Extreme Yama System

Chapter 293: Raise your hand and smash it

Just as Xue Wusuan burned the two statues of Anubis to ashes with his own pill fire, a vast will came instantly, so majestic that he almost wanted to crush everything here, and it was above the crowd. A huge black fog head appeared, staring at a pair of scarlet eyes, staring straight at Xue Wusuan, the only one still standing in the field.

"Who are you! Why do you want to destroy my idol and destroy my shrine!"

A roar exploded, and the pain was not in the ears, but in the soul. This was the sound of the yin qi in the shocking space that penetrated the soul.

The few people who had been crushed to the ground when the coercion appeared just now were even paler at this time, and the tearing sensation in the shock of their souls made them extremely painful. But they wanted to scream, but couldn't make a sound. The coercion that always acted on them made them unable to make a sound.

Only Xue Wusuan was still smiling, even happier than before.

Is this the will of Anubis, the **** of death in this world? Faced with this will body, the system instantly gave a risk assessment: Level 5. The danger level of this world is level 9, and Anubis's assessment is only level 5. What does this mean? It shows that Anubis is not a great **** at all in this world.

Maybe a piece of will can't really reflect Anubis' strength level, but Xue Wusuan also understands. He understands that will is the manifestation of the body, and even if you can't get a glimpse of the whole picture, you can see 70% to 80%. Guessing higher, the danger level of Anubis deity is at most seven levels.

This level of danger, for Xue Wusuan, doesn't really care at all. Because he understands that a threat of this level can't make him lose his mind at once, and as long as he is not killed in an instant, he is a Xiaoqiang who can't be killed, and grinding can also grind the opponent to death.

This is very good, and it is in line with Xue Wusuan's original plan.

"Anubis, your idol offended me, is it wrong for me to destroy it? Or, do you have an opinion?"

Every time Xue Wusuan uttered a word, the Wudao Yama breath on his body rose by one point. After two sentences were finished, the coercion on his body had already suppressed the coercion brought by the will of Anubis. go, the two sides form a clear boundary. During the collision, an aura of destruction began to overflow, the surrounding air screeched loudly, and terrifying void cracks spread rapidly, seeming to devour the entire space.

"What the **** do you want to do! This is my place of sanctification! You are not welcome here!"

"So, if you continue to show your poor coercion, I don't mind destroying this place." This time, the top of Xue Wusuan's head began to show the phantom of a black seal, and the breath on his body was even faster. Soaring, the coercion of Anubis was forced to retreat again, and at the same time, the surrounding void cracks became denser and denser, and it was really ready to destroy the posture here.

"You!" An angry shout, but the coercion took the initiative to hide. It seems that Anubis did not want to destroy his "Holy House" for such a pointless purpose.

"Mysterious guy, I don't know what kind of existence you are, but your existence makes me feel threatened. Leave my priesthood, you are not welcome here!"

The other party put away the coercion, and Xue Wusuan naturally slowly withdrew his momentum. But he wasn't going to leave, he still had business to do.

"No no no, Anubis, I've been here for a long time, have I ever threatened you? If it wasn't for your idol offending me, I wouldn't have done it. On the contrary, I'm here for me business, you can understand me as a businessman, well, a businessman you've never seen before."

Anubis obviously disagreed with Xue Wusuan's explanation. He was very angry now, and he felt a great threat from this inhumane thing that appeared out of nowhere.

This kind of threat is not clear, it seems that it is instinctive to oppose the other party. If it wasn't for the feeling that he couldn't kill the opponent alone, Anubis would have shot at any cost even if he destroyed his own place of priesthood.

"Businessman? Are lies so easy in your mouth? Again, get out of here!"

Xue Wusuan snorted coldly, and the hidden seal on the top of his head appeared again and this time it was instantly solidified. It was his exclusive magic weapon, Yan Luoyin.

Today's Yan Luoyin has been upgraded to the fifth level by Xue Wusuan, and the increase in power and many effects have already been geometrically multiplied. Now that it is fully manifested, the terrifying aura above naturally pulls Xue Wusuan's momentum to an explosive growth.

A stalwart image of a powerful and immoral Yama, who was not inferior to Anubis' deity, suddenly descended. Even this power pulled Anubis' will to blur.

"This gentleman said it. This gentleman is here to do business. Anubis, this gentleman has given you face, you don't want it yourself, if you are brave enough, then this deity will come, it's just a matter of will, you Can you be destroyed when this monarch?"

"You dare?!" Anubis was really startled, and looked at the Yan Luoyin floating above Xue Wusuan's head in horror, feeling the terrifying aura from above, knowing that he could rely on one The will of the stock really can't resist the opponent. Can come true body? This is no joke either. As long as his real body dares to leave the underworld, there will be chaos. He dare not.

"Don't dare? Hehe, why are you still staying here for your will? Why don't you get out of here!"

As soon as the word rolls out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Before Anubis' will explode, the Yan Luoyin above Xue Wusuan's head smashed directly.

Ignoring the scolding of Anubis' will, Xue Wusuan kept smashing it with a smile. After three or four slaps, the will probably knew that if he didn't run, he really couldn't run, so he quickly shrank away. In the blink of an eye, there was only Xue Wushen who was laughing wildly in this space.

"Hahaha! Anubis? Run away? This kind of thing dares to call himself a god? What a joke!"

He sneered at himself. Xue Wusuan lifted his legs and continued to walk forward. After taking two steps, he found that the person behind him did not follow. Turning his head to look at his servant Opus, he frowned and asked, "Opus, do you want to stay here to reshape the statue of your death god?"

"Oh! No! Master, there is no Anubis in your humble servant's heart. Only you are the supreme existence. Opus was just frightened by your majesty just now, and he was a little dazed. Please punish the master." , Opus trotted to the ground behind Xue Wusuan with a pious face, as if he wanted to kiss Xue Wusuan's shoes. However, Xue Wusuan, who felt disgusting, kicked him away.

Opus, who was kicked, had no resentment at all, but felt that it was the favor of the gods for him. God! His previous guess was right! His master is indeed a powerful god. He didn't even give face to Anubis, the **** of death. Do you want to be so arrogant! ?

But since the master is so strong, why has the world never heard the story about the master? And what is the title of the master?

Another thought that made Opus’ blood boil is: the master is a god, so am I not a servant of the gods? Servant of God? !

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