Extreme Yama System

Chapter 622: Undercover Kitten Mindset

Ye Miao was shocked when she received the message, the news came earlier than she expected. This also means that her situation is more and more embarrassing and dangerous.

On one side is the same clan, and on the other side is the powerful Mr. Xue. One side is love, the other is life and death. Although she instinctively made a choice, it was the saddest emotionally for Ye Miao. This kind of self-blame to betray the ethnic group in order to steal her life is like a heart-burning fire for her.

"Why are you in a daze? I said, you've been fascinated recently, are you hiding something from me?"

The words of Zhao Xintong beside him awakened Ye Miao from the shaking.

"No. Just thinking about how to get in touch with Longshan Company recently, I feel a little tired. By the way, Sister Zhao, you also received a message from the mountain, right? Should we also prepare?"

Zhao Xintong laughed and said: "What are you preparing? We are not a battle sequence, but an infiltration team. Before the new task comes down, just follow the original task. However, things on your side have to be stepped up. I see, let's The sooner we get results, the less they will let us move. We will be safer.”

Ye Miao didn't understand much.

Zhao Xintong snorted, flicked Ye Miao's forehead with his hand, and said, "Can't you use your own brain?"

"Tell me, Sister Zhao, aren't they stupid? How can you see the long-term like you?"

"Hey, you're going to be a stupid cat if you go on like this. Come on, get your paws off! I'll tell you a good deal. You think, the message from the mountain says to prepare for the "catastrophic change", isn't it? Fighting? Daomen's methods are not simple, and it's better to fight? Everyone is dead, maybe it's Daomen, maybe it's us.

So, the best way to save one's life is to avoid fighting. And the best way to avoid it is to make yourself important. Because the more pawns you always want, the more care you need. For example, if you can quickly break into the Longshan company and make some progress, then our position in the mountain will be very different. Absolutely reluctant to let us go to fight with Daomen. "

Ye Miao was stunned for a moment, then became more puzzled, and said, "Sister, isn't this wrong? If the situation is tense, wouldn't my situation in Longshan Company become worse? Longhushan is anxious, and a little investigation can make it worse. I'll find out, and then I'll be okay?"

Zhao Xintong patted Ye Miao's face and continued: "It seems like this. However, the specific operation is not necessarily. It depends on whether you can make Zhou Zheng fall in love with you.

I have carefully studied that Xue Wusuan. This man is ruthless and ruthless, but he is not hard-hearted. He also has weaknesses. For example, the orphanage that brought him up, as well as his wife Zhou Huiru's family, are all his ties. So it's not too much to be unrequited to be in love at all.

As long as you can make that Zhou Zheng fall in love with you, protect you, and as long as you don't harm the people Xue Wusuan cares about, then everything has room for relaxation. At that time, Xue Wusuan will let you go, who would dare to touch you in the slightest among those Taoist priests at Longhu Mountain Gate? "

Ye Miao smiled and nodded heavily, with an expression of "I understand, I will work hard", which seemed very encouraged. But that's not what I thought at all. I even felt a deep cold.

How can things be so simple. If she hadn't had face-to-face contact with Xue Wusuan, she might have believed Zhao Xintong's words. But she knew that Xue Wusuan would never be a person whose behavior was influenced by emotions and others. That is a ruthless iron-blooded existence. Maybe as Zhao Xintong said, he has some concerns and cares about them, but this does not mean that he can leave an enemy by his side and ignore it for the love of a brother-in-law.

This is for her to take risks! Gamble her life!

In order to confirm his guess, Ye Miao thought of a suitable rhetoric and asked, "My sister, do you want me to introduce you to Zhou Zheng too? Wouldn't it be better for him to fall in love with both of us at the same time?"

"Okay? What's the matter? You can just rush ahead. I'll be the logistics and liaison for you. We're all on the line. If something happens, we can't get rid of it, right? So, good sister, you have to use it. It's dessert."

"Okay, sister. I see. I won't let you down!"

The two cat demons talked and laughed and arrived at the airport. Each has a notice to catch up. After arriving at the airport, Zhao Xintong will leave first, Ye Miao will leave after, different destinations have different flights.

After the separation, Ye Miao began to think for herself. This time, her guilt seemed a little lighter.

Contact information Ye Miaoyou, Xue Wusuan told her that she had left a will in her life and soul, as long as she calmed down and recited Xue Wusuan's name, Xue Wusuan would know.

This is the convenience of Ye Miao temporarily given by Xue Wusuan. After all, it is an undercover agent, and it is necessary to have a timely means of communication.

Ye Miao thought about it for a long time, and finally spread the message from Lan Fengshan. She is now starting to seriously consider how to find a way out for herself and her concerns. After all, in front of such a powerful first cultivator, she didn't think that the entire demon clan plus a few old-fashioned mountain gates in the Taoist sect could be moved. When did the arm become stronger than the thigh?

"So, your demon clan is going to make a big move with those Taoist sects in Shushan? Why do they dare?"

On the plane, Ye Miao, who was full of worries, suddenly heard a voice in her head, and she screamed in fright~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and immediately closed her voice, realizing that this was a powerful and powerful method, and the owner of the voice, she Naturally, I can hear it, and my heart is secretly powerful.

"Mr. Xue, according to the clan, there is a secret technique that is powerful and can defy the sky. This is a unique method passed down from generation to generation by the demon clan. Only the clan chief and a few elders know it. This must be the reliance of Shushan and the clan. Be careful." Ye Miao replied in her head, thinking that the other party should be able to hear it.

Sure enough, Ye Miao's thoughts flashed, and the voice in his mind reappeared, and said: "Try to ask what means to rely on. In addition, tomorrow Longshan Company will come to you to discuss the endorsement contract. I will create an opportunity for you to get in touch with the research and development of Tr medicine. Group, when the time comes, you can take out what I gave you before. Fight for a higher status.

All in all, the more you do now, the better for yourself. For example, there is a gift I left you in your soul, and you will find it when you practice with a deep heart. So, work hard, I will never treat myself badly. It will not take you seriously just because you are a monster. "

"Xiao Yao thanks Mr. Xue for the reward. Xiao Yao knows what to do." Ye Miao answered honestly. After that, I felt that there was no sound in my head. She immediately began to close her eyes and concentrate on practicing the Dharma, wanting to see what Xue Wusuan had left in her life and soul. Is it really a gift? Or some kind of coercion?

After a while, Ye Miao widened her eyes in horror, unable to believe what she had discovered.

It was a door, and behind the door was a new world full of hope and novelty!

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