Extreme Yama System

Chapter 593: 3 straws

With the formation of the Heavenly Covering Hand, even a cultivator in the True Immortal realm would not be able to see the slightest bit. King Yama happened to be a monk in the realm of immortals. His cultivation is actually not weak among the three major forces. But to say the top, it's a little bit worse.

Wang Tianyun's strength is far inferior to that of King Yama, and naturally he can't use his perception to see the battle situation ahead in front of the Heaven-Covering Hand. However, the Yin Soldier sequence was well prepared for this. The cavalry of the communication, one by one, took the form of relay, which was much faster than the general means of transmission.

"Report! The three generals Guan Zhangxiang have already come into contact with a large number of enemy troops at a distance of fifty miles across from Naihe Bridge..."

"There is an urgent report from the front army. The number of enemy troops is estimated to be more than 3 million. At this time, the left and right flanks and the front army have been surrounded by a total of 45,000 Yin Corps..."

"Report! At present, the battle ahead is anxious. The enemy's high-end combat power is far more than our army in front. The current situation is very critical."


The battle reports were quickly passed to Wang Tianyun. None of the military advisors showed worry or other negative emotions, and they all had smiles on their faces. Even Wang Tianyun, who was standing in the center, was the same.

"Very good, Xun You, your plans are as expected so far. The enemy did not invest all the troops at once. Three million, although it is half a million more than the previous estimate, but the effect is not bad. This time you The Military Teacher Hall has done a great job.”

Xun You bowed slightly and said with a smile: "The general is serious. Our military division hall is a member of the White Tiger Yamen. All the credit can only be done under the command of the general, and it is the result of the soldiers' **** killing of the enemy. All counselors must never dare to take credit."

Wang Tianyun smiled but did not answer. Turning his head to look at the messenger standing beside him, he asked, "How long will it take to reach the Naihe Bridge?"

"Returning to General, it is really inconvenient to transport 50 Kun-type Huangquan Cannons. It is already the highest speed that can be achieved. It is estimated that it will take about ten minutes to reach Naihe Bridge."

Wang Tianyun frowned, thought about it, and said, "Let the three brothers of the Wang family and the two gods participate in the transportation of the Kun-shaped Huangquan Cannon. Well, take my warrant and go."

"It's the general."

Those who can move that behemoth quickly and keep the precision equipment intact, the entire army only has the top combat power of the five Heavenly Ghost Realm Sikong Xuan.

"General, doesn't this seem out of the way?" Xun You hesitated for a moment and whispered beside Wang Tianyun.

Wang Tianyun understood what Xun You meant. It is indeed against the rules to let the top combat power carry things, and it also means to lose the face of the five.

"Well, they won't have an opinion. Even if they do, they can't care about it. The big deal is that when the battle is over, I won't fight back and let them beat them up."

When they received the warrant, Sanbang gave the biggest reaction. The curses could be heard from far away, but Sikong Xuan and Zhong Wanqiu were speechless. However, these five did not resist in the slightest. Even the three sticks hurriedly ran to the rear of the military formation to help with transportation while cursing.

With the help of the top five Heavenly Ghost Realm's top combat power, the speed of transportation suddenly accelerated. It is expected to reach the Naihe Bridge in five or six minutes, and it should be able to reach the periphery of the battlefield within ten minutes.

The commander of the Central Army was Wang Tianyun, but Zhou Yu was in command. Zhou Yu's decision-making ability and adaptability in training and confrontation surprised Wang Tianyun. This time, I also personally ordered Zhou Yu's army general.

Five minutes passed quickly, and a bridge spanned the Wangchuan River. The Chinese army didn't stop, jumped over the hundreds of Yin soldiers who were staying here, and rushed directly to the battlefield fifty miles away.

At this time, the 3 million Yin difference has begun to show obvious signs of collapse. The rear is about to be killed by the vampires. A full 600,000 yin poor have been swallowed by the vampire in less than half an hour. And the grinding disc formation, which seemed to be crumbling but never smashed, has silently consumed nearly 400,000 Yin Chai. In total, three million yin messengers came, and now there are less than two million left. And the most terrible thing is that morale has fallen to the bottom.

If you bite hard in the front, you won't be able to break it, and there is no feasible defense against the killing of the vampires in the back. They do not have the kind of powerful armor of the Yin Soldier sequence, which can form a formation to resist the impact of vampires and various powerful hunting methods.

A rout can happen at any time.

If it is replaced by a general with some battlefield experience, the best way at this time is to retreat. Although a large number of people will still be chased and killed, it is always like a rout, and the loss from wanton slaughter is much smaller, right?

But in the end, the evil is just the evil, who is doing the business of holding the soul to preside over the reincarnation, but it is extremely lacking in temporary judgment and tactical changes in the war. So much so that they quickly miss the best time to disengage.

Defeat is just around the corner.

"Hahaha! The old men are here! Kill, kill, kill!"

A loud shout floated from afar, it was the three brothers of the Wang family who were allowed to leave the Chinese army to come to support.

These three were too choked up. Following the Chinese army, I thought there would be a big war, but in the end, I walked all the way, and I didn't see any of the enemies. I was even ordered by Wang Tianyun to be a Lifu to set up a cannon. Now that I can finally smell the aura of killing, why not make the three of them excited for no reason?

As for the two divine generals Sikong Xuan and Zhong Wanqiu, they did not follow. Although they also wanted to go into battle to kill the enemy, they did not dare to fight for the credit. After all, they are now the two dead souls with the highest difference in the Wudao Underworld, and they are also the only two ghosts who are settled in the side halls of the twelve Yama Halls. How much credit should be made? How will Yan Jun reward him? And the Chinese army can't even keep a high-end combat power, can it?

The arrival of the three clubs is the last straw that crushes the shadows on the opposite side. Because of these three goods, without saying a word, the thief's eyes swept away in the field, and quickly found the four Heavenly Ghost Realm powerhouses and hundreds of ghost immortals who were smashing around the grinding disk array.

Hehe smiled, the three clubs glanced at each other, raised the weapons in their hands, and rushed down.

The three clubs don't like silly head-to-head encounters. They just like to play yin, how shameless and irritating.

He didn't fight with the four powerhouses in the Heavenly Ghost Realm at all. Instead, he jokingly swung his saber to kill those ghosts and immortals. In less than a moment, a dozen ghosts were cut down. Afterwards, no matter how furious and cursing the four ghosts were, they just refused to accept the move~www.wuxiaspot.com~ wholeheartedly chased after the ghosts and immortals who were a full realm lower in strength than the three of them, and chopped happily.

While slashing, they shouted to each other with joy and joy.

"Brother, I have killed nine ghosts."

"Nine? Hey, what a shit, I have killed eleven."

"I've also killed eight. These ghosts are so weak, it's really easy to bully them."

It doesn't matter if these words will dissipate the spirits of the four heavenly ghost realms who are chasing them but can't stop them.

Regardless of whether it is a living person or a dead soul, when you get angry, reason becomes a scarce commodity, and your brain becomes less useful. He will even become extremely confident, thinking that as long as he can grab these three despicable guys running around, he can raise his hand and kill them.

But the fact is, losing your mind means you've been hit by three hammers. A simple speed increase and decrease change, and the intersection of the moving direction, and then suddenly turned around, immediately formed a three-on-one lore chance.

The hand raised the knife and dropped it. The slashing saber, which was sufficiently poisoned, slashed across the neck in the other's horrified eyes, and his soul body was instantly wiped out.

"Okay, it's three to three at last. Come on, didn't you just scold me happily? Now let the three grandfathers of your family say how many bones do you have?"


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