Extreme Yama System

Chapter 640: Devil's Gate

Kunlun Mountain and Shushan have long understood the situation they need to face. The reason why they didn't fight when Maoshan was destroyed was because Maoshan's actions were indeed disgusting, and they were unwilling to fight **** battles for this kind of filth of the mountain gate. Plus some preparations are too late. Therefore, the Kunlun Mountains, where the terrain of the mountain gate is easier to defend and difficult to attack, has become the last front of this lingering alliance.

surrender? Not that no message has been sent. The answer was refusal. In Jian Chen's words, it is not necessary for Mr. Xue to intervene in the Taoist sect, and it is not necessary for Shushan and Kunlun to see Mr. Xue or not, just follow the new rules of the Taoist sect.

This is a cliché and a perfunctory. What is Jian Chen's idea? Chen Zhidong and Jiang Baihe don't need to guess to know. It's nothing more than using their relationship with the Yaozu alliance as an excuse to suppress most of the background of Shushan and Kunlun, and use the things of Shushan and Kunlun. Benefit the rest of the mountain gates and pull the neutral ones to their side. Then it is estimated that it will be a full range of coercion, and it may even be held one after another. It doesn't take much, three or two times, no one will dare to stay in the door of Shushan and Kunlun.

Finally, it is the system of expelling Shushan and Kunlun from Taoism. Then, without the fig leaf of Daomen, and without the identity of "same Dao", it became inevitable that swords and swords would face each other.

This is a soft knife cutting meat, and it can grind people out bit by bit.

However, this also requires considerable determination, otherwise there are still many people who are willing to suffer this kind of soft knife. It is better to die than live, right? Hope is always there, it will depend on whether I will pretend to be a dog behind Longhu Mountain in the future.

Shushan and Kunlun were unwilling to do this, and they were resolute in their hearts, and naturally they had to fight to the death. Not only did all the power of the two mountain gates gather together, but they also brought out their respective Zhenshan magic tools. A pair of swords and a bell.

The sword is a pair of green and red swords, and the bell is a Kunlun bell. Both are the strongest magic weapons that the two mountain gates have had since their establishment. At the same time, they are also the two most powerful instruments in the Taoist sect.

On the one hand, it has been planned for a long time and holds the belief of death, while on the other hand, it is relaxed, thinking that it is to show off and be embarrassed, and feel that the Kunlun Mountain Gate will never dare to mess with the current situation. I never even thought that all the people in Shushan would be here.

As a result, the first to bear the brunt is Jian Chen, who is full of mockery and ready to dig some benefits to further suppress Kunlun.

The green and red swords are the main attack, and the Kunlun Zhong is the main defense. Now the combination of the two, the power is even more doubled. Rao Shijianchen's cultivation level was the same as that of Chen Zhidong and Jiang Baihe, and he was seriously injured by three strokes when he was caught off guard. If it weren't for the fast response of the mana shield, the left chest would definitely be pierced with a sword.

However, Jian Chen was also stubborn, knowing that he was seriously injured now, and he would definitely suffer if he stayed for a long time. He greeted the dozen or so people he brought, covering each other, and at the same time asking for help from the nearest mountain gate.

Of course, this process was very difficult. The people of Shushan and Kunlun Mountain who killed the red-eyed people along the way chased after them, and three monks from Longhu Mountain were killed.

But fortunately, they are all demon cultivators. Even the disciples are serious monks, but their overall strength level is not low, and they are not surrounded by Shushan and Kunlun.

Finally escaped, but described as extremely embarrassed. Jian Chen's old life was almost left in Kunlun. In the end, it was difficult to get to the nearest mountain gate to obtain shelter, and only then did he get the maximum treatment to save his life.

gas. Jian Chen never thought that Shushan and Kunlun would be so dangerous. If he had just reacted a little too slowly, he would have been cold by now. Kong has a cultivation base that almost overturned the boat in the gutter, where do you put this face? The dignified Taoist leader, so embarrassed, was thrown into his grandmother's house.

Chase? Are you going to catch up? As far as the combined strength of Shushan and Kunlun, plus the blessing of the two magical instruments, ordinary mountain gates can't handle it at all, and the mountain gates that can handle it are far away from here, and when they come over, everything is cold.

You're not a fool. After a raid, you still stay in Kunlun and don't leave? It's possible that Chen Zhidong and Jiang Baihe have already taken people abroad to heal their wounds if they don't use Jian Chen well. For Shanmen, whose energy is not low in the secular world, it is still possible to run out of the country within two hours.

After leaving the country, it will be much more difficult for Daomen to pursue it. They may not be found for more than ten years.

This result is also the only way to survive Chen Zhidong and Jiang Baihe's thinking. At the very least, the goal seems to have been achieved.

The Daomen wanted order was to be issued, even when Jian Chen was still healing. But by the time the first batch of demon cultivators arrived in Kunlun, the building was already empty.

Such an unexpected situation made the magic cultivators headed by Longhushan seize their nerves. What kind of soft knives are too lazy to use, and they hit the door directly. All the mountain gates who have participated in the alliance with the demon clan together with Shushan and Kunlun have been devastated.

This does not seem to be in line with the rules of the Daomen. However, Jian Chen, who was so angry, had the strongest cultivator, the strongest potential, the most resources, and the strongest backer in his hands. And there are legitimate reasons in hand, who dares to jump out and say half a word?

And Jian Chen is sure that as long as all the Taoist cultivators step into the ranks of magic cultivators~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then everything will be completely changed. At that time, they are all on the same boat, how can they be dissatisfied with what he is doing now at Longhu Mountain Gate?

Even Jian Chen felt that Shushan and Kunlun's raids and then escaped, which brought about speeding up the suppression of Daomen forces. Don't have to wait until the Chinese New Year, at the latest in the middle of next month, he will be able to give Xue Wusuan a transaction. Then he asked Xue Wusuan to pass the law to those newly attached Taoist monks.

Even Jian Chen, who was lying on the hospital bed, had already begun to plan the future development of Daomen.

First of all, after clearing the Taoist gates, all the resources in the hands of the mountain gates can be collected and used together, and even an unprecedented super consortium can be established in the secular world. This is absolutely a world-shattering move.

Secondly, Jian Chen is still thinking, since everyone is cultivating the magic way in the future, and the big guy Xue Wusuan is standing behind him, why should he care about the difference between the gates? Is it possible to merge at some level? Let the word Daomen become a magic door, and be worthy of the name?

Soon, Jian Chen himself was frightened by his own thoughts, and he understood that what he thought was probably the plan that Xue Wusuan had already planned before he started Chaodaomen. Perhaps the unification of the Taoist sect can make Xue Wusuan look at it, and will use it as the basis?

But as a result, the influence on the secular society is bound to increase. Will various secular institutions allow it? There won't be any disputes, will it?

And what makes Jian Chen curious the most is that Xue Wusuan has set up such a big stall, what is he trying to figure out?

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