this is the most part of Xue Wusuan's entire strength.

There are many things. After the deity is upgraded, the strength of the substitute is enhanced. Xue Wusuan has millions of stand-ins, which requires a lot of effort. But before that, what he did was to take out the six killing plates that had been retracted into the space bag, and wanted to see what happened to the special magic weapon formed by this coincidence after absorbing so much energy.

"Huh! The rules are actually condensed? It has already begun to manifest!"

Divine Sense penetrated into the six-path killing plate, and Xue Wusuan found that in the limited but infinite magical space at the core of the killing plate, the "seed" condensed from the six original world stones also seemed to be nourished, and began to New changes occur.

Originally, the space inside was where Xue Wusuan's Wudao was the only rule. I don't know if it's the only one for thousands of planes. Anyway, Xue Wusuan really wanted to see this growth. But he didn't expect that after absorbing a huge amount of magic energy and heaven and earth energy, some kind of automatic manifestation of rules that he had never seen before actually started here.

It's like a machine. Although it is simple, it has all the parts it should have. What it lacks is the energy to drive the machine. Now that the energy enters, it moves on its own. Manifest the rules and become alive.

In the past, only the "seeds" were suspended in the core space of the Six Paths Killing Plate. Now, objects smaller than the "seeds" began to appear around the "seeds". The law itself moves slowly and rotates regularly, and it all revolves around the "seed".

"I don't know what these changes are and what they will form in the end." Xue Wusuan couldn't understand, but he looked forward to the continuation of the changes. So when his mind moved, a small space connection appeared around the six-path killing plate, and he controlled the transmission of heaven and earth vitality and magic energy to the six-direction killing plate.

After mentally relaxing, Xue Wusuan didn't want to stay in the Wudao Underworld anymore. He needs to rest now. Leaving a stand-in in charge, the deity entered the original world in a flash.

It was still the not-so-luxurious home, there was no one in it, and Zhou Huiru was still in the company.

Xue Wusuan didn't look for it, but leaned on the sofa and turned on the TV to pass the time. He hasn't watched TV for a long time, and he doesn't know how the current program has changed from what he remembered~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The ever-changing original world is walking in a mode of thirty-six times acceleration. It would have taken hundreds The road that takes years to take, everything is changing in a fleeting moment. Not only life, but also values ​​and knowledge points, as well as the aesthetics of entertainment are undergoing great changes.

In the past, as soon as the TV was turned on, there were all kinds of advertisements, or all kinds of soap operas or Niche occupied the screen. TV shows were really a tool to pass the boring time, not even entertainment.

But now, Xue Wusuan has changed more than a dozen channels in a row, and they are all educational programs. It is full of senior intellectuals at the level of expert professors or advanced pacesetters in various industries, sitting in classrooms or workshops, and teaching all kinds of knowledge face-to-face. It includes: new laws and regulations, new tax rules, new social security regulations, the manipulation of new machinery, and the analysis of new livelihoods for industry personnel replaced by machinery...

All in all, it's a program that faces the needs of life.

Looking further down, Xue Wusuan found that there are still many science and education programs, and even some of the offensive and defensive theories and strategic significance and functions of the "rail gun" are included. There is also an overview and analysis of the interstellar immigration program, and even a list of possible conditions for immigration. Of course, there are also popular programs called "Interstellar".

In the end, Xue Wusuan put down the remote control pad and watched a program about the exploration of the "starry sky" that was playing on the TV with his eyes quite focused. He just watched the first episode, and he didn't know if it was a replay. It is a pure theory of the birth and evolution of the universe. But for Xue Wusuan, it was like a heavy blow on his head, making him instantly aware of a possibility that he almost ignored...

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