Extreme Yama System

Chapter 519: stiff

Formation, especially this kind of large-scale formation, has been studied by Xue Wu. At the very beginning, he found the great formation that could imprison living souls in the plane of , and then he began to collect relevant information and began to study.

What really made Xue Wusuan's understanding of the formation leap forward was after he found the plane. Because there is a serious practice plane and is in a heyday. Both exercises and miscellaneous studies are very rich. A yin and yang street stands, and what Xue Wusuan returns is a huge amount of knowledge. Among them are the essentials of the formation.

The Imprisonment Array and the Locking Array are actually two major categories. It is also widely used on the plane. For example, on the Leifeng Pagoda of Jinshan Temple, there is a very typical confinement and lock spirit formation. It's just that it hasn't been subtly blended together like this big formation.

The original level of the original world was extremely high. According to this, there have been top-level powerful people who fought against the "Tao". After that, it fell, but left behind a lot of mysterious places and clues. It's like a golden symbol on this grand formation that seems to be breathing.

Xue Wusuan had seen similar symbols in some Taoist classics. To be precise, these should be called "talents". It is a very ancient and powerful method in the original world to use the power of the world for its own use.

The talisman technique of Longhu Mountain is an example of the use of talismans.

However, this is the first time I have seen these talismans, Xue Wusuan. You can only deduce the functions represented by these uncommon talismans based on the known talisman styles in your mind, and then find a door that can be opened.

Fortunately, this is a talisman rather than a mysterious existence. There are known talismans as a reference, and unknown talismans are also in front of you. In addition to Xue Wusuan's current cultivation, it can be deduced very quickly under the circling of brain power. Don't make Zhou Huiru wait too long.

It's not to break the formation, just to find a back door to enter. After understanding the construction of the talisman in an area and the flow of the energy of the formation, it will be a matter of course.

Very strange, Xue Wusuan understood for the first time that a complex formation could be constructed in this way. Immediately let go of his perception, write down the entire structure of the formation, and prepare to go back to study and study, maybe I can sort out the essence of a composite formation and pass it on to the souls of the unworldly underworld.

A "door" was just pushed open by Xue Wusuan. Holding Zhou Huiru, he walked in, and then closed the "door" again.

"No way, the houses here are so old! I haven't seen the style before. When do you think the ancient civilization left this place?"

"I don't know. But these houses have existed for at least five thousand years." Xue Wusuan felt the air inside, and the strange rancid smell made him more alert.

"Five thousand years!? It's been so long?" Surprised Zhou Huiru stared with excitement. She didn't expect that she would have a day to explore the ruins of such an ancient civilization.

Suddenly, Zhou Huiru thought of something, her face was a little pale, she grabbed Xue Wusuan's arm and pressed it up, and asked in an uneasy voice: "Wusuan, this place can be underground, and there is a formation outside, you say yes. Isn't it a relic? It's like the secret realm of evil cultivation last time!"

Zhou Huiru is not afraid of the ruins, even if there are scary corpses, they are still dead. But the secret realm is different. Zhou Huiru, who has experienced it personally, knows that the "secret realm" is full of dangers.

"This is not a secret realm." Xue Wusuan said with a smile.

"Huh. Then I'm relieved. By the way, I'm going to take a lot of photos here, hum, I'm the real Tomb Raider!" Zhou Huiru, who was playful, was not afraid after hearing that this was not a secret realm. .

Xue Wusuan smiled but didn't explain, this silly girl can play if she wants to. As for the other things, can there be any waves with him? With his current cultivation of the Earth Immortal, he believed that even in the heyday of the original world, there was absolutely no monk who was more powerful than him in the mortal world. Even if this is most likely a weird and special prison.

Zhou Huiru brought a lot of things, and she really used it. For example, the small drone camera equipment floating in front of her. This device is an experimental product of Longshan Company. It can be connected to the new artificial intelligence mobile phone without control, and it will automatically capture the owner's most perfect angle to take pictures. It was Zhou Huiru who asked for it from the secret research institute. Of course, other than her, no one else has such a big face to get it.

Walking all the way, "exploring" all the way, full of Zhou Huiru's laughter and amazement. She even found a large number of beautiful utensils in these apparently abandoned houses. There are wine jugs made of stone, gold jewelry, and ferocious armor made of unknown metals that are not rusted for thousands of years. Zhou Huiru couldn't imagine the value of these things, but she could take them, as souvenirs.

Zhou Huiru was exploring, as was Xue Wusuan. The difference is that Xue Wusuan saw far more far-reaching than Zhou Huiru. The smell wafting in the air here, and the things that Zhou Huiru thought were actually other kinds of magic tools in front of him have made Xue Wusuan feel a lot of information~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This place used to be prosperous. It also lives in a special group of living beings that are different from monks and humans. They are humanoids, have social classes, and have a clear division of labor. There is even a mural in one house, and the creatures on it look almost the same as humans. The only difference may be their scarlet eyes and sharp eight-inch fangs.

Human figure, fangs, blood red eyes. This reminds Zhou Huiru of the vampires in the movie. Is this the city of vampires? Existed more than 5,000 years ago?

Xue Wusuan was asked, but he was directly denied.

Vampire? Xue Wusui pouted in disdain. How can something that can be locked in such a large formation thousands of years underground for thousands of years or even longer be a vampire. Even Xue Wusuan didn't believe in the existence of vampires.

Thinking, the information in his mind is mainly from the Taoist gate and some miscellaneous books obtained in the secret realm of evil cultivation. Soon a name jumped out of Xue Wusuan's memory: Zong.

It's different from the Maoshan faction's housekeeping skills of "refining zombies" who were disliked in Taoism.

Zombies are dead things, weapons created by mana.

Stiff, but alive. It is an extremely ancient creature in this plane. The superficial feature is the eight sharp fangs in their mouths. The inherent characteristic is that stiffness has no soul. This is also in line with what Xue Wusuan perceived in his perception.

There is such a saying: Stiffness is born between heaven and earth, and is produced by the suffocation and turbidity of heaven and earth. However, they are rejected by heaven and earth. They are disease-free and ageless. They are free from the world.

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