Extreme Yama System

Chapter 631: white waves

Far away on the Lanfeng Mountain abroad, in a rather old-looking wooden temple, a man with white hair, a tall and straight body, and a face that seems to be in his eighties or forty is holding a phone and listening with a gloomy expression. on.

After a few words on the phone, the man didn't say a word, and with a click, he crushed the phone in his hand. A violent aura burst out from his body, which was abnormally wicked and imposing like a wave, and instantly swept the entire hall, and all the playthings in the hall were shaken to pieces by this force.

This is demonic energy, also known as demonic wind. This person is Lan Fengshan's talker, and the current patriarch of the demon clan: Bailang.

Bailang's body is a white wolf. He was adopted by the previous generation of demon clan chiefs, and he was carefully taught to help him open up his spiritual wisdom and enter the cultivation world. He slowly grew up step by step. When he was three hundred years old, the previous generation of clan chiefs died. The cultivation base cannot reach the realm of increasing the number of lifespans, and after all, it cannot escape the erosion of the years.

Afterwards, the white wolf was supported by the old patriarch's cronies to take the position of the new patriarch.

For the next three hundred years, Bailang has been looking for a way out of cultivation, because he didn't want himself to slowly disappear into the long river of time like those old clansmen.

I don't want to disappear, but the realm of cultivation seems to be locked. Even if there is a spiritual spring found by the ancestors, it can increase the vitality of heaven and earth in the mountains, but the concentration still cannot allow the demon clan to break through infinitely, and the limit seems to be stuck in the elixir state.

It is said that thousands of years ago there were still seniors from the demon race who were able to break through the formation of elixir. Although these seniors who broke through the formation of elixir eventually died under the 39 calamities of the Nascent Soul, there is still hope. Now that the consummation of the pill has become the limit of the demon clan, it is difficult to move forward.

Bailang researched repeatedly, and finally found the problem. That is, the vitality of heaven and earth needed to break through the Nascent Soul stage is really huge, and it is far from what a single spiritual spring can provide. If the limit of "quantity" cannot be reached, how to impact the change of "quality"? Therefore, Yuan Ying became the legend of the demon clan.

Bailang is not an old-fashioned demon clan, his mind is very broad. Ever since he came back from a whimsical trip around the world, he has had a vague notion of the future of the demon clan.

Daoist, demon cultivator, human cultivator, and ghost cultivator, now because of the relationship between heaven and earth, they are not as good as they used to be, and they even exist in the corners of the world. And it is said that ordinary people who were regarded as supporting roles in the world thousands of years ago have become powerful masters. This change is not deliberately changed by anyone, but a natural situation.

Before Bailang wanted to change, he wanted to use his wisdom to open up the blocked path of cultivation. But later found he couldn't do it.

After returning from the tour, Bailang began to think, since the road was blocked, why not change the road? Isn't that what ordinary humans do? If you can't cultivate the Dao, then study science, and you will free up weapons that can easily kill cultivators at the Core Formation Stage or even higher. Why can't my demon clan?

So Bailang began to look for scientific methods that could increase the lifespan and strength of the demon clan, and finally set his sights on biological science, which was just starting at the time.

Hundreds of years of research and summarization, Bailang's biological science knowledge reserve and depth are absolutely no less than the world's top biologists, or even far superior. But science is not something you can produce when you are smart and you have time. Science is a unified extension level. If biological sciences want to make progress, they must also make breakthroughs in other disciplines. This is not a problem that can be solved by any spell of Bailanghui.

For example, the structure of cells, you have to observe to study, right? How do you observe and study without a microscope?

Research records You need simulation experiments, right? Without powerful computer operations and reserves, what would you do? How slow is it to be efficient? Bailang has time, but his cultivation can't live for thousands of years, right?

So Bailang got stuck. There is no way to move forward.

As time went by, Bailang also began to turn white, and the physical function began to decline obviously. This is a sign that lifespan is starting to run out.

Originally disheartened, he was suddenly rekindled the hope in Bailang's heart by an explosive news.

A company called Longshan Company was established and announced the development of a super drug that can treat AIDS. This kind of news is explosive and hopeful for Bailang.

As a top biologist, Bailang understands how much biological knowledge is hidden in the drug called Tr agent. And this knowledge is exactly what he, or the demon clan, is in desperate need of.

Must get it!

Later, I inquired, and behind this enterprise is a major faction in Taoism, Longhu Mountain Gate. A closer look reveals that the company is far more complex and dangerous than it seems. It was also at that time that the name Xue Wusuan jumped into Bailang's mind for the first time.

"It's just a clown jumping on the beam." At the beginning, Bai Lang looked at Xue Wusuan like this. He is now the strongest person in the world with a complete cultivation base, and with the magic weapon of the demon clan, he can also be crushed in the same realm. Why care about a wild kid you've never heard of?

Later, the dark Holy See in the West was destroyed, and the entire cultivation world was shaken. And it was Xue Wusuan, who was regarded by Bailang as a clown jumping beams, who destroyed the Dark Holy See with one hand.

Although the Dark Holy See is not very good in Bailang's view, the strength of the three third-generation blood clans should not be underestimated, especially their speed. But it was destroyed. That's pretty telling.

As more and more news came back from inquiries, Bailang understood that the obstacle in front of him was a powerful existence, and it was likely much stronger than he imagined. Because the news from the Daomen showed that this Xue Wusuan had already overwhelmed the Daomen. There are even various signs that this Xue Wusuan wants to embezzle the entire Taoist sect, and he has this strength!

This would be a bit of a hassle.

Of course, even if Bai Lang admits that this Xue Wusuan, who has never met before, should be stronger than him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he still doesn't understand how the other party cultivates, and he can be so powerful. But so what? Trouble, but not completely insurmountable. It is natural that the demon clan can exist in the world for so long. This is also the last and strongest means of the demon clan.

Communicate with the underworld and ask for help from the Yin commander under the command of King Yama. This is the favor left by the ancestors of the demon clan, once it is used up, it will be gone. Bailang does not want to use it unless it is a last resort.

Therefore, the Yaozu and the mountain gates of Shushan formed an alliance, hoping to take advantage of Xue Wusuan's unpreparedness to win the core technology of the potion through a roundabout strategy. After burning, the responsibility is put on Daomen, and it is guaranteed that the technology will not be used for secular wealth production, and at the same time, a large amount of compensation is given, which should be able to pass the test. As long as the demon clan becomes stronger, I will slowly understand the grievances and grievances with that Xue Wusuan in the future.

But the phone call just now completely destroyed Bailang's mind.

The whole army was wiped out. Even the six elders did not escape.

Is Xue Wusuan here in person? Or is there something else strange? Bailang does not know. But he felt remorse, and even the heartache was so hard to attach.

Bailang blamed himself and was extremely angry at the same time. Why did he blame himself for being so greedy? Why not just use the strongest means to get rid of Xue Wusuan instead of letting his own people risk their lives to gamble. Now, nearly a hundred of the most elite clansmen are gone.

"Xue Wusuan! You wait, I swear by Bailang that I will pay your debts with blood!"


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