Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1069: Here comes the clue

"Are you surprised?"

In a cave, Xue Wusuan asked with a smile while looking at a dead soul floating in front of him with a cigarette in his arms.

This dead soul died when the natives were harvesting those giant beasts. There are also underworlds in this direction, but the underworld here seems to be blocked, even Xue Wusuan can't find the entrance for a while. So I detained a dead soul to ask questions.

"Who are you? Outsider!"

There is no anxiety after becoming a dead soul that Xue Wusuan is accustomed to seeing, nor the panic when he finds himself unable to move, nor the fear that he should have when facing a wicked Yama who is full of suffocation and has natural restraint on dead souls. . It's just such plain and indifferent words, and one sentence reveals the identity of Xue Wusuan as an "outsider".

"Oh? How do you know I'm an outsider?"

"Your appearance, as well as your aura, don't have the savage taste that the Dragon Reversal plane should have. And about you, the gods have warned you a long time ago, so you can see it at a glance."

Xue Wusuan took a breath and continued to laugh: "Since you have mentioned your gods, then tell me, have you seen your gods with your own eyes? What benefits did he give you to make you willing to sacrifice for those gods? Pin to die?"

As soon as Xue Wusuan's voice fell, the dead soul, which was originally very calm, suddenly became crazy and irritable. The fluctuation of the soul body was particularly violent, as if it wanted to pounce on Xue Wusuan and bite.

"What? Angry? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

This is obviously another mad believer who has been brainwashed. Xue Wusuan has also seen this in his own mad believers. So he knew exactly what this dead soul was thinking. He also knew how to use this anger to his own ends.

"You! You, an outsider who doesn't know anything, has no qualifications to criticize the great omniscient and almighty god! I curse you to die tragically and turn your corpse into ashes!"

Maybe this is the swear words that are not exaggerated in this aspect, or it is Xue Wusuan's words after understanding, it sounds like Xue Wusuan is not angry at all.

"I didn't want to die easily. When I was hit by a truck, I couldn't even recognize the body. Later, the body went into the crematorium. It is estimated that no one collected the body, and the ashes also went into the sewers? So I don't need you. Damn, that's how I died originally." Xue Wusuan laughed as he spoke.

"You, you..." It was estimated that he was so angry that the ghost couldn't even say a complete sentence.

"Don't be angry, I am indeed an outsider, but I am also a traveler. I am curious if the gods you mentioned really exist, because I have been to too many planes, you know, many monks with high cultivation. In the eyes of ordinary creatures, they are "Gods", and even some high-level monks deliberately create the illusion that they are "Gods".

You are so excited, then explain your **** to me. how? "

The soul of the dead seemed to be quite quiet after hearing Xue Wusuan's words. Because "the ignorant have the right to understand the greatness of the gods, and also have the right to enjoy the glory from the gods." No matter which plane of mad believers agree with this statement.

To spread the glory of the gods.

After being silent for a while, the dead soul said, "Gods are great, and they will have mercy on your existence. But the gods have a word in advance, all outsiders are filthy and malicious, and you must be the same. Therefore, although God is merciful, You, but you are not unworthy to enjoy the glory of the gods." This was very sincere, and his eyes were full of pity when he looked at Xue Wusuan, as if he was looking at a poor bug with some contempt.

"Huh? It seems that you don't speak very well. Then I will ask in a different way." Xue Wusuan didn't mind, because he also got some information from the words of the dead soul: the "God" in this aspect is in Warn his followers that outsiders are "not a good thing" and may even have explicit "hostility". What does this mean? It means that the "god" in this aspect does not want the monks from the outside world to come in. Or do not want to be disturbed or worry.

Another point is that the ruler of this plane knows that there are outsiders and outer planes. In this way, his cultivation will become clear. At least it is also the late stage of the Almighty who can even reach the state of Consummation. No way, it is judged based on the risk factor given by the system.

After finishing speaking, Xue Wusuan's spiritual sense began to follow the texture of the soul of the dead and began to "inquire" in another way.

"Look at your soul first. Is the extra soul the same as those giant beasts?"

That's right, the soul of this dead soul is also one more soul from three souls and eight souls. I just don't know if it is also like those giant beasts, and the extra body also records the kind of trajectory that can be turned to instinct in practice.

Not long after, when the imprisoned dead soul was suffering from the pain of being split and torn apart, Xue Wusuan had followed the lines of the soul torn by him to find the extra soul of the dead soul.

In line with the principle of not destroying, Xue Wusuan even used means to stabilize the soul of the dead soul so as not to cause the soul to collapse because of too much pain.

"Really! And it's more delicate than the extra souls of those giant beasts before, and there is no negative coercion~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's no wonder that this guy's sanity is intact, and he has already reached his lifespan of only forty. The cultivation of the extreme human realm. It is very interesting to use this kind of method to use the cultivation as eating and sleeping. It is necessary to figure out how to do it. "

No matter whether you are seven souls or eight souls, as long as it does not affect the existence of the soul body itself, Xue Wusuan will not refuse anyone who comes, and getting it back can increase the strength of the Wudao Underworld.

"I didn't expect that people in this aboriginal area have a very firm mind." I thought that the severe soul pain for such a long time would make the dead soul lose the will to resist, and also make the life soul relax, which is convenient for Xue Wusuan Enter exploration. But I didn't expect that although the soul of life was loosened a little, the door was still not fully opened.

With a flip of the palm, Xue Wusuan sacrificed one side of the six-path roulette, and then used mana. This dead soul was sucked by the illusory "reincarnation power" of the six-path roulette, and then it seemed to be a real reincarnation, and the three souls and six souls began. Separation, life and soul also began to be immersed in the power of reincarnation, appearing psychedelic.

He smiled, as a ruthless Yama, how could it be impossible to take the soul of the dead all the time? If it wasn't for worrying about damaging the soul of life and not wanting to let go of any clues, Xue Wusuan didn't even need to use magic tools, he could just pump it directly.

As soon as Xue Wusuan's spiritual sense entered the memory of the soul of the dead soul, Xue Wusuan's mood was overjoyed. The most solid and most fragmented memory of this dead soul is his "God", and the name of this "God" is: Xu. And the reason why this dead soul can be convinced is that this "virtual" often shows miracles, and even shows up directly.

Therefore, this dead soul was the **** who had seen him before his death. And that appearance is very similar to the desolate clan that Xue Wusuan was after!

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