Extreme Yama System

Chapter 217: A win-win, Sadako!

The breath from the tape slowly filled the room. Unlike Xue Wusuan's joking expression, Liao Yong and Xie Yongling were even more panicked because they were stopped by Xue Wusuan. I don't know why I can't speak or move.

"This virus is somewhat interesting."

Xue Wusuan, who had completely let go of his defenses, clearly felt that Sadako's breath had penetrated into his Yama body. After this breath came in, it immediately began to have an impact.

However, this influence has no effect at all on the transformation of yin and yang in the face of the Yama body. It seems that he also sensed the clue. This breath found something wrong, and he wanted to withdraw, but was locked in the body by Xue Wusuan's thoughts.

"You still want to run after you come in? How could it be so cheap?" Xue Wusuan happily locked the breath that had penetrated into his body in a corner. This is the root of his ripping off.

Breath, especially the breath of the soul, this thing is closely related to the soul itself, just like a piece of hair on the body, it seems to be insignificant, but it is sometimes a deadly thing in the hands of a caring person.

Xue Wusuan happens to be a "caring person". To be precise, he has a method of following the vines according to the breath of his soul.

Curse. A sinister method of the Maoshan faction. Among the media that can be used by this method is the "soul breath". Xue Wusuan also thought of this, so he took the initiative to let Sadako's breath penetrate into his body.

Now that the breath has been pinched, it's time for Xue Wusuan to perform.

She seemed to feel something. On the TV, the woman in the white dress who was sitting in front of the mirror brushing her hair suddenly turned her head around suddenly. His face was pale and ferocious, and there was an air of tyranny in his brows.

"Roar!" A roar like a beast came from the TV. The woman in the picture got down from the chair, and she did not walk like a human, but was on all fours like a beast, crawling on the ground with her teeth and claws. The long hair covered most of his face, revealing a pair of eyes and a blood-red mouth, which were opened and closed, and crawled towards Xue Wusuan extremely fast.

Not a hallucination. The woman on the TV really crawled out of the TV just like that.

At this moment, the yin qi in the room reached a very high level, and even the naked eyes of ordinary people could see wisps of gray-black smoke, which was the manifestation of the yin qi condensing.

Apart from the evil spirits in the Wudao Underworld, Sadako, who crawled out of the TV in front of him, was the evil ghost with the strongest yin and resentment he had ever seen. Compared with Sadako, those evil spirits in **** who are tied to pillars or tortured on chairs are not worthy of carrying shoes.

"If there is a systematic ghost art practice, it will at least be several times more powerful. It is easy to become a ghost king. Unfortunately, super power and resentment can only increase its "quantity" but cannot change its "quality". The ability to try this thing is what it is.”

Looking at Sadako crawling towards him, Xue Wusuan's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to smoke with a smile. There was even Xianxin who blew a smoke ring out, and the smoke ring spread and became so big that it just fit on the head of Sadako who was crawling over.

"Roar!" Another roar. Sadako shook her head and wanted to fan the weird smoke ring away, but found that the smoke ring seemed to be a set of ropes, and it was tightly bound around its head. It has even begun to shrink, and every time it shrinks, it feels more and more pain in its soul.

pain? Sadako has not tasted this feeling for a long time. At this point it has understood that it is estimated that this time it has hit an iron plate.

But Xue Wusuan felt that he was just an iron plate. He felt that he was a "fire" to Sadako, the iron plate could only hurt, but the fire could burn it to pieces!

That smoke ring was Xue Wusuan's means of tumbling down, and it was a form of expression of his mana. There are not only the power of the five elements, but also the evil spirit of the unworldly underworld, and even the stalwart coercion of him as the supreme **** of the underworld. How can a poor ghost be able to break free?

"Since you were unlucky enough to meet this gentleman, do you still want to run?" Xue Wusuan said with a smile. In my mind, the smoke ring on Sadako's head tightened and tightened, causing Sadako to start rolling on the ground holding her head.

A demon with super powers will naturally have a violent struggle in the face of such severe pain in the soul.

When the thought power was activated, almost all the furnishings in the hotel room were thrown into the air, and even the brittle things such as coffee tables and vases were directly crushed.

Only Xue Wusuan sat on that sofa motionless.

"Not being honest?" Xue Wushen said again. With the palm of his hand, the aura of the group of Sadako that was locked in his body came out from the palm, and then quickly condensed and formed, in the blink of an eye, it became a miniature version of Sadako, just like the one in front of him. Struggling in his palm.

"Phew!" Xue Wusuan blew into the palm of his hand, and the gas from the exit immediately turned into a mass of six-color flames, which were evenly distributed over the whole body of this miniature version of Sadako, burning slowly. This is a new method that combines and "burns the soul". Of course, this method is also vacated by pleasure. Looking at Sadako's shrill screams, it seems that the effect is not bad.

If "Burning Soul" directly burns the soul, once the intensity increases, it will hurt the soul more or less. This is not in line with Xue Wusuan's plan. The means used, coupled with "Burning Soul", will be different. It can not only let the other party taste the most real and intense pain, but it will not cause irreversible damage to the soul. This is very good, it will not burn the valuable things in the soul together.

"Sadako, do you want to make a deal with this gentleman? You can give me some of the powers you have that you don't need, and this gentleman will solve your current pain. How about a win-win situation?"

Ability~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xue Wusuan didn't really care about it. In the final analysis, supernatural powers or superpowers are just a kind of superficial power. Compared with practice, the stamina gap is too large. So even though he has harvested a lot of various abilities in the Resident Evil world, he has never merged it. However, Sadako has the same ability, but it is an exception.

Borrowing a person to give birth.

Sadako can use a certain cell or soul of someone else, inject it into the body of a pregnant woman, and then complete an effect similar to rebirth.

In Xue Wusuan's view, this is an ability that is extremely valuable for research. He really wanted to figure out how this superpower could achieve its purpose under the dual conflict between heaven and reincarnation. Once he figured it out, Xue Wusuan felt that his understanding of "life and death" would definitely be better.

"Roar!" Sadako's answer seemed to be unaware of what it means to be Junjie who knows the times. Although he didn't speak, his roar was full of dissatisfaction and threats.

Xue Wusuan's favorite character is this kind of character who can't shed tears without seeing the coffin. He blew two more breaths into the palm of his hand, and the six-color flame burned even more fiercely.

With Erlang's legs crossed, he waved his hand to release the immobilization effect on the two of Liao Yong. Then she kicked Sadako, who was rolling in pain, into the corner. Towards the confused Liao Yong: "Go, plug in the TV, let's see if there are any interesting programs."

"Brother, what, what, what should I do?" Liao Yong, who had turned from panic to dumbfounded, asked Sadako curiously at the corner. At the same time, he hurriedly plugged in the power of the TV again, and took the remote control board and handed it to Xue Wusuan's hand.

"Let it think for itself. We're not in a hurry. Seven days is a long time."

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