Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1092: From now on you are a nail

"Listen to this gentleman, you really don't need to keep a straight face. Wouldn't it be better for you to do things for me than to be exiled, be looked down upon by all the clansmen, and have no hope of returning home?

I have understood all your memories one by one. You were originally from a prominent family, and you are a descendant of a generation of patriarchs in the barren clan. For generations, it has occupied a place in the decision-making level of the barren clan. There are still many masters from your family to your generation. In addition to the clan uncle who helped you win the Dragon Reverse Plane, there are also five Chaos Realm powerhouses. And each holds a lot of power in their hands.

You had a good childhood. For more than 500 years, you can say that no one dared to touch a single hair of you while walking sideways in the ancient times. In the words of Benjun's hometown, you are a typical Yanei.

But the good times didn't last long. The patriarch of the Desolate Clan's generation mysteriously disappeared, and factional disputes began to appear in the clan. In order to preserve the foundation, your family could only choose the side that seemed to have the most potential and power at the time. Bet wrong. The family was almost destroyed. In the end, if it weren't for your family's accumulation of countless years, it is estimated that the only seedling in your family with good talent would not even have the opportunity to be exiled, right?

Of course, the chaotic powerhouses in your family also survived, such as the clan uncle who rescued you. Does he really appreciate him? You have quite a lot of resentment in your memory. After all, those in your family who survived to save their lives in the end have also lost most of your family's heritage, and even took the lives of many clansmen as votes. That includes your favorite distant cousin, right?

Even if you cultivated hard and accepted the help of your uncle, whom you regard as your enemy, you behaved very respectfully. What you are doing is that you want to be able to return to the clan one day to get back those things that once belonged to you, and at the same time ask those enemies to pay for their lives, isn't it?

This doesn't conflict with what I want you to do, right? You can also get more support and convenience for this, why not? Why so conflict? Or do you think that this kind of existence is not qualified to stand on your head? "

After the long words were finished, Xue Wusuan lit a cigarette, leaned back in the chair, and still smiled at the blue-faced "Xu" below. There is no way to refute these "false" things. The memories in the life soul can be turned into real ones without being slandered or tampered with, especially for high-level cultivators like "Xu". These are all true, and Xue Wusuan now knows him as well as "Xu" himself.

Silence for a long time.

"What do you want me to help you with? What else can you give me? What confidence do you have to say that you can help me? After reading my memory, don't tell me that you don't know the power of the Desolate Clan, you are Playing with fire to find death."

"Looking for death? No, no, you're saying the opposite. This gentleman is already dead. It was a certain **** who made this gentleman so that he can't go to heaven, can't go to hell, and he can't go back to life. Exist. I just wanted to ask that person if he wanted to die if he dared to tease me like this." Xue Wusuan's tone was flat, but he didn't mean to joke or ridicule at all, he really had this idea. Of course, there are other plans as well.

"As for your other questions, you will understand by yourself." As soon as Xue Wusuan's voice fell, he moved to the heights of Yanluo Palace with "empty", with a ghost above his head and an underworld under his feet. The eye-catching is the hundreds of reincarnation passages that merged from the void in all directions, as well as the huge six-way roulette.

"The place of life and death is here. No matter what creatures, weak or powerful, they will come here as long as they reach the life node of "death", and then start the journey of "life" again. These hundreds of planes are not for you The appearance of the farm that the dragon reverses the plane, but the vitality plane that is full of its own culture and creativity. The potential and the exchange of resources and the output and input, you may want to understand? Don't say anything else , what do you think is worth the burden of your own cultivation needs?"

Xue Wusuan doesn't talk big. Facts are facts. There is indeed no comparison between the Wudao Underworld and the Desolate Clan. One day at a time, that's not much to say. However, even if Wudao Difu couldn't compare to the barren tribe, it wouldn't even be able to provide the resources for a barren tribe to practice quickly. Don't say one, four or five are not impossible.


Facing what he saw in front of him, "Xu" was speechless for a while. Under the intentional guidance of Xue Wusuan, he could feel the huge number and variety of dead souls through the reincarnation passages. Even some of the breaths on these dead souls are very clear. Some of the dead souls are obviously cultivators who perished, while some are ordinary creatures.

After observing for a long time in the sky without saying a word, "Xu" exhaled a long breath. He was sure that there were so many dead souls, and there was no sudden increase in number, and it remained stable. This can only mean that Behind each of these reincarnation passages is a plane of smooth and free development, and everything seems to be the same as what this Wudao Yama said.

However, "Xu" is also asking himself over and over again, is he really just following the words of this immoral Yama to help him investigate the matter of the desolate clan? Now it is clear that this person who has no sympathy for the barren tribe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even maintains a very disgusting or even hostile attitude towards a certain barren tribe who created the unethical underworld.

But "Xu" is thinking and weighing, but Xue Wusuan's patience is lacking as always, especially when he has completely controlled the situation. To be able to tell so much about "virtual", and to make it clear the realm of the underworld today, is enough to save face. Isn't it all about the face of the two words desolate tribe and the next plan? But there are limits.

The long wait made the smile on Xue Wusuan's face colder. He opened his mouth and said leisurely: "Cautiousness is right, but first of all, put yourself in the right position. Otherwise, it is not called prudence, but stupidity."

As soon as the words fell, Xue Wusuan's "Xu" felt that his three souls and seven souls began to fluctuate in chaos, and unstoppably began to develop in the worst direction, and it reached the point of collapse very quickly. edge. The most terrifying thing is that even if the soul is about to collapse, he does not feel any injury to his soul, as if it has naturally evolved into this, a mutation from the inside out.

"You!" By now, "Xu" finally knew what the other party was controlling. is his life. He feels that the soul that has not changed has actually been manipulated. Just a thought, this ruthless Yama will kill him.

Without waiting for "Xu" to continue speaking, Xue Wusuan said with certainty: "From now on, you are a nail. I need you to go back to the barren clan."


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