Extreme Yama System

Chapter 284: dig

Emerho, Xue Wu knew it. This is a very important character in the plot designed by the Lord God. It is said to be a well-known great wizard in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago.

But this Emerho's character was not very good. While enjoying the high-standard treatment given by the Pharaoh, he hooked up with the Pharaoh's wife. As a result, it was discovered by Pharaoh, and the two of them hurriedly killed Pharaoh without doing anything else, but all this was discovered by Pharaoh's daughter, and the final result was self-evident.

Emerho is dead, but his followers are determined, and they have been passed down from generation to generation, and they have never given up the idea of ​​resurrecting this great wizard. and continues to this day. It's the people in red.

Now, the woman in front of Xue Wusuan who has recovered the memory of his previous life, if he guessed correctly, is the wife of the pharaoh that Emerho hooked up with. It seems that this evil relationship is also continuing?

The woman's attitude did not mean weakness at all. Hearing Xue Wusuan's question, she replied bluntly: "Although you are also very strong, you are just an ant in front of Emerho. Everything you do will Emerho, who is regarded as a provocative greatness, will surely be punished the most severely!"

Xue Wusuan pouted, it seems that this woman has brainwashed herself like the dead people before. Kind words are useless in this case.

"Really? Emerho is so powerful? Then why don't you call him out to clean me up? I think, it's not that you don't want to call him out, but that you can't? Emerho is dead, and now he is a rotten It's just a mummified corpse. Well, let me think about it again, you can't revive a mummified corpse with your abilities, so you need to rely on some props, such as these two books, right?"

Every time Xue Wusuan said a word, the woman's face turned pale. It soon became frightening.

"If I take these two books away or destroy them, can Emerho be resurrected?"

The woman looked horrified and shouted in horror: "No! You can't do this!"

Being caught in a sore foot, there is no way to keep calm. The woman could only answer Xue Wusuan bluntly: "Emerho is still sleeping, we are looking for his corpse here."

Looking for corpses here?

Xue Wusuan thought to himself: If Emerho is really buried here, what about his soul after death? Is the soul also imprisoned by the strange formation below?

Because he didn't know Emerho's soul fluctuations, Xue Wusuan couldn't find it if he wanted to use his perception to search. Looking at the two books in my hand, I quickly came up with an idea.

Since the contents of the book could not be seen for the time being, the book would not be of much use to Xue Wusuan, and he threw it directly back on the table.

"What's in this jar?" Xue Wusuan asked as he picked up the magic weapon jar again.

"That's Emerho's most loyal servant. Only he can set it free."

"Let's go, let's find the great wizard you mentioned. I think there should be a good business between me and him."

The woman was very surprised, and then found that her body was free again, and quickly asked, "Would you like to help us?" She suddenly forgot her previous panic. The Oriental is also a powerful wizard, and if they can get his help, their plan will definitely add another powerful boost.

"Help you? No, no, it's a deal. But we'll have to see if it works. By the way, woman, what's your name?"

"My name is Ansunam."

Get out of the shed. The appearance of Xue Wusuan caused a burst of surprise at the huge excavation site. The man in red in the field had just heard the rapid gunshots and had already surrounded him. But he could see that his mistress, Ansunamu, followed the strange oriental person well, and waved to them not to be nervous. One by one was a little stunned.

The sound of gunfire interrupted the excavation. An old white man walked over in a hurry. After looking at Xue Wusuan vigilantly, he asked Ansunamu, "Who is he?"

"He is a powerful wizard from the East, um, and a businessman. He has a way to help us find Emerho as soon as possible." Ansunam said, turning his head and introducing to Xue Wusuan: "Master wizard, this is This is Mr. Hafez, and he is also a faithful servant of Emerho."

Xue Wusuan smiled. It turns out that this is Hafez, the curator of the British Museum?

I'm not interested in dealing with these irrelevant people. Xue Wusuan carried his hands behind his back, drank a cigarette, and walked to the construction site while sensing the search. Not long after, a long object buried about 15 or 6 meters underground aroused his idea. After further investigation, it was a coffin with a mummified corpse lying inside. What's interesting is that even though this body is already rotten, a trace of faint soul fluctuations continue to radiate from above.

It's just soul fluctuations, not a complete soul. It's like a signal light, it seems to be guiding something.

"Just below that, continue digging, there are about fifteen or six meters left." Xue Wusuan pointed to the location where the mummified corpse was found.

"What are you still doing? Go! Go and dig!" Ansunamu shouted excitedly to the people in red. She has confidence in the Oriental wizard who calls herself a businessman. As for worrying that the other party has other plans? Joke, as long as Emerho is resurrected, everything is no longer a threat.

However, Hafez and the other men in red were dubious, and their vigilance was even higher. Because they were told by their subordinates that it was this Oriental, who just killed more than a dozen of their companions in one go, and the captain of the black guard was also killed by him.

But soon these people became crazy. According to Xue Wusuan's guidance, they dug a coffin under the loess~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked Ansunam to go up to sense it.

Due to the fate of the past life, Ansunamu was very excited to determine that the corpse in this coffin belonged to Emerho.

Hearing the cheers from the surrounding mountains and tsunamis, Xue Wusuan pouted and asked, "Now that you have found him, then resurrect him."

"No, the conditions here are not enough to set up an altar. We have to go back to London." Hafez answered immediately. He now somewhat believed that the Oriental was a sorcerer.

"Need to rely on the altar? Why?"

"Mr. Wizard. Emerho has been sleeping for thousands of years. If you want to resurrect him, it is not enough to rely on the Bible of the dead. You must have the ability to bless the spell on the altar."

Xue Wusuan shrugged and waved his hand to reject the request to transport the coffin back to London with the men in red. He intends to stay and study the magical formation below this land.

As for the two books, Xue Wusuan is not in a hurry now. In his eyes, they are already his things. Now they are used by these people, which may be more helpful to his plan.

The men in red left one after another. And the coolies who were caught also hurriedly fled this dead place in twos and threes. Before long, only Xue Wushen was left here.

Closing his eyes, he sensed the range of the underground formation again. Then Xue Wusuan raised his hands up sharply. An extremely strong hurricane appeared out of thin air within a radius of one kilometer, from bottom to top, rolling all the sand and stones on the ground into the sky, as if it was about to reverse the world!

In about a minute, a terrifying pit with a radius of one kilometer and a depth of 100 feet appeared at the feet of Xue Wusuan, and above his head, a piece of land like an island was suspended.

Then, Xue Wusian floated down into the big pit with a smile.

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