Extreme Yama System

Chapter 562: my true self

The Wudao Underworld was busy before the war, and every aspect was preparing for the attack on the plane. [WWw.SuiMеng.lā

As the ruler of the Wudao Underworld, Xue Wusuan was also not idle at this time.

The cultivation base is Xue Wusuan's reliance on the Wudao Underworld. For him, every time he goes up to a realm, what he improves is not only the power in a single realm difference, but the power of geometric multiples or even skyrocketing.

Why? Because Xue Wu is a Yamashita, and from Sadako's special ability, he has created an unprecedented method, or magical power: substitute technique.

His stand-in has a body and soul, as well as the same strength as him. And it can be strengthened by the "indestructible body" to produce stronger conflict changes.

When I was face-to-face with Xueji before, it seemed that Xue Wusuan's stand-in would be crushed in front of the Almighty, but the indestructible nature was still there, and it could be repaired quickly, but it was not necessary at that time. Xue Wusuan hid his hand and did not reveal many of the stand-in's abilities. ..

Now Xue Wusuan has acquired the life-long learning of Xueji, and because of the relationship of Yan Luoti, he can only learn some methods and skills of the "ghost" side of Xueji without being like the dead souls in the ruthless underworld. Can learn all.

As soon as he returned to the Wudao Underworld, Xue Wusuan picked out some of the most important means of Xueqi, and asked the system to help him reach the full level. At that moment, Xue Wuan felt that the mana in his body began to surge, and the suction force was a little worse than when he advanced to Earth Immortal, but it lasted longer.

Xue Wusuan spent a season of yin food maturity in absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth, yin qi, **** suffocation, and six-color energy.

"Sure enough, I still haven't been directly promoted to the real fairyland." Xue Wusuan opened his eyes from the meditation and muttered.

I have to say that Xue Jie's several signature methods and methods are indeed amazing, and even Xue Wusuan thinks that these things still have a lot of room for exploration, and the potential is unlimited. With his current cognition and absorption, the mana he obtained has already brought his power to the fairyland to perfection. Only need to take a small step up, is the real fairyland.

But Xue Wusuan is now the leader of the Wudao system. There is no beacon to illuminate the road ahead for him. Once again, he needs to find a new way by himself to continue the hurricane with great strides.

But this time it was a little uncomfortable. Because this is the power he obtained instantly by using the relationship of the system. Although it is very fast, it has invisibly shortened the process of his exploration of no way forward, and the information and cognition obtained naturally cannot keep up with the growth of strength.

But fortunately this time, the things that came from Xueji also included all of Xueji's experience and understanding. These are Xue Wusuan's help and the most important gain in his opinion.

Relying on Xue Jie's experience and insights and insights on the way of practice, Xue Wusuan can obtain enough mysterious theories from it, and then grab it and integrate it into his own cognitive system, and finally put it in Wudao. Experiment in the system to see if you can benefit from your own path of nowhere.

This is a work that requires a lot of calm, slow and careful work. It consumes mental effort, and it tests patience and tenacity the most. Of course, a lot of luck is required.

Therefore, Xue Wusuan is now fully aware of all the matters in the unreasonable underworld, but he has no intention to take care of it.

I don't know how long it took. A Mingwu suddenly flashed from the experience and insights of Xue Wusuan absorbed by Xue Wusuan. Fortunately, he was caught by him, and he took this as the first basic point and continued to expand. After a while, a plausible line appeared in Xue Wusuan. The calculations began to take shape in the mind.

Mystery and self, Tao and Wudao, Xue Qian's experience and Xue Wusuan's own cognition. All these aspects, Xue Wusuan's heart was constantly ups and downs, constantly changing, screening, screening, absorbing, and remembering.

During this process, Xue Wusuan almost forgot everything.

Suddenly, a joint blocked Xue Wusuan.

"Without worrying, there is great freedom, great liberation, and great self!"

"No! The ego is the id, and I am me, so why should I care?"

"Since there is concern, how can we still talk about liberation and freedom? Think about it, concern is a bond, how can you stay?"

"Fart! There are worries, ties, and the necessary meaning of existence. This is the foundation of being a human being!"

"What you want is great freedom! Is human identity so important to you? Is there anything wrong with being a free and free god, a real god? Standing on the top of thousands of planes, looking down Hundreds of millions of living beings, a long river of time can be waved in the hand, and everything in the world can be seen in one hand. Isn't that bad?"

"Hum. Good or good, but this is the wrong way for me! The way I want to go, I want to achieve the limitless place that you said that the gods can't reach with my identity and belief! So, I'm going to kill you! You fake and ridiculous little beast!"

The demon of the heart came silently, and Xue Wusuan was also the first time he encountered it in the promotion of realm. Fortunately, he follows a system of no Tao, and what he cultivates is his own self, which makes his resistance to inner demons easier. Any thoughts that go against the original heart need to be cut off and annihilated.

Speaking of caring, this is Xue Wusuan's obsession. He has been mentioned by the system countless times, but he is still the same. What he cared about before he died, he still won't let go after he died, and what's important now, he won't give up easily. He feels that these are all necessary existences, and they are also the foundation, memory and continuation of his previous life. Even that short life and not many people care. But he cares.

With a clear mind and a firm heart, who can make him change his original intention? The system can't, and it's even more impossible for mere inner demons.

"Break it for me!"

A cry originating from the deepest part of the true self came from the heart, proclaimed in the mouth, and finally came out of the Yama Temple, spreading the ghosts, shaking the whole absurd underworld as if it were about to be subverted~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was like the end of the day .

The power of the heart is the most powerful. The beliefs that come from the id and the true self are the most invincible.

Who stipulated that to become a god, one must renounce **** and desire?

Who said that Ling Jueding must be arrogant and arrogant?

And who said that you can move forward bravely without any worries? Isn't owning, possessing, and enjoying the driving force? Can it be ignored?

Although Lao Tzu is a gangster, who ever said that gangsters can't become gods? Not only does Lao Tzu want to become a god, but he also wants to be Ling Jue Ding, a glance, the mountains are small!

The idea is clear, the road ahead is naturally clear, and suddenly, the lighthouse is erected, two in a row, under the light, all the ups and downs on the road are visible, and there is no more restraint.

Click! He heard a glass-shattering sound from Xue Wusuan's heart, and then spread to all directions.

The previously stagnant absorption reappeared. This time, the influx of mana was unimpeded, and the power also crossed the red line that belongs to the realm of the real fairy, and it did not stop...

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