Extreme Yama System

Chapter 747: 1 mess

For Zhou Huiru, every time Xue Wusuan goes home is a happy event worth celebrating. Her own man is not ordinary, and it is impossible to play around during the time of disappearance. It is estimated that most of them are dangerous. Don't dare to ask, what should be told to you about a man's family will naturally be said, if not told to you, then it is best not to show it. This is Zhou Huiru's strategy, it is also self-consciousness, and it is also a kind of trust.

Besides, Xue Wusuan has been back very diligently recently, unlike the past that only came back once a month or two.

"It doesn't count. Yesterday, my mother called me to say I missed you. How about we stay home for a few days tomorrow?"

Lying in Xue Wusuan's arms, Zhou Huiru felt stable and satisfied as always. If I had to say that there were any shortcomings, it would only be a bit deserted in this room. If I could have a child, Zhou Huiru would feel that it was enough in this life.

"Okay, I haven't seen the old man and the others for a long time. It happened that I brought some special products back this time to give them a taste. By the way, I saw Zhou Xing's commercial on TV before. How is he doing?"

When Xue Wusuan was watching TV alone at home just now, there were a lot of commercials, but Zhou Xing was seen on it several times. There were milk commercials, public service commercials, and even shampoo commercials. Xue Wusuan also understands that Zhou Xing should be on fire this time, and his dream of becoming a top player has now made a big improvement.

"Haha, it doesn't count, have you seen it? Zhou Xing is amazing now. He scored a triple-double in just 15 minutes off the bench in his first debut, and then three consecutive games. , has been the main starting force since five games! It doesn't count, we have a big star in our family!"

Xue Wusuan shrugged and said with a smile, "Big star, tsk tsk, based on what I know about that kid Zhou Xing, I guess I won't find less wives for your family in the future."

Xue Wusuan was right. He knew that Zhou Xing was a flamboyant boy before, but now that he dominates the original world, Zhou Xing's numerology is naturally clear. When Ansheng. It is estimated that Zhou's parents have to worry a lot about this kid.

"Bah! What are you talking about? It's like my brother is a big radish." Zhou Huiru is the type of person who is good at everything in her own family. She doesn't like to hear such words, and she doesn't believe it.

"Forget it if you don't believe it. In the future, when the old man has a headache. Okay, I'll cook what you want to eat at night."

A couple should look like a couple, and that's how it is now. Xue Wusuan was cooking in the kitchen, and Zhou Huiru helped him out and told him the news or interesting things in these days.

Xue Wusuan nodded from time to time. From Zhou Huiru's words, he was very satisfied with the changes in this world.

In fact, it wasn't long since Xue Wusuan left last time, just over a month and a few days, but the changes were more rapid than Xue Wusuan expected. Or, of course, violently.

Can it be violent? The cultivator and the "magician" appeared together, which is simply subverting the cognition that has been passed down for thousands of years.

What? You say there are no gods in the world? Bullshit! A monk without a god? And those magicians, what are they called? By the way, it's called Dark Magician, it's not a good thing to hear this name, it must be the enemy of the gods!

This kind of argument is very marketable, especially in China. The people don't need to say anything, they automatically put the group of dark magicians entrenched in the west on the "evil" side. As everyone knows, those so-called dark magicians are actually magic cultivators, and they are no different from the cultivators they admire.

All of this seems to be out of control. The country is fine, and there is nothing. This is something that has been negotiated a long time ago, and preparations are made in all aspects, and there are corresponding countermeasures. But there are Muggles abroad. Leaving aside the public, the institutions in power abroad alone have suffered a forehead.

Because according to foreign customs, all power should be in the hands of institutions. No matter whether there are signs of harm or not, as long as there is a 1 in 10,000 possibility, it must be obtained, otherwise it is a hidden danger and needs to be eliminated by all means. Not to mention that there are not all good people among these dark magicians. What if one runs out and uses those weird magics to do evil?

As a result, under the instigation of some people who were not qualified to join the ranks of dark magicians or who were worried, Western institutions began to communicate with this sudden dark magician association for the first time.

There are three requirements. First, stop the current practice of taking apprentices everywhere. Second, hand over your tips for practicing magic for research. Third, dissolve the association and join the Joint Mage Bureau that is planned to be established immediately by Western countries.

Although there are many disguise between words, but in fact these three requirements, tough and arrogant. It's all about contacting with an attitude of controlling everything.

Not to mention, even before the Dark Church was not destroyed by Xue Wusuan, the Western institutions did not have the confidence to do so. The reason for this is simple, because the Dark Magician Association has only appeared, and I have never heard of it before. I take it for granted that it may be the scum left after the inexplicable disappearance of the Dark Holy See.

Scumbag, what human rights do you want? Just grab it.

The results are of course self-evident. Fucking dark magicians, this group of people are not human at all, but zombies who have stepped into the magic way. In ancient times, human beings were a kind of food in their eyes. Now that the times have changed, and they have fallen into the devil, they don't want to be ostentatious, just to complete Mr. Xue's arrangement well. Now you've been bullied by a bunch of blond idiots? What is there to endure?


There's nothing to talk about with fools and idiots~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The people of the flamboyant Western institutions are directly divided and eaten. After that, these Zombie people didn't run or avoid them, they just didn't care about killing a few bugs, they continued to recruit more apprentices, and wanted to complete the task arranged by Mr. Xue as soon as possible.

If the person sent over was killed, then the follow-up actions can be described as one after another. In just half a month, Western institutions suffered a lot. More than 10,000 people have died before and after, but there is nothing to do with the Dark Magician Association. It was only at this time that I realized that these dark magicians were not weaker than the previous dark church that disappeared inexplicably, and even stronger and more unscrupulous!

So here comes the news that Zhou Huiru told Xue Wusuan.

"It doesn't count, you don't know, right? The West has been blown up, institutions are in chaos, and they are ready to take revenge. The people are divided into two factions in the chaos, and they are arguing. Besides, the United States has also joined in now. While saying that it was mediation, he was throwing an olive branch and trying to get the Dark Mage Association to the United States. It was very fun."

Zhou Huiru has always been gloating about being raped in other countries. Because Longshan's business is now being boycotted by various countries, although the people are not willing to bear it, it is also extremely difficult for Longshan's business to develop due to issues such as tariffs. So, naturally, there is a lack of goodwill towards these western guys.

"You know a lot. Okay, put the tableware and chopsticks in place and eat."


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