Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1066: you help me choose

? Zhou Huiru's words by his side made Xue Wusuan unexpectedly have an epiphany that he had completely ignored before. It's like a person standing under a street lamp and looking around in the darkness. He always feels that there is no light around him, but he forgets that there is a lamp shining on his head and the light is dark. ?

For Xue Wusuan, what is the lamp on his head? In fact, it has always been there, and it is the "system" that I rely on most now. Without the system, there would be no unworldly underworld, nor would there be the Yama body that he now relies on to survive, nor would there be a system of unethical cultivation, and there would not be a good situation in which he dominates hundreds of planes today.

Because from the very beginning, Xue Wusuan had a strong suspicion or even vigilance about the system, so after he got the basic support of the system, he tried his best not to get other help provided by the system in the subsequent development. For example, Xue Wusuan showed some treasures and cultivation techniques that Xue Wusuan could exchange with Soul Points through the store situation.

In this way, Xue Wusuan always feels that most of the achievements he has obtained now are due to his own efforts, but he ignores that the existence of the system itself is the greatest support for him. This was actually forgotten by Xue Wusuan for a while.

Is it the instinct to forget it or is it distracted by the disturbing things in front of you? Xue Wusuan couldn't explain it himself, but now he was awakened by Zhou Huiru's unintentional words.

"Yeah, no matter the original world or all other planes, or even the underworld itself, it was me who caused the changes, and the problems I encountered were also triggered by my actions. And in the final analysis, It is inseparable from the system.

Just imagine if I had been hit by a car like that back then, instead of becoming this arrogant rambunctious Yama, but had fallen into reincarnation in the underworld at the beginning of the original world, would what happened in front of me still happen? Even if there are such existences as the barren clan and barren ancients, what about them? Does it have anything to do with me? "

This idea gradually became clearer in Xiuwei's mind. He hadn't really thought about this before.

Without encountering the system, he, Xue Wusuan, had already entered the underworld of the original world. As for directly reincarnating or going to **** to suffer, it is possible. There will be no such troubles as now.

Everything is brought about by himself and the system.

After thinking of these things, another new question began to breed uncontrollably in Xue Wusuan's heart: Could it be that all of this, including the "trouble" and "decision" I thought it was, actually had a foothold. of? All within some kind of prediction?

It is ridiculous to guess the thoughts of a **** with the eyes of an ant. Xue Wusuan is now a **** in the eyes of countless souls, but he still can't figure out the structure of the system. That is to say, in the eyes of some higher beings, his "god" may be just an ant, at most a stronger ant.

So, to guess the things of the gods with the thinking of ants, has Xue Wu been doing this all the time?

This thought was a little terrifying, and Xue Wusuan's vest broke into a cold sweat.

Yes, since I can manipulate any creature on the plane I rule without a trace, and make them develop in the direction I want, but I won't obviously intervene, as long as he wants to, he can do it.

Then how does Xue Wusuan know that he is not a mortal who can be manipulated by himself, but also manipulated by other beings? In this way, can a new idea solve the current predicament? Follow that "manipulation"?

"If it is as I guessed, everything will be really simple."

The depression in his heart subsided, Xue Wusuan was finally able to relax and bask in the sun on the beach with Zhou Huiru. It's not that he has a big heart. He has found an interesting place now. Waiting to try it, maybe he can really find some places that seem to be the rules of the system.

Zhou Huiru, who felt fast, also found that her man sat on the edge of the beach for two days in a daze, and then it seemed to change at once, back to the light-hearted look before. Did your guidance work? maybe.

This time off is a relatively satisfactory time for Zhou Huiru, three months. For three months, Xue Wushou did nothing, and took Zhou Huiru around the world. Beaches, deserts, snow-capped mountains and even the bottom of the sea are all their footprints. I haven't even returned home once in the past three months.

It was not until after the May Day that Xue Wusuan brought Zhou Huiru's reluctance and promised that the next time he would come back would not exceed half a year. Of course, the only thing that makes Zhou Huiru regret is that Xue Wusuan still didn't give her a response about the "child" this time. Don't know how long to wait.

On the other hand, Xue Wusuan's mood has completely calmed down from the previous irritability.

The first thing Xue Wusuan did when he came back was to call up the system.

"Help me select a plane that is most suitable for the development of Wudao Underworld, I'm too lazy to pick it again." Xue Wusuan was a little helpless, as if he was really impatient to pick.

The system has the function of self-selecting. This has been there from the beginning. Several planes before Xue Wusuan were selected by the system.

Follow your heart and don't be impatient. In the end, it's not him who should be impatient, and it shouldn't be him.

For Xue Wusuan, the Wudao Underworld was a force that he was forced to participate in~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was also someone else's plan. To put it more bluntly, it was a chess piece.

Before, Xue Wusuan had not set his own position, but now Xue Wusuan understood: resistance is only possible by accumulating strength, and the current strength does not seem to be enough. Then hide yourself first, don't think about everything by yourself.

This is also no way. It was also a test by Xue Wusuan to see if he was thinking right.

"Di! The calculation is complete, there are three planes that match the host's current situation..."

The three planes are all planes that Xue Wusuan hadn't analyzed in the previous screening. Not only that, but Xue Wusuan had never heard of these planes before.

The previous planes are basically from the parallel planes in the original world, and he can always know some of the information in these planes in advance. For example, in the previous Westward Journey to the plane of subduing demons and subduing demons, he knew the westbound team and what would happen to the westbound team, so he could make layout and planning calmly. Now these three planes are not such parallel planes, so in this plane, Xue Wusuan needs everything to start from zero cognition. The risks here are greater than before.

The good news is that the "dangerous level" of the planes selected by the system will not exceed tenth level, and there will be no danger that Xue Wusuan cannot compete with. Of course, the smaller the risk, the smaller the gain. Just like the hundreds of planes that the Yin Soldiers attacked before, the high-level planes just add a few more powerful people to the Wudao Underworld, while the low-level and mid-level planes are just as powerful. It still needs to be cultivated.

"Just this plane, Dragon Reverse plane." Xue Wusuan carefully looked at the basic information of these three planes, and said after thinking for a while.

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