Extreme Yama System

Chapter 130: 280 people

When Qin Shuang came to the single cell, he didn't see Wuming. But other martial arts people saw Wuming being brought here. Therefore, the only possibility is that Wuming has been rescued. There was still a trace of breath left in the open door of the empty cell, and it was obvious that he had left soon. Perhaps it was Qin Shuang who was rescued when he was besieging the ghost Rakshasa in the Wushenjue Palace.

Losing Wuming made Qin Shuang very angry. He turned his head to greet his subordinates and immediately went out to pursue them. But to be honest, the person who can take Wuming away in this situation is definitely not an ordinary person. Now that the other party has escaped from the cage and wants to chase it back, Qin Shuang is not at all sure.

But fortunately, only one nameless ran away. Sword Demon and Sword Poverty are still there.

Regardless of whether they were scolding, cursing, or making promises, Qin Shuang always served him with a life-and-death talisman.

Compared with the people outside, these top warriors who enjoy single room treatment are much tougher. Of course, Jianpin is not considered a scumbag. Although he is highly skilled in martial arts, he is born with a pair of soft bones. As soon as the life and death talisman is put on his body, he will scream and beg for mercy.

Regardless of whether they begged for mercy or not, all those who were caught by Jue Xin were pulled out of their cages and gathered in the courtyard outside. The effect of the life and death talisman on his body is still there. There are many people who roll on the ground or scratch their flesh and blood, and some people who are more determined are still doing unnecessary resistance.

"Everyone, the people from Dongying came across the sea and grabbed you indiscriminately and imprisoned you like beasts here. Have you ever thought about this?" Qin Shuang said, taking out anti-itching pills and handing them to his subordinates. Let them go and serve those who cry for mercy first.

He went on to say: "East Ying can also bully our Central Plains martial arts in a small place. The reason is that we each fought for a piece of loose sand, which gave Dong Ying an opportunity for miscellaneous things.

Dissatisfied with all of you, I was bullied by Dongying's offal the day before yesterday, but their conspiracy was smashed by the World Association. Not only will all the enemies who commit crimes in the future be executed, but we will also capture the leader of the Wushen Jue Palace’s eldest son, Jue Xin.

Do you know why this is? Why can I not be ridden by people in the world, but not all of you? "

After taking the anti-itching pills, the warrior who had recovered his strength turned towards Qin Shuang with an ugly expression: "It's you who will be powerful in the world! There are many people!"

Qin Shuang smiled and said, "That's right! I have a great power in the world. Naturally, I can't compare to a straggler like you. But in essence, it's because I will unite the world!"

"Sect Leader Qin, I'm waiting for the fish on your chopping board now, so you can speak straight, what do you want?"

"Follow my World Association."

As soon as Qin Shuang finished speaking, the scene became chaotic again. I didn't expect Qin Shuang to come up with such an idea.

"Clan Master Qin, are you dreaming in the daytime? Why do I want to join your World Association after I waited so well, and then..." Before the man finished speaking, a gang member of the World Association beside him quickly He walked over and grabbed him by the neck, his hand raised the knife and fell, and the great man's head rolled to the ground.

Gore always makes people close their mouths that open and close randomly.

Qin Shuang continued: "I forgot to tell you that the antipruritic medicine I gave you just now is not an antidote. The effect of this medicine can only last for one month. After one month, the itching and pain you experienced just now will disappear Relapse again. Now let me ask you one more question, who is willing to submit to my World Association?"

This time, no one opened their mouths indiscriminately. Their skills were sealed by the Dongying people, and they are still unsolved, and they have been awarded Qin Shuang's life and death talisman. How to have the power to fight back? Do you really want to surrender like this? Much resentment in my heart.

"The old man is willing to come down!"

The first person to stand up was unexpected. It's actually a sword demon.

As a master of breaking the virtual realm. The Sword Demon fought with Jue Xin for hundreds of tricks before he was unfortunately defeated. He is the most aware of Jue Xin's strength. And Qin Shuang in front of him is obviously impossible to be a desperate opponent. But why was the Tianxiahui not only able to survive the attack of the Eastern Ying people, but also to capture Jue Xin? Is it really just like Qin Shuang said, it depends on unity?

Bullshit unity! His Baijian Villa also has thousands of people who are also united, but why haven't they caught that Dongying offal? Qin Shuang wouldn't believe it if there was no expert help behind the sword demon to kill him.

Now that the situation has been completely controlled by the World Association, not only was he controlled by his skill, but he was also imprisoned by that vicious force. With the support of someone behind him, he was still thinking about fighting if he wanted to kill himself.

Pushing others by oneself, the sword demon is sure, if anyone dares to say a word, they will surely die today. He doesn't want to die. Since he wants to live, he might as well simply nod, nod his head and submit, and save his life first.

The person who followed the Sword Demon to surrender was Jian Pian. In this old boy's heart, there is only "greed" for the sword, other so-called face and other things are never in his consideration. In order to survive, in order to be able to continue to dream of his "Flying Sword Realm", Jian Pian doesn't mind worshipping under the sect of the World Association. After all, living can only dream.

With the two masters of the Void Breaking Realm leading the way, the people in the martial arts who were a little moved in their hearts nodded one after another, most of them were forces or loose cultivators who had made good friends with the world in the past. And those who will always be wrong with the world are still watching.

Compared to Xue Wusuan, Qin Shuang was quite patient. Sitting silently on the chair and waiting for everyone to choose, waited for a full hour.

There were a total of 371 martial arts masters, 293 of whom had already chosen to surrender and stood behind Qin Shuang. The remaining seventy-eight people are diehards. They are all people who have had a deadly feud with the World Association~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If that's the case, then don't blame me, Qin Shuang, for being cruel. After saying that, Qin Shuang waved his hand, and the gang members who had been waiting on the side quickly walked up, twisted the necks of these people and smashed their kneecaps, making them kneel on the ground, and then neatly aligned their hands. Holding the knife raised high.

The word "Chop!" fell, and seventy-eight heads rolled down. The blood in the cavity was sprayed like pillars more than three feet high, like a landscape fountain. Seeing the people behind Qin Shuang felt numb.

He brought these people back to the World Association, but Lord Yama was nowhere to be seen. Only Po Jun was still sitting cross-legged and didn't seem to have moved at all. However, the increasingly fierce sword energy on his body dissipated, but no one dared to disturb him.

"From today onwards, all of you are my members of the "Jietang". The position of the hall master will be temporarily replaced by me. Now, I will restore your skills for everyone."

After Qin Shuang finished speaking, with a wave of her hand, the antidote prepared by her subordinates was delivered to the two hundred and ninety-three people.

Take the antidote. The power was restored in a dozen or so breaths. When even thirteen people glanced at each other and then fled, they actually had such an idea. They don't believe in the life and death talisman that Qin Shuang planted for them, and they can't solve it.

Facing this situation, not only the members of the World Association were indifferent, but Qin Shuang didn't even look at it, and his eyes were full of ridicule.

"Go on, let these people go if they want to go, and there is no need to stop them." Qin Shuang even specially asked his men to send messages to the helpers outside. No normal reaction at all.

Everyone who saw this scene lamented in their hearts. The reason why Qin Shuang did this was simply to feel extremely relieved about the imprisonment that he had planted. The more this is the case, the weaker the expectations that are in these people's hearts.

"Okay! Everyone, now I'll give you a task."

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