Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1051: 1 post

The cow was still dead, and was neatly killed by Lao Zhang's bull-killing knife. But what no one knows is that the life course of this cow did not enter into reincarnation because of this death, but was collected by Xue Wusuan.

There is still a lack of a place in the Wudao Underworld, and I haven't found a suitable one. I thought I had to wait slowly, but I didn't expect that when I came back to the original world, I was met by Xue Wusuan.

This steak is very good, it can be called a xenogeneic. There are actually some extremely weak and powerful bloodlines hidden in the body. Perhaps this cow's ancestors who do not know how many generations are really a strange beast. After all, according to Haotian, before the calamity of heaven and earth came, the creatures on earth were much stronger than they are now.

Look at this huge soul, if it is released, it can have 12 or 3 times the soul of a normal human being. It is a miracle that this kind of creature can appear on the earth where the energy of heaven and earth is depleted.

A very comfortable meal. Just as Zhou Huiru described it, this small restaurant looks ugly, but the food tastes really good, at least Xue Wusuan's picky is acceptable. Before leaving, a thick stack of banknotes arrived in the shopkeeper's hands, too frightened to ask for them, and in the end was stared at by Xue Wusuan's eyes so terribly that they did not dare to withdraw. You dare to refuse what Yama gave you?

After eating, Xue Wusuan took Zhou Huiru back. On the way, I received a call from Jian Chen on Zhou Huiru's mobile phone. On the phone, Jian Chen asked for credit to spread the two subordinates' third-rate exercises from different channels, and ensured that it absolutely met Xue Wusuan's requirements. Now we are waiting for the relevant domestic institutions to come to our door.

It didn't take long, less than three days, and the people in the country were in a frenzy.

I don't know why, the world is changing too fast, and people who are a little older can't turn their heads at all. When did the truth two or three years ago become completely unreasonable now?

You can talk about the business of making money in the past. There are so many things that have been said and said, but now the atmosphere has suddenly changed, and many industries in the past have all died out. I used to think that the most powerful weapon was the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb. Now there is a railgun, who are you going to reason with? No matter how powerful your atomic bomb is, what's the use of only blowing it up in your own home? Even if you want to blow up and play in your own home, you have to look at other people's faces.

Also, you said that you have done a good job for a lifetime, but within half a year, all of them were laid off and unemployed. Why did this robot suddenly come and force the living people to do the work?

Also, there is another big news recently, and the major websites have fallen out. As long as people who have access to the Internet do not know? They all craned their necks and waited to see the excitement.

It is said that there is a woman in her 60s who is also suffering from a disease. The lower part of her body is paralyzed, and she has been lying in bed for several years. Fortunately, he has a good husband, who takes care of her without leaving, without any complaints. Although this luck is a bit miserable, it is not terrible, and it is not impossible to live after getting used to it. Just a lot more troublesome than normal.

Zhentian was lying on the bed, unable to move, and her husband couldn't watch over her all the time. She always had to work to make money, so the only ways for her to pass the time at home were watching TV, teasing the dog, and surfing the Internet.

And the most free and most fun is the Internet. For a person who cannot go out, or it is extremely inconvenient to go out, the Internet is undoubtedly a pair of free-flying wings for her eyes.

Three afternoons ago, the paralyzed woman saw a post on the Internet with an interesting name, and she clicked on it. It turned out that it was a post by an ID named Longhu Academy. The word "Dragon Tiger Academy" is not known to everyone in China, even abroad. There is the base camp of the monks known to all mankind, and the people inside are all rushing to "become immortals", and mortals can only look up.

"It's bold enough to go by this name." The woman thought as she prepared to close the post posted by this seemingly brain-dead ID. The names are so stupid, even if you don't read the content. But when she was about to close it, she saw that there were nearly 10,000 replies to this post.

What's going on here?

The woman restrained herself and began to read this post, but the more she looked, the more she frowned. It was actually this guy called the Dragon Tiger Academy who was publishing a practice method!

What is Gongfa? That is the foundation of the Dragon Tiger Academy, and it is the path of cultivation. How could it be published on the Internet for others to watch? Besides, I heard that Dragon Tiger Academy is extremely demanding in accepting apprentices, and it is not too much to pick one in a hundred thousand miles.

This is a fool who came out to show the lower limit of his IQ. This is the first thought of women. Also share an attitude with the replies below this post.

But after reading only three or four lines, the paralyzed woman was a little puzzled.

There are many uncommon words and phrases in this exercise, which are very difficult to read, and in many places, ordinary people simply do not understand what they mean. But if you study ancient texts and human meridians, you will find that these words are not so simple, and this paralyzed woman happened to be a teacher who taught ancient sciences in the university. Although she only read a few lines of words , I already felt the mysterious meaning of this post.

"Could this be true? Is it possible?"

Driven by curiosity, she carefully read it back and forth more than ten times. After she was finally familiar with her heart, she subconsciously began to "meditate" according to the content of this post, saying that she needed to first sense whether she had practiced or not. 's physique.

The results were pleasantly surprised. The paralyzed woman found that a force in her body seemed to be awakened, which shocked and delighted her and confirmed that the things on this post were really not fooling anyone.

The next three days ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ did not make much progress in the continuous practice, but the reflection made the woman burst into tears with excitement while hugging her husband. Her lower body actually felt again, and it was hot and sometimes a little tingling. This is great news for a man who has been unconscious in his lower body for several years.

To feel it means that it is possible to heal!

It was reported by the woman, who told her own situation, and also provided a professional explanation video for those who remained skeptical to help people understand the ancient terms in this post and what it meant.

For a while, many curious people joined the ranks of this curiosity, and some people criticized this woman as a liar, because they did not feel the slightest abnormality, nor the so-called "hot" feeling. However, a small number of people stood up to express their support for this woman, and at the same time put forward their own views: Although this practice method is mysterious, it is still a practice method! For those who do not have the aptitude for cultivation, forget about it.

Regardless of suspicion or support, the online scolding battle soon erupted, and more and more supporters appeared. At noon on the fourth day, the person with the ID of Longhu Academy posted another post, and threw out a lot of ancient texts, saying that this time it was a practice method, and the person who could learn the previous article Can practice...

Now, what's the difference between adding fuel to the fire?

(End of this chapter)

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