Extreme Yama System

Chapter 690: Apparition

Xue Wusuan looked down through the window and saw that Tang Xuanzang was hanged upside down from a pole more than 40 feet high, which should be very painful. But this Xuanzang had nothing to do with it, he stared at him and looked around, looking particularly nervous. He was also shouting loudly at the people in the water below, asking them to go ashore quickly, the water is very dangerous.

But no one listened to Xuanzang's words and thought that this beggar-like boy was a liar. Can he believe what he said? I don't know what's wrong with holding on.

Xue Wusuan wanted to laugh very much, but in his perception, he had already found that danger was approaching. Looking up, about three miles away from the village built on the water, a huge creature with yellow and orange colors was jumping out of the water and swimming happily like a dolphin.

That was a demon, a demon completely different from what Xue Wusuan had seen before.

In the original world, in the world of Legend of the White Snake, Xue Wusuan had seen many monsters of all shapes and sizes, some with animal bodies and some with plant bodies, all kinds of strange. But there is one thing in common, that is, the origins of these monsters are all cultivated from ignorant animals and plants through talent and their own efforts, and the purpose is to achieve detachment.

However, the monster with the head of a beast and the body of a fish, who was happily fluttering in the distance, was quite different. Or in this way, this thing should be called a "monster". Monster among monsters.

The creation of this thing is not like the monsters that Xue Wusuan had seen before, but it was produced by the anger and resentment in his heart. It's amazing. Because Xue Wusuan discovered that the soul of the monster was actually a human being.

After a person dies, even if he resents the sky, he should become a ghost, right? How did it turn into a monster? Xue Wusuan still couldn't understand the mystery here. Although there is an underworld, it is strange enough to ignore this kind of thing.

According to the plot that Xue Wusuan knew, this monster with the head of a beast and a human body was originally a good person, kind-hearted and pure-hearted. One day, I met a child who fell into the water and rescued him by the river, but what he could get was not the gratitude of the child's family, but a deep misunderstanding, misunderstanding that he was a trafficker who stole the child, and surrounded him with friends. Killed and then thrown into the water.

The corpse entered the water and was swallowed by the fish, but the soul was still there, resentment was overwhelming, and he vowed to take revenge, so the resentment erupted and the fish that devoured his corpse were fused together, and his soul was attached, and this became what it is today. His mind is full of killing intent, and all the people by the water are the targets of his attacks, and he is happy with it.

Xue Wusuan, a mindless monster who only knows how to kill, has no sympathy at all, and even has an opinion on the underworld in this direction. It is obvious that the souls of the dead are in chaos after death, and the slaughter is useless, but they sit idly by, what is the use of such a useless underworld? There is no need to exist at all.

After a while, the monster with the head of the beast and the body of the fish got close, and Tang Xuanzang, who was hanging upside down on the bamboo pole, also noticed something abnormal, and his eyesight was also good. Maybe it's the monster who ravaged the village,

"Dangerous! Run, run!"

But no matter how loudly Tang Xuanzang shouted, it was still useless. The people below were still playing in the water, cheering, celebrating their life back on track, unaware that the murder was imminent.

Xue Wusuan was not ready to come forward, but he would. He likes these simple villagers, not the monster.

As soon as he thought about it, he saw a vortex on the water, and a deep chill burst out, which was extremely frightening. This scene really stunned the villagers in the water, and they hurriedly started to swim to the shore in a panic.

This is Xue Wusuan's reminder. Make some noise in advance to scare these villagers, and then these people can escape from the water before the monster arrives.

This scene made Xue Wusuan laugh. After all, the people below are seeking a living in the water. The swimming speed is quite impressive. In less than half a minute, everyone, men and women, came ashore from the water.

Of course, for monsters, not only can they attack in the water, but the three sticky tentacles on their bodies can shoot out of the water and tear people down over a distance of about ten meters.

Of course, Xue Wusuan was present, and with the help and command of Tang Xuanzang, who had bitten off the rope and fell, these people could always escape the danger without a hitch. Unlike the tragedy that should have happened, up to now, no one in this village has died.

Xue Wusuan has put down his chopsticks. After watching the play for so long, I ate three plates of fish and a bottle of wine. The rest of the dishes were already cold, and the fish would not taste good when it was cold. The fishy smell would come out and spoil the taste, and I lost my desire to eat.

It has to be said that Tang Xuanzang's brain is indeed smart, and he is very courageous. I don't know why he has an ordinary body now, where did he come from such ability, and he actually brought the monster in the water to the shore with a group of ignorant villagers.

No matter how monsters are, they don't really rely on practice to become stronger. Once they leave the water, the monster's ability will decrease exponentially. Who made him become a demon by relying on a fish body?

Well, the monster has caught it. But Tang Xuanzang stopped the villagers who wanted to kill the monster, and sang a nursery rhyme to the monster, saying that he wanted to influence the truth, goodness and beauty in the monster's heart.

Isn't this nonsense? People have become like this through grievances, and you can change it by singing a song? joke!

"What are you talking about with the monsters?"

Suddenly, with a loud shout, a beautiful figure appeared, grabbed the monster's head and beat him, and then took out a canvas full of spells and slammed it around the monster. After a wave of mana, the monster was killed. Sealed into a small puppet the size of a punch.

"What is this?" Tang Xuanzang was dumbfounded, and asked the young woman, pointing to the sealed fish-shaped puppet.

"You don't know this? You are also an exorcist? Hehe, this is the monster that I sealed inside, and it will turn into pus and blood in seventy-seven forty-nine days. How about it?"

Tang Xuanzang wanted to ask the beautiful female exorcist to release the monster~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but he couldn't say it. He is not stupid, as long as he dares to say so, the villagers around him can eat him alive.

Seeing this woman being re-used as the savior of the village, Tang Xuanzang, who was born and died just now, was instantly forgotten.

Not reconciled. Even said he was envious. Tang Xuanzang left the village alone. He was thin and looked very sullen.

Xue Wusuan didn't catch up, but got down from the bamboo building. He was going to have a good chat with the real exorcist first.

"Master, are you ready to eat?" The young man saw Xue Wu's calculation in his sharp eyes, so he hurriedly asked.

"I've eaten. This is the cost of food. Next time I have a chance, I think I'll come here to eat fish." Xue Wusuan smiled and took a gold ingot with a size of five taels and put it in the young man's hand. , stunned everyone around him.

Five taels of gold is equal to five hundred taels of silver. It's enough to buy ten villages like this, but it's actually a meal?

Of course, it's not just the meal money, but also the ticket money that Xue Wushen gave to watch a good show, but if he doesn't say it, no one can guess.

"Now I'm going back to town, can you give me a ride?"

"Hey, this son, I'm going back to town too, by the way, let's go together?" The female exorcist naturally saw the gold ingot, her eyes flashed, and she walked to Xue Wusuan with a smile. said.


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