Extreme Yama System

Chapter 598: Occupation process begins

What does it feel like to be imprisoned to move by means of mana, and then smashed to death by punches and punches?

King Yama knew, but he couldn't say it anymore.

"Get rid of all the remnants of the dead here as soon as possible! Remember, it must be clean, and no one is allowed to remain!"

The fall of King Yama is undoubtedly the greatest encouragement to the unruly underworld forces. At the same time, it was terrible news for the remaining power in the underworld.

There are those who are terrified, there are those who are ready to die and die, and there are those who kneel down and beg for mercy. But under the grim visors of the Yin soldiers were pairs of unwavering and cold eyes.


Yan Jun said, no one is allowed to stay!

Xue Wusuan's stand-in did not leave, but continued to stay in the air. Convenience is a one-sided massacre. After losing the last hope, there is no impact or resistance left, only endless despair.

"Di! The underworld forces in the world of the Legend of the White Snake have been wiped out. Do you want to start the occupation process immediately?" The long-lost system voice sounded in Xue Wusuan's mind.


"Di! Start the process of occupying the underworld. The estimated time is 36 hours. Please make sure that no hostile existence enters the underworld during this time. Otherwise, the occupation process will be interrupted immediately."

"You can't even step in? What if someone with power moves in?"

"Host, don't worry, after the occupation process starts, the space of the underworld will be temporarily unstable, and it will not be possible to move the space. However, the entrance to the underworld can still be connected to the entry channel."

Xue Wusuan was relieved when he heard this.

At the beginning of the so-called occupation procedure of the system, the movement caused by it was too great.

Whether it is an ordinary creature, a cultivator, or a cultivator, as long as the natives of this world, the moment the system starts the occupation process, they feel a sudden sense of crisis. It's an instinctive feeling. Clear and somewhat inexplicable. Even all existence, whether strong or weak, can feel where this crisis comes from.

It's just that for ordinary creatures, even if they feel it, they don't do anything. They don't even know where the "underworld" is, so what if they know the source?

But for some powerful cultivators, this is a big deal.

At this moment, the world is in chaos!

Far away in the space debris, Amitabha Buddha and Jade Emperor, who were still struggling with Xueqi, also felt this immediate threat for the first time. Even Xue Qian, who had already stepped into the Wudao system, was horrified.

The Jade Emperor and Amitabha were terrified because they never expected such a terrifying change. But Xueqi didn't expect Yan Jun's actions to be so big. Why does occupying the underworld bring such a strong sense of crisis?

She was puzzled, but Xue Qian had no other choice for a long time. As the old saying goes, once you're on the boat, don't think about going down the middle.

"Xueji! Stop it now! Didn't you feel the warning from heaven and earth just now? Stop it!"

"Xueji, how about the old man's promise to let this matter go? Stop it quickly and go to the underworld to see what's going on!"

The anxiety of the two powerful men made Xue Qian suddenly feel a sense of pleasure. Although I don't know what's going to happen, the heartbreak just now is definitely not a good thing. But it has no choice. Originally, I was still a little unhappy, but seeing the anxious appearance of these two people, they immediately balanced.

"Yeah, I have no choice, and I will have to live with others in the future. But compared to these two, it is not bad. At least I know where my path will be in the future, and I have new hope. And these two, where they are going, they are still in the dark."

After shouting, he found that Xue Yan had no intention of stopping at all, and even more violent than the previous attack. Xueji's reaction immediately made Amitabha and the Jade Emperor understand a lot.

For example: Xue Xue probably knew about this or had a premonition that this change would happen. It is even said that Xueyu itself is a part of this change, and one of the initiators of this world catastrophe? ! Otherwise, why would Xueqi, who had always shrunk silently in the abyss, suddenly became uncharacteristically, first intervening in the affairs of Emperor Ziwei, and then aggressively attacking Nantianmen, in a gesture of igniting the second war of the heavens?

With this thought, I immediately explained many doubts in my heart for Amitabha Buddha and the Jade Emperor. Immediately looked horrified.

"Xueqi, you knew all of this beforehand, right? You launched an attack on Nantianmen at any cost, just to hold back the power in our hands and our true body, didn't you?" The Jade Emperor looked horrified Furious, he continued to parry Xue Qian's attack while questioning loudly.

"You're right. But I don't know the details. I'm just the executor, not the arranger, so I don't know what happened in the underworld."

"Who is arranging all this?" Amitabha's face was gloomy, and he no longer had the slightest smile. He heard that Xueqi himself admitted that even its dignified abyss master is just an executor, how powerful is the black hand behind it? Is there any existence in this world that can make Xue Qiandu obey and obey the arrangement? I'm afraid that heaven doesn't have such a big face, right?

"A Yama who controls a very miraculous underworld, um, Wudao Yama. His magic is beyond your imagination."

"Can't you give up? Could it be that for the sake of some immoral Yama, you even have to abandon the 300,000 confidants outside Nantianmen who have been trained with great difficulty?"

From the Jade Emperor and Amitabha's point of view, Xueqi's previous actions were all faked. It is basically the same mind as them, that is, delaying time, and the abyss army that is still outside Nantianmen is the bait of the blood.

"Abandon it? Where is this? Do you think I will not take my subordinates seriously like you do?"

"Then you! You~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You guys still have an ambush outside Nantianmen?!" The Jade Emperor reacted very quickly, and immediately thought of the strength of Xue Qian's words.

However, the guess was not accurate enough.

"I don't know where my reinforcements are, and I didn't arrange it." Xue Qian said, but the movements in his hands became more and more severe.

It has new plans. Since there are warnings like today, what happened in the underworld will be appalling, and that ruthless Yama must have a killer, otherwise how to control the creatures in this world? It just doesn't know what to do.

In this way, if Xueqi can continue to hold back the Jade Emperor and Amitabha Buddha, and even use their anxious mentality to seriously injure them, will it be more impressive in the future contact with that ungodly Yama? Can you get some benefits? For example, how many jurisdictions are there in the so-called high world?

"Stop Xueqi first! How can you not know your arrangement? You dare to follow along when you don't know anything?"

"Why not? My intuition is always accurate, you should know. Besides, haven't you had enough of this never-ending day? I don't want to live like this anymore. Do your best, even if you die in the end, what's the harm?" Xue Jie continued to speak, but how could he stop talking. The reputation of these two is not much worse than it is.


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