Extreme Yama System

Chapter 212: lost again

Wang Deyi used methods in the hospital before, and vaguely knew from Jin Yankuang's memory that there was a cultivator behind his target this time.

His purpose was the brooch on Zhou Huiru's body, and the brooch was given to Zhou Huiru by another person. Only the monks can take out the magic weapon. It's just that Wang Deyi didn't expect that this cultivator is extremely difficult, and the masters of Longhu Mountain will take the initiative to fight him hard in order to help him.

"Spider, you're getting old too. Even an ordinary person who is "outside the door" is still a little girl. Is it too much? Or is it that you have no shame at all now?"

How could Wang Deyi care about ridicule. He is determined, and the things he decides will not be changed by others after a few words. Shen Sheng said: "I don't have time to argue with you. It doesn't matter who is behind that woman. You are afraid of Longhushan, but I, Wang Deyi, are not afraid. He has to give what I want, and he has to give it if I don't give it. You have to stop it. , then come on. Let me see if your Dragon Tiger Mountain Gate has grown over the years."

Move or not? This doesn't seem to require much thought. Even if they lose, Longhu Mountain has no way out. People can't be the grass, and they can't be afraid. Since they don't want to be troubled by Xue Wusuan afterwards, they must face the hard role of the Taoist "Spider".

Needless to say, all the way to this secluded place is to make it more convenient to get started.

In addition to Guo Tianjian, there are four people in Longhushan, each of which does not leave room for them. In the face of this fierce and famous Wang Deyi, who would dare to be careless?

On the other hand, Wang Deyi is very relaxed and freehand in his gestures, and his Taoist movements are also round and smooth. No matter what means the four of Longhushan use, it can take it and launch a ferocious counterattack.

ten minutes. Apart from Guo Tianjian who was still standing, the other three monks from Longhu Mountain were already lying on the ground. Although the personnel is unknown, it is obvious that he is still breathing.

"Junior. Your Dragon Tiger Mountain talisman is pretty good, much stronger than these three old men." After speaking, before Guo Tianjian could reply, Wang De turned around and the wind was blowing under his feet, and in the blink of an eye, he quickly swept away in the direction of returning to the county seat. After a few ups and downs, it disappeared.

Only then did Guo Tianjian relax his tense body. He quickly helped the three uncles into the car, and then rushed towards the nearest hospital. Although Wang Deyi was merciful, no one was killed. But the ruthlessness of the shot has not diminished at all. Now he is seriously injured and unconscious, but if it is delayed for a long time, he will die.

On the way, Guo Tianjian called Zhou Huiru.

"Hello, Miss Zhou? Yes, I'm Guo Tianjian. Please listen to me. Now an old man is heading towards you. He may be Senior Xue's enemy. If you can contact Senior Xue, please contact me immediately. If you can't get in touch, you have to be careful yourself, do whatever that person asks you to do, don't provoke him.

run? Useless Miss Zhou. That person is staring at you, you can't run away. In order to stop him, my three uncles have now been seriously injured. I'm taking them to the hospital now. Then I will come right away.

Remember Miss Zhou, don't provoke that person. "

Hang up the phone. Zhou Huiru's heart was surprisingly calm. She seemed to have expected this day. That mysterious man, who claims to "take people's lives", is so perverse and ruthless, how could there be no enemies outside. As his woman, isn't it reasonable to be sought out by his enemies?

Since Guo Tianjian had already said it, it was too late for her to run, so she simply stopped running. Hanging a "temporarily closed" sign outside the flower shop, and then sitting on a chair like this, quietly waiting for the arrival of the other party.

Soon. An old man with black clothes and white hair and a black beard pushed open the door of the flower shop.

Zhou Huiru felt a little nervous in her heart. With her previous mentality, when faced with the impending event, she still didn't feel a little scared.

Seeing Zhou Huiru looking at her timidly, Wang De knew that it must be someone from Longhu Mountain who notified this woman in advance. He didn't run, but he still had some courage.

At a glance, the woman was wearing the brooch on her chest. Wang De squinted his eyes slightly, and with his eyesight, he could see that the material of this brooch was actually a material with extremely yin properties that he had never seen before. But the function is still not visible. But this material alone is enough for him to study it. He secretly said that he did not run in vain by running this trip himself.

"What do you want to do?" Zhou Huiru timidly looked at the old man in front of her. He found that the other party had been staring at his chest all the time, with strange eyes. She was so frightened that she instinctively covered her chest, and her tone was even more panicked.

After all, he is also a famous master of Taoism. Although Wang Deyi is quite stubborn, he still feels a little awkward in the face of a timid ordinary little girl. Not wanting to delay any longer, he said bluntly, "Give the old man your brooch, and the old man will give you the money."

"A brooch?" Only then did Zhou Huiru realize that she had thought wrong just now, the old man was not making a crooked idea, but was interested in his own brooch. But this brooch was the first gift that man gave him, how could he give it to others?

Wang De always took out a bank card from the small bag in his hand and put it on the table. Said: "There are two million in this card, change your brooch."

"No change!"

Wang De nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and did not persuade him anymore, nor did he take back the bank card on the table. With a wave of her hand, Zhou Huiru was immobilized, unable to move. Then he watched helplessly as the brooch on his chest flew up and landed in Wang Deyi's hand.

After getting the brooch, Wang Deyi didn't stop, leaving a message: "There is a password on the back of the card. The money is still yours. If your man is not convinced, you can ask him to come to me."

About half an hour later, Zhou Huiru realized that she could move. Feeling aggrieved for a while, my eyes turned red, and I thought to myself: I lost the brooch again.

When Guo Tianjian hurriedly arranged for his three uncles to arrive at the flower shop, he was greatly relieved to see Zhou Huiru, who was sitting on a chair and weeping secretly. No matter what grievance Zhou Huiru suffered. At least people are fine. Longhushan's intention is even expressed in place. As for the latter matter, Senior Xue will naturally take care of it.

But I heard that Wang De came here just for a brooch. This was far beyond Guo Tianjian's expectations. He has also seen Zhou Huiru's brooch, and even when his wife came to the flower shop, he praised the brooch as beautiful. But it doesn't look weird, does it? Could it be that his eyes are clumsy, and that brooch is actually a great treasure?

the other side. Wang Deyi, who got the brooch, couldn't be more excited. He is not an ordinary monk like Jian Chen, he is the only refiner in the Taoist sect. The spiritual sense for the magic weapon is more sensitive. As soon as he took the brooch, he felt an extremely eerie and majestic aura coming out from above. From this breath alone, Wang Deyi was sure that all the ghosts in the world would dare to approach the person who wore this brooch.

"Who is that person? How could he engrave such a terrifying aura into a brooch?"

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