Extreme Yama System

Chapter 138: 1 product genetic modification agent

T virus. The second-generation super virus developed by Umbrella Corporation, that is, the virus that transformed this world into what it is today. It is no exaggeration to say that the world was wiped out by this thing.

"I do not understand what you are saying."

"This is private territory, please leave immediately!"

The two white people had good hearts. Even though their eyes were panicked, their faces were calm, and they even shouted at Xue Wusuan.

"Private territory? Yes. Now that the world is dead, which territory do you want? But since I'm here, the T virus must be obtained. It's better not to let me down."

The two white men also felt the terrifying and gloomy cold from Xue Wusuan's body, and the calm expression on their faces couldn't hold back. Then they looked at the soldier who was standing behind Xue Wusuan, and suddenly found that the soldier was giving him made a mouth shape. It is clearly reminding them of the "power users"!

Just as the two white men were thinking about opening their mouths to speak, there were dense footsteps outside the door, and the click of the gun bolt was still being pulled.

"Yo, it's coming very fast!"

"Sir, this is just a necessary measure. Your appearance is too unexpected." The implication is that Xue Wusuan was so sudden and rude.

Xue Wusuan shook his head, these foreigners didn't seem to understand their current situation in their minds. Hesitating is not answering his questions. That being the case, he doesn't need to be polite. He raised his hand and two pieces of life and death talismans got into the acupoints of the two of them, and then the familiar scream of exhaustion exploded.

"Bang!" The door of the office was smashed, and two extremely burly men rushed in, as if they wanted to take advantage of this moment to control the situation in the house.

Not to mention, although these two men are huge in size, their movements are very fast, at least three times stronger than the physical limit of ordinary people, and their methods are also Ling Lie. Hail to say hello. Looking at the strength of their attack, even if it is replaced by a general Houtian realm warrior, it will not feel good, and most of them will lose their ability to move for a short time.

Xue Wusuan's evaluation of these two is professional! However, professionalism is a professional, and this strength is not enough to look at.


Almost as soon as the two strong men rushed in, a tear sounded at the same time. Then there was a splash of blood, and the four stout human legs flew to the side. The two strong men who were a lot shorter then slammed to the ground with a groan.

"Da da da da da..."

The door opened, and the two big men fell to the ground again, revealing Xue Wusuan's figure, and immediately gave the soldiers outside the door a good sight of shooting with live ammunition. Without any hesitation, they just pulled the trigger. , the bullets poured out like a torrential rain, but the strange thing is that the bullets lost their kinetic energy after less than one meter of the chamber, and they suspended in front of them in a volley, densely packed like a wall of bullets.

The astonishment didn't last long. At the moment when the soldiers were so surprised that they emptied their magazines, the bullets hovering in front of them all flew back upside down, with a stronger force than when they were fired just now! Directly ignoring the defensive equipment on them, each one passed through the flesh and blood, and then embedded in the wall behind them.

The **** smell was diffused, filling the underground airtight space thickly, a little pungent. Xue Wusuan shrugged his nose. He was quite used to it. Compared with the **** suffocation in hell, this smell was not worth mentioning.

"Okay, can you tell me where the T virus is now?"

The two white people who were sorely hurt heard Xue Wusan's question and nodded quickly, and then they felt the pain and itching on their bodies subsided. He gasped for breath, and it took a while before he had the strength to answer.

"Sir, the T virus is in the laboratory at the bottom. There is the highest level of control mechanism, and we can't get it."

Xue Wusuan: "The ground floor? Which room? What does the virus container look like?"

Another white man hurriedly took out a document in the cabinet, and a photo above it said: "In the storage room No. 1232, it is packaged with a machine like this."

Xue Wusuan took note of his appearance, and then his figure began to fade, disappearing from the room in the blink of an eye.

"Oh! He, where did he go? Disappeared?"

"This, what kind of power is this? Teleportation?"

While exclaiming, the two white men hurriedly fell to the ground, and two strong men lost their legs to stop the bleeding. At the same time, he asked: "You are also power users. You played against him just now. Can you feel the direction of his power? Also, he was able to control objects and make bullets fly backwards. Is it the power direction controlled by mind power? ?"

"I don't know. His speed is too fast. I didn't even feel the fluctuation of supernatural powers, but it felt as sharp as a blade. Minister, that man is too scary, we can't deal with it."

Before the white minister could answer, a phantom appeared in the room out of thin air, and then Xue Wusuan, who had just disappeared, appeared again. And with a wave of his hand, a metal machine more than one meter high was changed by him, and it was placed firmly on the ground.

"is it this one?"

The so-called "Supreme Control Mechanism" here is not a fart in the eyes of Xue Wusuan, who has the Yama body. Inside is this machine. After cutting off all connections around the machine with sword energy, store it in the system space, then return it with a soul, and then take it out. Just ask, who else can be better than him?

"Yes sir, the two green liquid bottles in here are the T virus." They swallowed, and the mysterious man in front of them was indeed not something they could deal with. Not only is it suspected to have control over the power of mind, but it can also teleport, and even the means of taking out this instrument just now seems to be related to space control. These abilities are what the company dreamed of! Now it's all about the same person? How is this done? Is it a naturally occurring super-evolver? !

Xue Wusuan nodded, then reached out and cut open the instrument with sword energy, and then took out the two bottles of green liquid inside. As soon as you start, you hear the system prompt.

"Di! Found a genetic modification agent (disabled), the danger level is four, please don't take it."

"Can't you? System, I'm a third-class Yama body now, so I can't hold back this thing?"

"Di! After the host takes it, there will be a 40% chance of uncontrollable gene reversal. The third-level Yama body cannot guarantee the safety of the host."

Xue Wusuan is so powerful that even he is not immune, no wonder it has the effect of destroying the world.

"System, can you correct the harm in this thing so that it can be taken by ordinary people without any side effects?"

"Di! Yes, the purification of the same amount of genetic modification agent needs to deduct 200 soul points. Please confirm with the host."

"Just purify one first."

"Di! Deducting 200 soul points, congratulations to the host for obtaining the first-grade genetic modification agent."

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