Extreme Yama System

Chapter 644: The original world occupation opens

The soul of King Yama entered the map of the underworld, and the end was miserable.

Xue Wusuan's Nascent Soul is leading the dismemberment of Yama's soul. Except for the life and soul that was completely preserved, the rest were all shattered and integrated into the picture scroll as pure energy, becoming a part of the picture scroll.

Xue Wusuan was very curious about Yama's memory. This is also one of his most valuable gains.

When King Yama died, the original world became a blank space, and those Yin scouts and so on couldn't turn a little wave in front of today's Xue Wusuan, and he didn't even plan to recruit Yin soldiers.

However, the resources of the original world are not very good. From the ancient times of immortals and Buddhas to the current era of the end of the law, the resources for practice have been almost exhausted. It is difficult to find rare treasures or other valuable things, and it is not always as lucky as the previous trip to Lanfeng Mountain.

To tell the truth, the original world is actually the most barren of all the planes that Xue Wusuan has set foot in. Apocalyptic age plus low-tech level is useless. The only two reasons why Xue Wusuan can't forget it are: this is his hometown, and here are the people and things he cares about.

Of course, there is one more point, which Xue Wusuan has only determined today, that is, the original world is the only world in the plane world he has set foot on that has been attacked by the Wudao Underworld or the magic cultivator. Before Xue Wusuan became Wudao Yama, I don't know which generation of hosts attacked him. And haven't been able to win yet.

Xue Wusuan knew very little about the power of the former Wudao Underworld and other information. The only thing that is intuitive is a short video file that the system has shown him countless times.

Whether it's out of curiosity or out of emphasis on lessons learned, Xue Wusuan always hopes to learn from the experience of some former hosts, whether good or bad.

Learn what's good, learn what's bad. At least it can make Xue Wusuan know the big scenes that will inevitably appear in the future. After all, although the plane of White Snake is also a high plane, it is not the top among thousands of planes. At the very least, even Xueqi has not reached the level beyond the Heavenly Dao, and it is not even far behind, let alone compared to Yu Dao. And this top-level powerhouse will definitely collide with Xue Wusuan head-on.

With a wave of his hand, the waves on the sea surface were suppressed, and the turbidity that was stirred up was also calmed down. Even the sand dunes on the island that had been pushed to the wall by previous waves were smoothed out. The trees were re-infused with activity by Xue Wusuan's fingers, and they grew rapidly, finally ending their appearance before the battle started.

As long as it is not to create life, restore the appearance and vitality of life. This is very simple for a monk in a real fairyland. It can be done by waving his hand and activating mana.

After doing all this, Xue Wusuan removed the defensive formation on the edge of the woods. Inside, Zhou Huiru lost the drowsiness effect of the formation, and blinked her eyes as if she was about to wake up.

Xue Wusuan was in a hurry to check the life and soul of King Yama, sat back on the beach before him, lit a cigarette, and waited for Zhou Huiru to wake up and continue the vacation for this period of time.

And just after the soul of King Yama was only the soul of life, the first person to discover this was naturally the underworld of the power world.

The loss of his own dominance will bring a huge reaction.

First of all, the underworld lost the suppression of King Yama, the yin qi began to disperse, the space began to shake, and an inexplicable heartbreak began to appear in my heart. In a panic, a few yin marshals rushed to the Yama Hall, only to find that the hall that was closely related to the Yama King's suppression of the underworld had been shattered into rubble at this time, and a rotten breath was flowing from the ruins of the Yama Hall towards the entire hall. Hades spread.

"King Yama, has fallen?!"

Apart from this reason, all the dead souls who saw Yama Hall shattered into **** couldn't find any other reason. The main hall is related to King Yama, and it is also one of the fundamentals of suppressing the underworld. With King Yama himself and the repressive magic tool, it is possible to suppress the local government, so as not to let the yin qi all return to the Wangchuan River and the six-path roulette.

That is to say, when the five declines of heaven and man, all the gods and Buddhas in the sky were destroyed, only the underworld could survive. On the one hand, it was because the existence of the underworld had cultivated yin qi. On the one hand, nine of the ten temples of Yama cast spells to infuse King Yama, which finally saved a strong man to suppress the underworld.

In other words, the underworld has left the repression of King Yama, except for those things like the six-path roulette that originally existed in heaven and earth, all the evils that maintain the operation of the institutions set up by the latecomers of the underworld will face the gradual demise. fate.

"how so!?"

"King Yama is already the strongest existence in the world, how could it possibly be destroyed? Could it be that the five declines of the people that day happened again?"

"It can't be the five declines of heaven and man. Countless years have passed, and if it were to come, it must have come. There must be something that we don't know about. The top priority is to find it quickly, and at the same time let all the evil men start to meditate to consolidate their yin qi. Suck it away. If King Yama really perishes, then think about other things."

"Could it have something to do with Xie Bi'an's death before?"

"Mostly so. I'm thinking, the monks who can kill Xie Bi'an shouldn't have appeared in this world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With the vitality of the world today, it is a fluke to be able to cultivate to the alchemy stage, and it will never be a fluke. It will be Xie Bi'an's opponent. You say, is it possible that the "others" that King Yama once warned us about?"

As soon as the word "different" came out, the rest of the Yin marshals were all dumbfounded. We all know that if something happened to King Yama, it should be the reason.

As a result, the underworld is naturally in chaos, and everyone is completely panicked from top to bottom. Because they have no means at all to save the situation in front of them, they can only watch the underworld rapidly begin to decay. This is the power of Heaven, which may be insignificant to Heaven, but it was King Yama who blocked this insignificant power and allowed the underworld to continue to this day.

Tracking down the whereabouts of King Yama is as difficult as the sky for the yin commanders who cannot move. They could only turn around and then returned with a bitter face, each with a worried face, knowing that King Yama was really injured.

And just when the underworld emissaries watched the yin qi around them rapidly become thinner and thinner, and when their cultivation began to plummet but could not stop it, a figure suddenly appeared in the underworld. And an inexplicable sense of crisis began to burst into my heart, and even this sense of crisis was stronger than the loss of King Yama to suppress the underworld.

"System, start the attack on this plane of the world."

"Di! The attack is on. Please clear the host of all hostile existences in this place. After that, the occupation procedure will be officially started. No hostile existences may enter this place within 36 hours, otherwise the occupation procedure will be terminated. "

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