Extreme Yama System

Chapter 224: Dare to owe Yan Luo's account?

Curious in his heart, Xue Wusuan stretched out his hand and grabbed a face-hugging bug at his feet that had just crawled out of the egg.

The feeling of starting is very strange, like grabbing a wet towel. And this thing's strength is really big, and it is estimated that ordinary people can't hold it down when struggling.

While pulling the face-hugging bug in his hand, he squatted beside the two unfortunate **** who had been parasitized by the face-hugging bug and had a bulging belly, and checked carefully.

In perception, Xue Wusuan found that the changes in the bodies of these two unlucky **** were miraculous. The eating speed of that face-hugging bug was terrifying. The small mouthparts are like vacuum cleaners, whether they are bones, flesh or organs, all of them go into their stomachs.

It's not over yet. The growth rate of this face-hugging worm after eating flesh and blood is terrifying. Less than five minutes. The body, which was originally the size of two fists when shrunk, not only grew rapidly, but also changed its appearance drastically.

When the two hapless belly swelled like balloons, they burst with a bang. There was so little plasma that splattered and so little minced meat that they had been eaten up.

What came out was no longer the wretched appearance of the face-hugging bug. He has hard armor all over his body, and his muscles bulge under the hard armor, which looks very explosive. The whole body is dark, with a slender tail nearly one meter five behind, and the tip of the tail has a blade-like nail that is three inches long. It stands on two hind legs, and the two front legs are short but sharp. The overall size is like that of a large canine.

I have to say that as soon as this thing came out, the primitive savage aura came towards me. In the open and closed mouth, a tentacle-like tongue can be seen, and there are auxiliary mouths and even teeth on the tongue, which are extremely sharp. The tentacle that killed a person in the previous sneak attack was supposed to be the tongue of this thing.

Because Xue Wusuan was squatting on the side, they were the closest to each other, so the first goal of these two aliens who had completed the evolution from larvae to adult body wanted to jump on Xue Wusuan's body. But they just made the action of biting, and then they instinctively closed, the pupils on the eyeballs shrank obviously, and they did not advance but retreated, as if they were afraid.

It is right to be afraid. Xue Wusuan's Yama breath is the most feared place in the depths of the soul. Although aliens are tyrannical and brutal, they are also living creatures, and they are even more sensitive than humans and believe in instinct.

"Don't run away when you come. You guys are worth a thousand reward points!" How could Xue Wusuan let go of these two aliens? With a wave of his hand, two sword qi slashed out.

"Huh!" Xue Wusuan was surprised when he saw the two aliens whose legs were cut off. Although he only struck at random, the sharpness of the sword energy was not simple. It actually feels like there is a "reluctance" when cutting the hard armor on the surface of the alien. The hard armor of this thing is actually much harder than steel?

Two legs were cut off. But the alien was inspired by the ferocity. The two opened their mouths together, and two lightning-fast tongues popped out, shooting directly at Xue Wusuan's face across a distance of two meters.

The tongue went directly through Xue Wusuan's head, effortlessly, as if through a layer of smoke. In front of Yama body, this kind of attack is completely meaningless.

Unshaved two-headed aliens. Xue Wusuan stretched out his hand, pinched the two tongues, and then pulled them violently, pulling them to his side. Then, as soon as the force was applied, the two tongues were completely torn off and thrown on the ground.


Xue Wusuan shook off the mucus on his hand and found that the alien's blood was like strong acid, and even the metal floor could corrode a small pit. It really is an alien and a beast. This pair of shells was born to kill from the inside out, and there was nothing superfluous, not even blood. If this thing is drenched on people, it is estimated that it will peel off the skin if it does not die.

"These two little guys will be handed over to you. Let's practice your hands." The two aliens with no legs and no tongue were kicked by Xue Wusuan in front of Liao Yong and Cheng Lin. Let them kill to get bonus points from the main god.

Cheng Lin raised her hand and slashed out an invisible blade from the palm of her hand, and slashed it under the alien's neck, where the armor was the thinnest. It took five cuts in a row before it was completely cut open, and the sixth cut off the alien's head. Five hundred reward points are credited.

And Liao Yong is more troublesome. The ability he redeemed is the fire ability. The temperature is not too high, I don't know how long it will take to burn the alien, and I don't know if he can hold on.

Xue Wusuan didn't care how the two behind him got reward points. He looked at the face-hugging bugs that were still exploding around him, and had a new idea in his heart. Wave your hand. About a hundred alien eggs that had not yet cracked were collected by him into the storage space of the system. Then he grabbed another that exploded and pinched it in his hand. The other hand burst into force, and when it was sucked, the three figures were frozen and sucked in front of him. It was the three who relied on him.

"What do I want? Where is it?"

The three did not expect that Xue Wusuan would suddenly come to collect the bill. I was a little confused. In addition, it was only after this that I discovered that my ability after being strengthened by the system was still the same in front of this person without any room for resistance. He stared at him for a while, not knowing how to speak.

"Don't tell me? Then I'll give you a way to go. Give me the power you got from the Lord God, and I'll spare you."

When Xue Wusuan spoke, his tone was terribly cold, and he could even let out some Yama's breath to invade the souls of these people, which made him even more frightened.

"I, I will!"

"I do too! Please forgive me!"

"Mr. Yan, I know I'm wrong. I'll double your money when I go back this time. Can you let me go this time?"

The first two people hurriedly agreed to use the power they exchanged to deduct the debt owed to Xue Wusuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but the latter person did not mention this, but said that it would be doubled in the future. The person who said that he would pay it back in the future was the woman who had followed Xue Wusuan from the very beginning, Xie Yongling.

Xue Wusuan snorted, thinking that this woman is not stupid. Unfortunately, no credit.

The two people who said "yes" felt that the power in their bodies was completely stripped away as soon as their voices fell. It turned into several **** of light and fell into the hands of Mr. Yan.

"Okay, let's forget about our business. You can do it yourself." Saying that, Xue Wusuan threw the face-hugging bug in his hand like throwing garbage on the ground. Then, just after landing, the face-hugging bug hurriedly left Xue Wusuan, who made it terrifying. With a slap on the tentacles, he threw himself directly on the face of a senior who had lost his strength and collapsed.

The other one was also terrified, and only then did he react. He lost his strength and was weak. How could he survive in this place full of murderous intentions?

"Please, Mr. Yan, save me, I am willing to pay all the reward points!"

Xue Wusuan curled his lips and said, "People who are untrustworthy are not worthy of doing business with me." Following these words. The second senior was also overwhelmed by the swarming face-hugging bugs.

In the end, Xie Yongling was still praying. But Xue didn't care. Since he didn't give it, he didn't bother to ask for it. There is no underworld here, let her go back to the origin of the world.

Seeing that the three senior men who wanted to default on their debts were all lying on the ground, they would soon open their stomachs and give birth to new aliens. Xue Wusuan smiled and turned to look at Liao Yong and Cheng Lin and said, "Don't worry, there will be another 1,500 points in the account later. Hey, I said Xiao Liao, you are not hot enough. Do you want me to do more? help?"

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