Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1099: nailed in (1)

"I feel like I'm being watched."


"I don't know, but my intuition tells me that it should be my old enemy."

A piece of information was passed into the Wudao Underworld through a special magic weapon and fell into Xue Wusuan's mind. The other party of the communication was none other than one of the three nails arranged by Xue Wusuan, the "blade" from the Silent Stone plane.

The place where the blade is located is a very remote plane, at least when Xue Wusuan was screening it, he thought it was a very remote place. The resources and specialties are very general, not a high plane, and the only advantage is that the flow of time is very fast. "Blade" has been here for hundreds of years since being taken over by Xue Wusuan.

At the beginning of the period, I didn't think much of the "blade" of the unruly underworld. Why should he, a former Chaos Realm powerhouse, bow his head and be his servant for a merely created thing? But after being forced to surrender, I slowly discovered that it is actually not a bad idea to follow the underworld, at least in terms of resource supply, it is much better than working alone. And the most important thing is that this Wudao Yama didn't instruct him to do this and that from time to time, and he usually left him alone. This limited freedom is also acceptable.

The purpose, in fact, "Blade" thinks it is similar to what that Wudao Yama said. He has a great sense of belonging to the desolate tribe itself, not to mention hatred. A top race among thousands of planes, and a rare race, a strong sense of belonging is inevitable. But there is also hatred, not against the group but against the individual tribes who want him to die, who want to tease him, bully and laugh at him. He also wanted revenge.

But when the realm fell, revenge could only be buried deep in the heart, how dare you say it? Now there is some hope.

When leaving the Silent Stone Plane, the "blade" also left some clues under the instruction of Xue Wusuan. For example, although Silent Stone Plane was hidden by the Wudao Underworld, before entering the void to hide , On the original position of the plane, there is information about the whereabouts of "Blade" himself.

In fact, not only the "blade", but also the "void" of the dragon inverse plane, and the "queen" of the clear water plane, all left traces of his departure.

The nails were originally abandoned or exiled inferiors, losers. The treatment of losers is the same in any plane. Therefore, it takes some luck and means to drive these nails into the desolate people. And those trails are actually tails left by chance. However, according to the news from the "Blade" communication, the luck is not bad.

"Blade" said, he guessed that someone was eyeing him, and most of them were his old enemies. The experience of "Blade" is much more demanding than the other two nails, and his former status is also much higher. With a high status, there will naturally be "adversaries" that he is not used to. Even if he is lucky enough to survive, he will not give up the opportunity to laugh and play, to have fun. These are all detailed and depressing records in "Blade"'s memory.

Xue Wusuan replied with a smile: "Very good. Just follow the plan laid out for you before. Don't react to the rest of the joints. Everything must be based on returning to the desolate clan. Do you understand?"

"Well, I'll do it. But, you promised me that the spread must be controlled, and it must be done."

"Of course. I have a good reputation. The barrens are not friendly to me, but it's hard to say if they are not mortal enemies."


After the brief communication was over, the spy arranged by Xue Wusuan received the news, and directly opened the first-level concern level about the trend of "Blade", and a situation report would be sent back every half a day.

Don't underestimate these Iron Guard spies, and don't think that these spies with low levels of cultivation will not be able to detect a strong man coming to a certain direction. They have their own methods, and they are a means of exploration that combines hundreds of planes, and is formed under the guidance of the powerhouse and the Daoist powerhouse and even "Blade", the former Chaos powerhouse. The ability of these spies can be summed up in the words "blade": I have never seen spies like you who can spy on Jiuxiao with the body of an ant.

I didn't wait too long. Just less than half a month after the "blade" discovered that he was being targeted, a strong sense of peep came to this plane.

The man is here.

"Yo, "Blade", are you going back now? Isn't the plane before that very good? There are still some good things that can be produced. I'm going to bring some back, but you lost it. Tsk tsk , I won't move my nest here, are you going to wait to die?"

As soon as the visitor appeared, he directly found the retreat where the "blade" was. There is no need to be exhausted between words and full of sarcasm. The person who just ridiculed in front of the "blade" must also have extremely high strength. This person is a serious Chaos Realm powerhouse, a "true war" in the barren clan.

"Blade" didn't seem to be emotional after raising his eyes. Plainly said: "There seems to be a connection between the loss and the gain, and I can't talk about it. I don't think you can understand this truth with your cognition."

"Oh? One loss and one gain? So you lose your good shelter and gain something? Oh, tell me, what gain? Let me help you happy too."

This hostile desolate chaotic powerhouse is named "Shang". He used to be a colleague of "Blade", but he is not in a circle. He has also held grudges against "Blade" for a long time. Although the two sides cannot talk about life and death. But it was absolutely disgusting to the other party. Now I come here to see jokes, adjust my mood, and have some fun. At the same time, I wanted to get some special products from the plane before "Blade" and go back and enjoy it. Unexpectedly, the face disappeared, but "Blade" ran to this "desolate" place to hang out.

"You are still so careless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As an old acquaintance, I think you will fall into this one day."

"What do you mean?"

This conversation gave "Shang" a very bad feeling. Obviously the Reservoir Dog was not him, but he felt that it was "Blade" who was in control of the words. Could it be that there is really some amazing harvest?

"Aren't you going to see for yourself?"

look carefully?

"Shang"'s heart trembled when he heard the words, and the divine sense was locked on the body of "Blade", which was incredible. Why did the "blade" that was knocked down and only had the realm of the Dao suddenly break through? When you reach the realm of enlightenment, and the realm is stable and not vain, it is even less likely that it has just broken through recently. It is clearly already flooding towards the middle stage of enlightenment.

how can that be! ?

"You, you! How did you do it!?" This is not a mockery, but a question and question based on the facts at hand. Without the resource support of the Desolate Clan, can you break through in a short time by yourself? This is to prepare to restore the rhythm of the previous realm!

"Shang" remembers it very clearly, because he likes to ridicule "Blade" and he comes back from time to time. The last time he saw "Blade", he was sure that "Blade" didn't show any signs of recovery, just hanged and no longer collapsed. , just waiting to die. How long has it been?



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