Extreme Yama System

Chapter 289: What's going on?

This gentleman dressed in an unusually abrupt manner here is Xue Wusuan.

And the old man who followed Xue Wusuan was the devil servant Opus he had collected.

To resurrect an evil spirit, there are two conditions in this world. The first is that the body is still there, even if it becomes a mummified corpse. Say the spell from the dead bible.

Xue Wusuan remembered the only spell he could see in the Bible of the Undead, which was in ancient Egyptian, which he did not understand originally. But he has a servant, an ancient Egyptian wizard older than Emerho. After absorbing all the knowledge systems in the servant's mind, what else could Xue Wusian not know?

So, I didn't go anywhere else, just turned Opus's corpse out of the cemetery in Hamnatha, and stuffed it into the soul. After that, this old ghost who has been trapped for an unknown number of years can be counted. rebirth. This makes Opps ecstatic.

Afterwards, Xue Wushuang took Opus to the sky and left the Hamnata, the sorcerer's graveyard, looking for the soul fluctuations he left on a few Emerho followers, and found it soon. Emerho's group arriving at their final destination.

After arriving, Xue Wusuan could tell at a glance that there was a soul he had seen living in the re-repaired body in front of him. Before in Hamnata, he used his perception to scan all the evil spirits trapped in the formation. Although he did not find Emerho, he can remember the soul fluctuations of every evil spirit, including the reborn Emerho. . It's just that it didn't match the number before.

Xue Wusuan came, and many people knew him. Except for the reincarnators who were thrown over by the Lord God, the aborigines present knew him and had a profound influence, including Emerho of course.

Emerho had heard from Ansunam and others before that they had encountered a mysterious oriental wizard who claimed to be a businessman before they found his body. He also tried to take away the Bible of the Undead and the Golden Sutra of the Sun, but for some reason he gave up on his own initiative. When he heard these words at that time, Emerho knew who the "mysterious oriental wizard" Ansunamu spoke of. He has seen.

At that time, Emerho had not been resurrected and was trapped in the formation under Hamna Tower. He saw with his own eyes an extremely terrifying person hovering in the air, rolling all the sand, soil and rocks with a thickness of one kilometer and a hundred feet into the sky. , just like digging up a continent, and this "continent" has been suspended in the air for more than ten days!

In terms of mana alone, Emerho asked himself that he could dig up so carelessly across the land and hang in the air, but it wouldn't last long. At most, he would be drained of mana in ten minutes. For more than ten days, the gap here is simply not big. Can be counted.

Not to mention the incredible coercion that this person can easily suppress tens of thousands of evil ghost wizards. Emerho even felt that this was simply not something that people could do.

Emerho hurriedly came to Amshe, why didn't he want to get Anubis' army before the arrival of this terrifying oriental man who was obviously ready to come to the door, so that he could at least have more possible means of resistance. Unexpectedly, he was still naive.

"Your Excellency the great wizard from the East, Emerho sends you greetings. May your mana shine with the sun and the moon, and be immortal." As he spoke, Emerho knelt down on one knee. This means to be respectful, and it also means not to be an enemy.

Xue Wusuan pouted and spread his hands. Opus behind him immediately took a cigar from the exquisite small box in his hand, lit it and handed it to Xue Wusuan, and then took it out of the small silver bucket. He took out the chilled red wine and a crystal glass, poured it, and handed it over. And at the same time, with the mana, a large chair was condensed from the ground out of thin air for Xue Wusuan to sit down.

After taking a sip of the cigar, the taste seems to be stronger than that of cigarettes, and the aftertaste is also thicker. Xue Wusuan liked the things Opus prepared for him very much. And of course the chilled red wine. After being a Wudao Yama for so long, this is the first time he has enjoyed the pleasure of having a servant by his side and taking care of everything.

"You haven't answered what I asked you just now."

Emerho saw sweat on his forehead, and thoughtfully said, "Please forgive my timidity. Your power was too terrifying when you were in Hamnata, and I was terrified."

This stance is very low. This is a person who knows current affairs, but also a person with little backbone. Strength is the foundation of him, and it is also the foundation of his strength, but once the strength is not enough, the flaws in his mind will appear, and he is cowardly and does not have the temperament that a strong person should have.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone around, and they almost dropped their jaws in shock.

The reincarnations disguised as followers of Emerho said in horror: Who is this? Is this character in the movie The Mummy Returns? What's going on? Actually, even the mighty Emerho has to bow down to him and admit that he is afraid? ! Could it be that this is another powerful villain newly established by the Lord God?

And Emerho's true followers, such as Hafez and Ansunam, were horrified at this time and couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. Emerho’s current actions are undoubtedly telling them that this Eastern wizard, who they thought could not surpass Emerho before, was actually much more powerful than Emerho, and even Emerho even said a word when facing this person. Don't dare to say anything a little hard!

"Okay, I told your woman before that I like your two scriptures, how about you exchange them for me?"

Emerho was stunned for a moment, then his heart twitched, and finally he gritted his teeth and said: "I dare to ask the great Eastern wizard, what are you going to use in exchange for the Bible of the Undead and the Golden Book of the Sun?"

Xue Wusuan smiled and said, "A potion and a message." As he said Xue Wusuan, he waved his hand, and a green first-grade genetic potion appeared out of thin air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hovered over Emerho in front of.

As soon as you see the shape of this silver metallic bottle, you know that it is definitely not a product of this time and space.

Then I heard Xue Wusuan say: "This is a first-grade genetic medicine, which can increase the overall quality of your physical body by three to ten times, and can obtain a stronger "regeneration" ability than a gecko. Of course, this is purely a physical body. It doesn't need your mana support to be effective."

Seeing the bottle and hearing what Xue Wusuan said, the people who were most shocked were those who were reincarnated. In my heart, I thought with horror: "Genetic medicine? This, isn't this something in the space of the main god? How could it appear in this person's hands? He is also a reincarnator?! But, the main **** is not allowed to carry items beyond this space and time. Enter? What the **** is going on!"

The sense of horror immediately enveloped the reincarnators. They unconsciously thought that if this terrifying figure that scared Emerho was also a reincarnation, and also their opponent in this team battle, would they still have a way to survive?

But Emerho was puzzled. This so-called genetic modification agent is indeed a fetish, but it doesn't seem to be of any use to him, right? He is a wizard, not a samurai. What does he need such a strong body for?

Xue Wusuan continued: "I think this thing is useless to you? Hehe, of course it looks like this now, but it may not be so in the future. My other exchange is a piece of news, you will understand after listening to it. Of course. , after hearing this news, I will regard you as agreeing to the deal and will take away your two scriptures. Now you can choose for yourself."

How to choose? Emerho was very uneasy. He was very afraid of this terrifying existence, and at the same time instinctively felt that the news the other party said should be very important to him. After some hesitation, a decision was made in my heart.

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