Extreme Yama System

Chapter 166: Yin Yang Street's business is not deceiving

The tragic fight that I thought did not appear at all. The two women and the two younger children also turned over onto the tricycle, and then the eldest child got on the bike, shouted, and pressed his feet, and the tricycle started to move. The speed is actually quite fast!

The zombies didn't seem to dare to move the tricycle, but they showed no mercy to the people on the tricycle. Those with claws and claws are about to pounce and bite. But suddenly, a bell rang, and the bell hanging under the signboard that had been standing on the tricycle was ringing, and the youngest child was ringing the bell. Shaking and smiling, he opened his mouth to eat a large piece of lunch meat fed by the woman.

Not only did the people in the car eat happily, but the child riding the bike was also eating comfortably. He grasped the direction of the tricycle with one hand, and was shoving a lollipop into his mouth with one hand. A carload of people didn't even have a normal response to the crowd of zombies. directly ignored.

But what shocked the five power users who were watching from a distance dropped their jaws. When the bell rang, the originally crazy zombies suddenly retreated in unison, and they honestly gave up a wide passage, like a farewell. Just watching the tricycle squeak out of the zombie group, leisurely walked towards the outside of the city.


The first person to react was the captain in the suit. Greeted his team members, and then quickly followed the tricycle to catch up. In any case, this magical and bizarre two big and three small must understand the details. Especially the mysterious bell that can deter zombies.

When the team members heard their captain's greeting, they quickly suppressed their horror and quickly followed.

On the tricycle, Fan Mingkai swallowed the luncheon meat in his mouth and said to Zhao Quan who was riding a bicycle: "Brother, someone is chasing after him. There are five people, and the speed is so fast! Shall we stop and wait for them? In case we can. Is there any business to do?"

Zhao Quan looked at the many zombies wandering around, shook his head and said, "Let them chase, let's go to a clean place first."

With added strength, the speed of the tricycle increased a lot. In one fell swoop, the possibility of the following five ability users catching up was eliminated, but it was not enough to throw off the other party, so that the other party could only follow far behind with gritted teeth.

After leaving the city, I found a place to park where I did not lose my wanderings. The three Zhao Quan brothers are responsible for receiving the people who are catching up quickly. The two women started to make a fire skillfully. Naturally, they had to cook a hot meal and make a tooth sacrifice when they had supplies.

Instant noodles with canned luncheon meat and bean paste, the taste is simply amazing!

After waiting for five minutes, the power team behind them caught up. One by one saw sweat on their foreheads, shortness of breath, and looked exhausted. Obviously, their abilities did not mutate their physical strength, and it was still very hard to run two or three kilometers at full speed.

"Hello, uncle and aunt! We are a stall on Yinyang Street. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Zhao Quan still greets him politely. But this smile looked at the eyes of the five people who were catching up, but they were all horrified. Such a child's eyes can be so cold and cruel and bloody. And the **** aura emanating from the whole person is also amazing, and there must be a lot of lives on his hands.

"Haha, my little one, your strength is not small. You can ride such a heavy car so fast, you almost lost us."

The one who spoke was the woman in the white dress. The woman's face was gentle, and the smile was very kind in her words, and she wanted to explore the air first.

"It's okay, the main reason is that there are many zombies in the city and it's not clean, so I took my uncles and aunts to the outside of the city, so we can take a rest and solve lunch by the way."

The woman in the white dress smiled and said: "Instant noodles and luncheon meat? Ah! You also added bean paste? It's so extravagant! My little one, my aunt didn't eat, can you let my aunt try it too?"

Zhao Quan nodded earnestly and said, "Yes. A dead soul orders a bowl, does this aunt want to buy it? Our aunt Liu's noodles are superb."

Li Sirui nodded his head to promote: "Yes, my eldest brother didn't lie, Auntie, would you like a bowl?"

The woman in the white dress asked suspiciously, "A ghost point? What is that?"

Zhao Quan blinked his eyes before apologizing, "I'm sorry, Auntie, I forgot to introduce you. Soul Points are the unique currency of our Yinyang Street. Whether we buy or sell here, we use Soul Points to settle the settlement."

The woman in the white dress frowned and asked, "Are you really doing business? Are these supplies in the car your goods?"

"No no no. The food in the car is our own food, and we generally don't sell it unless the guests want it. Our goods are all in this stone drum. Auntie always buys or sells things. You can put your hand on it and just recite it in your head, it's very convenient."

"Stone drum?"

The people from the superpower team turned to look at the tricycle, and there was really a small black stone drum on it. On the surface of the drum were written four big characters, "Everything can be changed."

The little Chen who had the ability to "explode the flames" muttered, "What a big breath!"

Although the voice was not loud, it was still heard by Zhao Quan. He smiled and said: "This uncle is right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yinyang Street's tone is so big, and what he said is true. In Yinyang Street, as long as there are valuable things that we don't have, we can exchange for soul points. ."

Hearing this, the captain of the suit said, "Do you want to take this too?" Then he took out a small red ball from his pocket.

"Uncle can put his hand on the stone drum and ask for the price according to what I just said, just like this." Zhao Quan walked to the edge of the stone drum and put his hand on the stone drum. Move very slowly, make sure to let these people see clearly. This is to dispel the worries of the other party. After all, this world is too sinister, and everyone is extremely defensive, worried about what life-threatening organs are hidden on this stone drum.

After hearing this, the captain of the suit looked at Zhao Quan for a while, then nodded and walked towards the stone drum. Ignoring the reminders of the players behind him, he put his hand on the stone drum like Zhao Quan did before.

Then Zhao Quan laughed. He had seen this situation many times in the past few months. At the beginning, the anti-thief thought that the stone drum was an organ to harm people, but when he had the courage to explore the mystery of the stone drum, it was completely different. No one can ignore the magic of the stone drum and the treasures inside.

as predicted. The captain of the suit came back to his senses in horror after only a minute, looked at Zhao Quan who was smiling in disbelief and asked, "Little boy, can you really buy and sell the things in here? Where are the real things?"

"Uncle, the things in the stone drum can naturally be bought and sold, but the real thing will only appear after you have paid the soul points. Of course, if you are worried, you can try it with the things you think are insignificant first. For example, your battles Will and experience, you can make a copy of these things and sell them to us. After you get the corresponding soul points, you can buy something you like. Naturally, you will understand that Yin Yang Street’s business is not deceiving.”

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