Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1094: repeat

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The Wang family's three sticks are guessing, and Bao Zheng is also guessing. The results and actual situation of the guesses are quite reliable. At present, Xue Wusuan is indeed making this preparation for a big enemy.

The second plane that was previously circled by the system was called "Clear Water". There is no concept of the universe in this aspect, it is just a huge world, and the area of ​​water has reached more than 90%. A veritable water polo. In accordance with this kind of ground situation, most of the creatures here live in water, and a few can be amphibious.

These creatures that rely on water to survive are collectively referred to as "aquariums". Among the aquariums, there are tens of thousands of different species, some of which are very intelligent, some of which are not. There are strict rules governing it. The relationship of the food chain is different from the one that can be destroyed in the original world. Here it is forcibly prohibited, otherwise it will be "God's punishment".

The so-called Heavenly Punishment is not descended from Heaven, but the rules set by the strong who rule this plane. Whoever dares to destroy it will die. At least the creatures in this aspect face this kind of harshness.

But the advantage of being harsh is that in this way, no one dares to destroy the ecology of this face for selfish desires, let alone interfere with the living habits and meaning of existence of other creatures.

In terms of cultivation, the cultivation of monks in this direction is generally not high, and the highest is also the cultivation of extreme realm. Most creatures are not even monks.

In addition to these, this "clear water" plane also has something that Xue Wusuan is extremely interested in, a naturally occurring pearl-like rare treasure. The purpose is not to increase the cultivation base or to strengthen the body and soul, but to increase the possibility of cognition during practice.

Cognition is derived from understanding and experience. As long as any living being does not die, it will experience many things all the time, good and bad. These experiences summed up the understanding of this is also difficult. Ordinary things are naturally easy to summarize. For example, ordinary people who do not know how to spell can also summarize the signs of changing weather. The monks will, in the process of practicing, sum up some cognitions and rules about the path they cultivate.

This is how Xue Wusuan slowly worked out the rules of the Wudao system little by little. But now this kind of beads named "Yuanzhu" can gradually increase the comprehension rules and the possibility of gaining knowledge. Such a mysterious thing can also rely on the increase of Qizhen? Xue Wusuan didn't believe it at first, but after trying it, he couldn't help it.

The efficacy of Yuanzhu is not high. It is not the kind of thing that can be seen immediately after eating one, but requires a little accumulation. Ordinary cultivators hate being weak at the cognitive level, and it is difficult to detect this mysterious increase. But it was different for Xue Wusuan. His cognition is already extremely high, and he has reached an embarrassing bottleneck position. So, even a slight increase in it felt particularly noticeable to him.

"It's no wonder that this plane is favored by the desolate clan. It's really not that simple. This pearl alone can attract countless planes to fight and snatch." Xue Wusuan sighed inwardly. At the same time, I understand why the rulers of this aspect are so strict in restricting and destroying the ecological chain here. Because Xue Wusuan has also studied the production process of this fate bead, it is too detailed and coincidental. Even if he sees everything about the birth of this thing, Xue Wusuan's ability still cannot guarantee that he will be able to keep it intact. its copied out.

"It's a pity, it can't be transplanted to the Wudao Underworld to leave. Fortunately, this thing can't be transplanted to other places, otherwise it might have become a big trouble."

The system's prompt sounded in his mind, and the scan of the plane ended. The certain Xue Wusuan's guess also pinpointed the whereabouts of the ruler of this plane, that is, the desolate clansman. Of course, it is also the whereabouts of Xue Wusuan's judgment.

As in the case of the Dragon Reverse Plane before, the Heavenly Dao and the Underworld could not be found in this plane, nor even where the barren clansman was hiding. Exactly the same as the Dragon Reversal plane, this is actually the best result if it doesn't work. It saved Xue Wus too much time.

According to the method used by Xue Wusuan when he was on the Dragon Reverse plane, he slowly sneaked into the gathering place of the world's source power, and then followed the world's source power and penetrated into the underworld of this plane.

Everything is the same as Xue Wushen's judgment. The underworld in this "clear water" plane is also empty without half a shadow, and all operations depend on the power of the underworld's reincarnation. And there is also a huge black stone tablet placed in this underworld.

There were many descriptions of the "exile" in the "virtual" memory. After all, there were a lot of people involved in the chaos within the desolate clan, and many of them were like "Xu" who used to have a prominent family background, or they themselves had a high-strength cultivation base, and they were saved after being beaten up. , leaving a remnant of the body to be exiled everywhere.

If it was really exile or exile, it wouldn't matter to Xue Wu. Because of the lifespan limit of the barren tribe, even if they can live for a long time, they will eventually be swallowed up by time one day. What's more, there is a huge difference in the passage of time between planes and planes. If you don't pay attention, you will kill yourself. There are not many people who choose the "virtual" plane on the reverse plane of the dragon. And "virtual" is also a last resort. He must increase his strength as soon as possible to get his things back, so he doesn't care about the word "time" at all, but chooses the dragon inverse plane with extremely fast time flow.

And the passage of time on the "Clear Water" plane is much gentler than that of the Dragon Reverse plane~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is obviously a place for health preservation. I don't know what the realm, the origin, and the story of this barren clan who have lived in seclusion again.

This time, Xue Wu came prepared, and what he was holding in his hand was a fragment of the Dao of Heaven. However, this fragment is not from the plane of Westward Journey, but from the plane of Dragon Reversal. Long Ni's defending Etian Dao was rescued by other heavenly Dao, how could it be unwilling to help? As a result, Fang Tiandao in the underworld of the "Clear Water" plane was also awakened by Xue Wusuan.

Xue Wusuan was worried that he would be discovered or hunted down by the powerhouse who set up the black stone tablet. Because the system's risk assessment said it was the same as the original "Dragon Reverse" plane. It is about the "desolate clan", and it is also the guidance from the system that Xue Wusuan knows, so he can't be wrong.

Sure enough, Tiandao woke up and immediately began to fight for the control of the plane that originally belonged to him.

"Don't worry, you must not spoil the habitat of the living beings in the plane. I will not help you for nothing. I want the kind of rare treasure in this plane, don't lose it to me!" Xue Wu It can only be warned in Tiandao's ear. The latter was also able to lead Xue Wusuan's love, and the following battles were all confined to a small area, without making a mess like the previous dragon inverse plane.

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