Extreme Yama System

Chapter 151: image

The world of science and technology and the world of cultivation are on two parallel paths. This time, the parallel lines created a meeting point because of Yin Yang Street. I don't know what kind of changes will be brought about in the scientific and technological world that gets the martial arts theory.

But these are not important anymore, the important thing is that a light finally flashed in this despairing world.

In the name of Ancheng, Xie Dong spent all the more than 1,000 soul points in his hand. I bought three books of the inner strength and heart method, three books of the sword method, and three books of the self method. Prepare to experiment in the city guard first. If the effect is good, then gradually promote it.

Then, the three children found that business began to increase. Some guards who got under the city wall and were about to clear up the scattered zombies began to talk to them, and then whether they were curious or prying, there were more and more people beside the stone drum.

When people are surprised to find that not only can they use materials or technical materials to exchange for soul points, but they can use their "specialties", "knowledge" and "experience" to copy them at the stone drum and then exchange them for soul points, and even "life" can be used In exchange for Revenant Points!

This time, the arrogant tone of "everything can be changed" is confirmed. It also made ordinary people in settlements who thought they were impoverished find out that they were not as poor as they thought. This is especially true for those professional soldiers who were engaged in research work or experienced before the disaster. They all think that the things in their memory are very valuable here in Shigu.

Isn't God miraculous? Simply amazing! It is completely beyond the comprehension of human consciousness in this world. For the first time, it was discovered that there is such a magical existence in a scientific accident.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, some kind people started to help the three brothers to maintain the order of business. The words are even more affectionate. From time to time, I asked about the fate of the three brothers. At the same time, I hated Liang Wu who didn’t let the three brothers eat and didn’t treat them as human beings. He cursed loudly. He even asked if he needed their help to seek revenge for those bad guys.

"No need, we will avenge the enmity between Zhangjiagou and us in the future. Liang Wu is also dead, and it was the zombie that our three brothers pushed him down to feed. Uncle God said that if there is any injustice I will try to pacify it, and the fake hand is not what the ghost general did."

"By the way, Koizumi, why do the three of you keep saying that you are the soul-suppressing general? What is that? Also, who is the uncle God you are talking about?"

The two women opened their eyes when they heard this, smiled and didn't talk too much. This is not what the gods want them to pay attention to. From their point of view, these people can't tell anything about the words of the three brothers. Because everything that the three brothers know seems to be the things that the gods deliberately let them spread out. It was as if Lord God had told them that the three brothers were the seeds, the seeds that would change this rotten world.

"Uncle Shenming is Uncle Shenming! He is the only true **** in this world. It is he who saved us and canonized us as the Soul General. The Soul General is the gatekeeper who guards Yinyang Street. Haha, have you seen it before? The underworld **** summoned by the second child? Awesome, right? That's the unique patron saint of our Soul Requiemer!" Zhao Quan said very proudly. They can communicate with the gods and naturally have the capital to be proud of.

"The patron saint? Is there really a **** in this world?"

"Of course! Uncle God said, this world is dead, don't try to repair it, because that is impossible. If you want to survive, you can only eradicate the rot, and then build a new home on a brand new land!" The youngest Li Sirui is also fragile. A word was inserted aloud. And also took out a box from the car body. Take a fine pencil drawing from the box.

"This is the uncle of the gods drawn by Aunt Liu! We pray to this portrait every day, and every time we finish our prayers, we feel full of strength! Isn't that Aunt Liu?"

The two women smiled and patted Li Sirui's head, and nodded again and again. It's a fact, Li Sirui didn't lie. It was precisely because of this prayer that the two women recognized Xue Wusuan's identity as a **** in their hearts. Because they really felt the power that the gods gave back to them after praying!

The pious expressions on the faces of the two big, three small, and five people can't be deceived. No matter what their plans were, everyone who saw this scene carefully looked at the pencil drawing in Li Sirui's hand.

With just one glance, they were shocked by the sacredness of the characters in the painting.

It doesn't mean how good or expressive the painting is, but it's the shock, the shock from the soul and the instinct to feel humbled in front of this picture.

This painting was repainted on a canvas by an exiled painter. Hanging it up, it looks many times better than the woman's pencil drawing. But everyone didn't have the shocking feeling they had when looking at the pencil drawings just now. Something seems to be missing.

"Ah! Uncle, you draw so well!"

The three children exclaimed, and then habitually knelt in front of the painting, kowtowing and praying, as did the two women. This seems to be the time when their hearts are at their most peaceful and warm.

As they knelt down and prayed, the beautiful scroll suddenly filled with the charm of the previous pencil drawing. This really surprised everyone.

They secretly thought in their hearts: Is there really a **** in the world? Why is God coming now? Is it to save us?

Just when the people in Tianan City were restless because of "God". Xue Wusuan was holding an emerald green injection in the underground fortress of Umbrella's former Huaxia branch, looking curiously ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in front of him were more than a dozen researchers wearing white coats. The pale face seemed to be waiting for the verdict of fate.

Just now, a researcher who had questioned and hoped to pass the information on this new virus back to Umbrella's head office was ground into flesh a little bit in front of everyone's eyes, and the beach was in the wall behind everyone. This makes these arrogant researchers understand that there is no room for bargaining with this mysterious person in front of him, and he is even less likely to listen to your explanations and ideas. All he wants is results. If you leave it out, you will die miserably.

Xue Wusuan listened to the evaluation of the system. Still satisfied. It has to be said that these experts who specialize in dumping the T virus are still very high-level. Within a month, a phased product was developed based on the half-bottle of the first-grade genetic modification agent he provided. Although it is not as perfect as the first-grade genetic modification agent, the effect is still good. All the side effects are shielded, and the physical fitness of the human body can be improved by one to three times.

"How much production volume can this defective product achieve?"

The white supervisor quickly replied: "Boss, if you cultivate this potion with all your strength, you can mass-produce 500 bottles a month. Currently, 100 bottles have been produced in the warehouse."

Xue Wusuan nodded and said, "Yes. Bring those 100 bottles and I will take them away. Then you will produce another 500 bottles in the next month. Improve the people in the base. After that, continue to study the follow-up products, within half a year. , I want to see a 100% perfect copy of a genetic modification agent. Understand?"


"That's right. You did a good job this time. This is a reward for the two of you." After speaking, Xue Wusuan directly pointed a copy of the most basic internal training method into the minds of the two white executives. "Practice well. In the future, you will understand that things like gene warriors are bullshit."

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