Extreme Yama System

Chapter 508: Breathing anger?

Compared with Guan Zhang Ergui, Zhou Yu's brain is obviously much more active. It died of its own disease, or died of anger. Proud in the heart, but can only watch its painstaking sailing army be easily destroyed by the enemy chopping melons and vegetables.

And after being released back to Sun Wu, all the power in his hands was taken away by Sun Quan. Then Sun Wu and the Blood Banner Army united. This kind of silly and short-sighted style of scheming with tigers made Zhou Yu even more angry, and he became seriously ill. After lying in bed for less than a month, I burped.

When he arrived in the underworld, Zhou Yu realized that he had entered an extremely great world. I also understand that my poor grades in the world are not considered farts here. Careless, why are you still screaming?

Looking at the two fellow villagers Guan Zhang, who were timid, Zhou Yu felt that it was wise for him to admit counseling from the very beginning.

Not to mention the scholar who had been holding his hands behind his back and had a gloomy face, Zhou Yu felt terrified just by the vicious people around him who were shirtless.

This is not because Zhou Yu is timid, but an instinctive reaction stemming from the difference between soul and body. Just like mice are afraid of cats.

Then, Zhou Yu and Guan Zhang Ergui, who had obviously been cleaned up once, left the evil mirror stage. Go to the Yan Luo Temple. Along the way, Rong Ziju walked in front, introduced himself, and then began to introduce the three ghosts about the general situation of the Wudao Underworld.

Rong Ziju walked very slowly, trying his best to give the three ghosts the truth before arriving at Yama Temple. This is its responsibility as a soul gatherer, and it will not compromise its responsibility because of its own likes and dislikes. Even if it doesn't really care about these three dead souls who are about to take office.

The majesty and majesty of the Yama Temple, the terrifying coercion that made the three ghosts almost unable to walk upright, and the huge divine beast at the entrance of the temple. In addition to what Rong Ziju had told them along the way, the three ghosts were all anxious and excited now.

The sun room is a fart! In the underworld as a general, in the future, it will be a real big business to sweep the worlds with the army. With such a great opportunity, what can't you let go of everything before your death? And now, they are about to meet the great One God. Even some of the excitement is not real, like a dream.

But when he saw the appearance of this Yan Jun, Guan Zhang Ergui was stunned for a moment, and then he was stunned. The doubts in my heart disappeared in an instant.

It is no wonder that the Blood Banner Army is so irresistible, and it can also have such powerful explosive weapons and a new type of five-toothed ship that can crush the strongest navy in the world. It turned out that everything was the great **** running behind it.

how do you feel? Guan Zhang Ergui was a little relieved. Since this person is so great that they are beyond the limits of their thinking, what they have done is naturally not something they can speculate. It's not necessary either.

Especially Zhang Fei. It had always been haunted by the miserable things that had been cleaned up in Longzhong. Now let go in an instant. Being cleaned up by a dignified god, is it still possible to resist? Cowardly, cowardly, not embarrassing at all.

And Zhou Yu, who had never seen Yan Jun before, honestly knelt down and kowtowed. It has nothing but gratitude in its heart now. It is indeed a great luck to be able to be seen by Yan Jun.

Then, Wang Tianyun came, and the three ghosts understood that this was their direct boss. Salute quickly. Then he said goodbye to Yan Jun and left the Yan Luo Temple.

Xue Wusuan lit a cigar again, looked at Rong Ziju with a smile and asked, "What do you think of the three ghosts?"

As a soul gatherer, Rong Ziju is the one who runs the most diligently in the shadows of the whole unethical underworld. The face of the Three Kingdoms is also very familiar. Although he didn't interfere for half a minute, he had heard of some famous creatures. For example, Guan Zhang Ergui and Zhou Yu.

If you understand something, you will naturally understand the meaning of Xue Wusuan's question.

"Go back to Yanjun. There is no problem with Guan Zhang Ergui as a general. Zhou Yu is handsome, and his subordinates think that Zhou Yu is better than Guan Zhang Ergui than leading troops to fight."

"That's right. I think so too. Well, then continue to pay attention to the Three Kingdoms plane. The chaos there is about to end. At that time, all the people on the list that I gave you can't be omitted, and all must be The compilation of the income Yin soldier sequence."

"My subordinates understand that they will not miss Yan Jun's important affairs."

"Very good. Back off."


As soon as Rong Ziju left, the entire Yama Temple instantly became quiet. Waving to close the door. Mo Yun's heart moved outside the door, he stood up, and walked to the long steps in front of the temple, his eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly. The owner now does not want to be disturbed.

With a spread of his hands, the strange heart that Xue Wusuan had brought into the storage space appeared again. Still beating slightly rhythmically. But now its surface no longer flows out of the transparent liquid it used to be. Because Xue Wusuan blocked all the yin around the heart with his mana.

Xue Wusuan was going to try to see if he could slowly deduce the reason for the formation of the heart. He subconsciously felt that once he could figure out the root cause of this heart, it would help him far beyond his imagination.

Sit cross-legged, close your eyes, and calm your mind. Thousands of thoughts gathered in his mind, all gathered in the spirit platform. The soul of life began to tremble slightly. A tiny strand of mana in his hand began to probe into the heart of the heart at the same time.

If you want to deduce the root cause, the first step is to figure out why the heart can be "immortal~www.wuxiaspot.com~ what are those transparent liquids before, and where do they come from? The energy that maintains its existence. What is it?

Mana slowly penetrated. Mana is more sensitive to subtle reactions than perception. Soon, when Xue Wusuan's mana broke into the surface of the heart, a powerful breath of life sent back a message from the end of this subtle mana. Xue Wusuan's first reaction to this feeling was, "This thing actually has such a powerful aura of life, and it even resembles the "birth" side of Tinder!"

Continue to explore inside, and soon, Xue Wusuan discovered a very magical place: this heart actually has a complete self-supply ability!

What's the meaning? That is to say, the heart does not need to rely on any will or means, nor does it need to be attached to a living being, it can maintain its own long-term existence by absorbing energy from the outside world. However, what this heart absorbs is not the vitality of heaven and earth, but the vitality of life.

In other words, the "food" of this heart is actually other creatures. But whether it is the kind of "absorption" that can instantly **** a living person to death, this Xue Wusuan can't judge yet.

"This is the "indestructible" body? Use the anger of other creatures to continue your own existence and "indestruction"? It's interesting." Xue Wusuan thought to himself. The mana in his hand continued to wander slowly inside.

I don't know how long it took, Xue Wusuan withdrew his mana. However, there is no status to exit the derivation. It should be said that he has only started the formal derivation process from now on. Integrate all the information he got related to the heart, and scrutinize it bit by bit to see if he can finally figure out how the heart came into being.

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