Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1057: test

"Sir Report, this is the evaluation report for this issue."

This is Rong Ziju's office. When he is not out of the field, he usually cultivates here or detects the information gathered from various parties. Under normal circumstances, he would not be disturbed by dead souls when he was working. This is his habit, unless there is a particularly important accident that he has explained in advance.

"bring here."

Rong Ziju put down the material in his hand, stretched out his hand to take the slate handed over by his subordinate, and quickly looked at it, his brows furrowed. The above content seems to make Rong Ziju a little surprised.

"Are they still in the delineated plane?" Rong Ziju asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, my lord. That's because the spy still stays in the bounded plane and never leaves one step."

Rong Ziju got up from the chair, took two steps back and forth, then waved to his subordinates to go out, and pondered for a long time by himself.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple. According to the time in that direction, it has only been less than ten years, and such a short period of time has brought about such obvious changes. The "Blood Refinement Art" really makes people love and love it. Scared!"

Rong Ziju received Xue Wusuan's order at the beginning, and after returning, he personally selected ten secret agents with good cultivation talents, and let them use tools to absorb a lot of blood and evil spirits from hell, and then left the Wudao Underworld to Wudao. In the plane under the rule of the Taoist government, they found a wild place to practice their own cultivation.

Now that ten years have passed, the cultivation of these ten secret agents has exploded. Some of the spy agents who are similar in talent to them, but have not practiced the "Blood Refinement Technique" are now almost doubled by these ten!

Just ten years! The cultivation base has already surpassed the previous companions of the same realm twice! What is this concept? It can be said that it is simply powerful.

But behind the powerful functions of "Blood Refinement" is the deep resentment that made Rong Ziju frown.

There are only eight of these ten secret agents who were temporarily circled to practice with peace of mind. Destroyed one. It was not the enemy who did it, but the result of their own killing each other.

Tyranny! Even the slightest thing is a big fight, and even the ties between the companions are ignored. Thinking about it makes people feel chills down their spines. This is the first time that Rong Ziju knows that since the establishment of the Wudao Underworld, there is an example where the souls of the dead openly kill each other to death.

Rong Ziju was also a little fortunate that he was cautious. Few souls know about this, they can be counted on one hand. All he knew were his confidants, and he was not worried about leaking information. Second, he gave a death order, and the ten spies were not ordered to leave the enclosure. So far, they show no signs of daring to disobey the order.

"It's time to go and see."

After thinking about it, Rong Ziju took out a magic weapon and opened a passage under the magician to let him enter the place surrounded by ten, oh, not nine spies.

This is a real barren land, not to mention living creatures within a radius of thousands of miles, there is not even a little bit of green and water, desert.

This aspect was just hit. It belongs to the plane of medium civilization, and it is a plane of technology. There are no monks, but the level of technology is very high, which has greatly surpassed the Resident Evil World and the Alien World, which were once regarded as the source of technology power for the unscrupulous underworld. What star destroyer, what black hole bombs and the like are still very powerful.

I heard that the White Tiger Fang general Wang Tianyun encountered a lot of trouble when he attacked this plane.

This planet is at the edge of the universe on this plane, and this plane is a plane with many planets in the universe. There are very few indigenous people on this planet, and there are deserts everywhere. The place chosen by Rong Ziju as a secret mission.

Following his breath, Rong Ziju quickly found a place. A small temporary village built with mana in the desert. There are only nine houses here now, from ten before.

As soon as Rong Ziju arrived, the spies inside realized that their current cultivation was not comparable to those of the elites in the Iron Guard.

"My subordinates, see the Master in charge!"

The nine spies lined up and knelt in front of Rong Ziju to pay homage in unison.

The rules in the Iron Guard are very big, even bigger than the rules in the Yin Soldiers array. This is not what Rong Ziju is doing, but it must be so. As a strict espionage and picket agency, every soul of the Iron Guard must meticulously complete any task, even if it is to die. Therefore, this requires a law that is as severe as yin iron.

And Rong Ziju came here to enforce the laws and at the same time check to what extent the "Blood Refinement" can corrupt the elites of these Iron Guards, and whether they have already made them ignore the laws of the Iron Guards or even resist the law.

"Hao died before. He was the first Iron Guard killed by his own people. Don't you think you should give me an explanation?" Rong Ziju asked even though he knew all the cutting-edge consequences and all the details. The temptation has already begun from this moment.

The nine spies were silent.

"Don't talk? Now you think of protecting your comrades? What do you think of the annihilated "Hao"?" Rong Ziju's voice was as cold as Jiuyou, and this voice made the nine spies kneeling on the ground chill to the bones Involuntarily, the "cold-blooded" notoriety of the Iron Guard in charge of the Iron Guard emerged involuntarily. At the same time, I knew that this time I could not escape the relationship.

At this time, these spies had changed from kneeling on one knee to kneeling on both knees, and their heads were all on the ground.

As soon as Rong Ziju finished speaking, a secret agent on the far left said in a trembling voice: "My subordinate "Yong" should be damned. He made a big mistake on the spur of the moment, and he dared not live. Please ask the mentally handicapped adults to punish him."

"My subordinate "Hui" made a big mistake, ask the mentally handicapped adults to punish!"

The two spies opened their mouths~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the rest of their heads were about to burrow into the ground.

And this result made Rong Ziju very satisfied. According to the information he received, it was these two "Hidden" and "Yong" who jointly attacked and killed the unfortunate "Hao" in one fell swoop. To be able to lead two dead souls with a high cultivation base to take the initiative to die just by words, this shows that the side effects of "Blood Refinement Art" have not yet reached the point where they can compete with the iron law of the iron guard.

"The second rule of the Iron Guard is the prohibition of cannibalism. Do you know that the crime you have committed is to be tortured like the end of **** in the 100,000 yin food season, and after you get out of prison, you will be burned in the flames of nine ghosts. Burn to extinction. Aren't you afraid?"

"..." Apart from trembling or trembling, how could you not be afraid of such punishment? And I heard that there are eighteen floors in **** now, the last floor? ! Can't even imagine how painful it was. But even if they were scared to death, the two still did not beg for mercy or resist. The tyranny of their hearts was hitting their psyche, but it wasn't strong enough.

"It doesn't matter. The Iron Guard is ruthless. You already knew it when you joined. If I made a mistake, I would be punished in hell, not to mention your unforgivable mistakes? Hand over the token." Rong Ziju finished without any pity. . The Iron Guard doesn't need pity, even sympathy is wrong.

The two spies turned ashen, and they handed over the spies tokens, which were then taken in by a bell instrument that Rong Ziju held in his hand. This magic weapon was personally refined by Xue Wusuan and handed over to Rong Ziju for the scene. With it there, even Sikong Xuanlai would have nothing to do with him.

"As for you, continue to practice here and remember what I explained to you before. Who dares to perfunctory and commit their sins, can you understand?"

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