Extreme Yama System

Chapter 505: Movie

Recently, there has been a lot of excitement in the ghost country.

First of all, the three clubs who are known as the most promiscuous in the underworld were punished by Yan Jun for opening a lottery, and they went to the second floor of **** to enjoy a happy time for fifty years. After coming out, he didn't feel ashamed, and continued to eat and drink in the tavern, and even boasted about how he was silent in **** and laughed at the extreme torture to the ghost people who came to say hello and join in the fun. It also attracted a lot of applause, saying that the three adults are tough.

As everyone knows, in hell, these three are notorious for screaming at the touch, and their voices are louder than sinners.

It's just that the killers in **** don't like to go out for a stroll, otherwise how can they have the capital to brag? Maybe even get a new nickname: Three Kittens. Don't cats just meow when touched?

The ghost people under the rule of entertainment, the three brothers of the Wang family did it in a straightforward and thorough manner. I don't care if I still have a face.

The gaming industry has a very short existence in the ghost country. Some people have won money and some lost money, but there are not many in and out. Now the sudden shutdown naturally does not have much impact. More of the discussion is on the three ghost kingdoms who have been punished for this.

Of course, in the ghost country, and even in the entire abyss, all the ghosts who can be ridiculed by all the dead souls are only the three brothers of the Wang family. Other bad things? The dead souls are afraid and dare not talk nonsense.

In addition to the shutdown of gambling, there is a more lively topic, that is, the Baihu Yamen will start the second large-scale recruitment against all the ghosts of the ghost country after the fifty seasons of Yin eclipse. Thirty thousand. That is, two full legions will be recruited at one time.

At the same time, in the Grand Theater of Ghost Country, the "movie" model has also been moved to the ghost people for the first time.

This is what Baihu Yamen Wuyazi came forward, and after Bao Zheng, the judge of the Guiya Yamen, reconciled in the middle, he just put down the project in the arms workshop, and led a group of master craftsmen to make it up. For this, Zhong Mei complained a lot. In its view, it would be better to study a few new topics on weapons if it worked so hard to get such a thing, it was a pure waste of its energy.

But for Bao Zheng and Wu Yazi, this was a big deal.

Because they were soft and hard, what Zhong Mei helped to come up with was a set of "array projectors". This is a new device that uses the array method to expand and reproduce images and sounds. To put it bluntly, it is the underworld version of the movie projector.

This is the first movie in Wudao Underworld, and it is also a recruiting advertisement supervised by Baihu Yamen.

Wang Tianyun is now in the world of Resident Evil leading the army to sweep away the super zombies and the evils of the Umbrella company, but he attaches great importance to this matter. First, this is a task assigned by Yan Jun, and secondly, the White Tiger Yamen also needs such an intuitive means to let the ghost people know how the Yin soldiers fight and kill in other worlds. And why can he enjoy the highest standard of treatment in the unruly underworld.

The source of the whole film is the high-definition pictures taken by the scout bugs scattered around the surviving branches of Umbrella Company, and then edited, and finally converted into a film by the underworld projector vacated by Zhongmei.

Movie title.

The movie was supposed to be free. But Bao Zheng doesn't think so. It feels that although this is a publicity advertisement, it is also a commodity. Besides, what if you let the staff in the Grand Theater do it for free? No salary? Impossible. At most it's a discount on the ticket price. It also attaches great importance to the benefits of the domestic government-run industry.

But neither Bao Zheng nor Yazi Wu expected what kind of terrifying scenes this movie would bring.

A ghost town! !

How big is the ghost country? According to the measurement of Guiya, the area of ​​the ghost country currently used for living and production is about 120 miles. Such a big city, in the first show of this movie, it was completely empty!

That's not right, it shouldn't be said that it is completely empty, but 99% of the ghost people have gathered within a radius of three to five miles around the Grand Theater. Fortunately, everyone is a dead soul. If they can't stand, they can still float in the air, or they are stacked on top of each other. Although this will be very uncomfortable, no one wants to leave easily.

Queue up! A play in the Grand Theater can only accommodate 5,000 dead souls at most, but now there are more than 3 million dead souls waiting outside to watch a movie! Come on, how long is the line?

Unless there is really no way out. For example, if you have to rush back to serve the yin food in the fields, or there are errands in the yamen, or there is some work that cannot be avoided, no one will leave his position in this overlapping team.

No matter which plane the souls of the world come from, they have high expectations for this movie. Because this is the real picture of the Yin soldier fighting, it is a slashing with a man-made super monster, and it is the moment when the great Yan Jun spreads glory in the world.

Of course, this is also because many dead souls have never seen a single movie from the time they were alive until they died, and even if they watched the movie, the dead souls from the Resident Evil plane world had seen it before the disaster.

The first group of dead souls who came out of the Grand Theater did not wait for the outside team to ask questions, and ran to the end of the team without saying a word.

"Didn't you see it? What line are you lining up?"

"Idiot? Can't you read it twice? Or do you have an opinion?"

"Twice? Is it so beautiful?"

"I can't tell you. You'll know after you've seen it."

However, not all the ghost people are honestly queuing up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For example, the first three who entered the Grand Theater did not follow the audience.

The three hammers of the Wang family. This kind of **** who has only suffered from hell, is in charge of the ghost country, and also hangs the idle position of a thousand households in the Yin Barracks, and even if he is punished, he is still a big celebrity in front of Yan Jun. With such an existence, shameless, who can grab them and beat them? It is estimated that the upright Bao Zheng will pretend not to see it. Besides Yan Jun, who can take them and how about it?

"It's beautiful! It's so beautiful! What's the difference between being there?"

"Yes, brother, I think I can sit still and watch this play a hundred times. By the way, I've finished drinking this pot of wine. Brother, do you still have the pot? Give me some of it?"

"Fuck off! Such a small jug, when you see the excitement, it dries up in one gulp, can you still have the rest for you?"

"Second brother, this thing is called a movie, not a play. Why do you keep calling it wrong? It's a pity, if we weren't punished to **** this time, we should have appeared in this movie. What a big loss!"

"Okay, okay. Be quiet. The next game is about to start."

Five thousand spectators took their seats, and the light was dimmed. Originally, there was something like a big drum in the center of the stage. Then the "big drum" began to shine. In the blink of an eye, the souls of the dead in the entire Grand Theater were instantly transported to another world. While excited, I also understand that this is actually a light and shadow illusion, all this is not in front of them at all, but directly in their consciousness!

What could be closer to reality than watching a movie in an almost real fantasy? Can you feel the thrilling pictures in the movie more intuitively?

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