Extreme Yama System

Chapter 799: catch

Wangshan is a dead horse! This terrain has suddenly changed from a hill to a plain, which is very strange.

Zhu Ganghya and Sha Wujing have been worried for several days. But their cultivation is not high, so they can't feel the powerful demon aura entrenched on that strange mountain from such a distance.

However, Zhu Gangjiao and Sha Wujing could not feel the demonic energy, but the two golden-horned and silver-horned demons in the Yalong Cave on Pingdingshan had sensed Tang Xuanzang's approach early. For the cultivation base of the fairyland, it is not a problem to cover thousands of miles with spiritual sense. It is not difficult to focus on investigating a particular soul fluctuation.

"Go and find all the generals of the five demon soldiers!" Jin Jiao's voice was full of excitement. The silver horns on the side are also beaming. After waiting for so long, it finally came. If they kill Tang Xuanzang, they will be able to return to the upper realm, and they will definitely be rewarded.

The five great monsters in the extreme realm who came in a hurry each got a portrait. Unexpectedly, he looked at the two kings who were full of energy.

"Go, take back the people and demons in this painting!"

"You take this golden rope ox Qingyun, just in case."

"Note that the monkey in the painting is the demon king Sun Wukong five hundred years ago. Don't be careless. As long as you see the monkey and grab it with a golden rope, don't talk nonsense with it, understand?"

Jinjiao Yinjiao, you told me every word.

"Please rest assured, the two kings, we will not disappoint the king!"

In this way, tens of thousands of demon soldiers set off from Pingding Mountain under the orders of Jinjiao and Yinjiao, and searched the Internet within a radius of hundreds of miles. They didn't know that they were waiting like cannon fodder for temptation, and their two kings didn't really regard them as the power to arrest Tang Xuanzang's master and apprentice.

At the same time, Xue Wusuan, who was on Pingding Mountain, naturally sensed Tang Xuanzang and the others approaching earlier, and found that Sun Wukong, who had stepped into the Taoist system, was not together, only Zhu Gangjiao and Sha Wujing.

"Interesting, is this my luck?" Xue Wusuan thought so. At the same time, he extended his spiritual sense from Pingding Mountain in the direction of Tang Xuanzang, the two demons.

Leaving the Monkey King's scriptures team is no longer so intimidating. That is to say, Tang Xuanzang, Zhu Gangjia, and Sha Wujing's master and apprentice also firmly believed that Tang Xuanzang could use the "Dari Tathagata True Sutra" to bring down demons. Sun Wukong was skeptical before, but he figured it out later. Tang Xuanzang is a fool, and he is not qualified to learn the housekeeping skills of the Tathagata. It is all the Tathagata himself who uses Tang Xuanzang to scare people.

Under such circumstances, Tang Xuanzang, who was unaware and timid, took Zhu Gangjia and Sha Wujing to step into Pingdingshan within half a day, and was discovered by several demon soldiers who were searching for them.

The demon soldiers also knew how powerful they were, so they didn't come up when they saw Tang Xuanzang and his party.

"Master, this doesn't look right! These monsters are circling around us as if they are stalking, why don't we go back first and call the senior brother before leaving?" Zhu Ganghya tightly held the nine-toothed rake in his hand, He looked very nervous. The further he walked, the more he felt a cold coming towards him.

And Sha Wujing, who was beside Zhu Ganghya, was glowing with green light. This was the fish demon's instinctive reaction, indicating that he also felt extreme danger.

"Go back? You can leave if you are afraid!" What Tang Xuanzang hated most now was that everything was "big brother", as if he could not go on studying scriptures from the west without that monkey. He, Tang Xuanzang, is not a vegetarian, either. When he was right with the nine-headed golden eagle before, if he hadn't used a trick, the team would have died long ago.

Pig Gang hummed twice. I don't know how I thought in my heart, but I didn't run, and I really followed Tang Xuanzang and continued to walk. It is estimated that he really put his hope on Tang Xuanzang's "trick".

I ignored those little demons who were stalking them. In Tang Xuanzang's view, these were all scum, and they were not worth suppressing with the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra. If they were to be used, they would have to wait until they were gathered, or those big demons would come over and use them again. Slap it down and keep it safe to let the scum dissipate.

Soon, even though Tang Xuanzang firmly believed that he could do it, he was still quite frightened by the scene in front of him.

This is the first time, the first time I saw so many monsters gathered together, I can't see the limit at all, the number is probably tens of thousands, right?

The fascinated and confident Tang Xuanzang was frightened, not to mention the daring Zhu Ganghya and Sha Wujing. The palms of these two are sweaty now, and they regret to death. Why did you believe in Tang Xuanzang's evil? Why don't you think of a way to hold Tang Xuanzang and wait for Sun Wukong to come together before moving forward? Alright now, surrounded by tens of thousands of monsters, it's a fart!

One two three four five! Five powerful monsters, and hundreds of thousands of Yuan Ying realm monsters? !

Despair is what Zhu Ganghya and Sha Wujing are feeling right now.

As one of the besiegers, Niu Qingyun and other big demons looked around, not feeling relieved, and even a little nervous: Why are there only three? What about Sun Monkey? Where have you gone?

The shadow of the famous tree of people, the dignified demon king five hundred years ago cannot be underestimated. The golden rope in his hand seemed to be useless. Could it be that the monkey had a hunch, and deliberately hid to use a secret hand?

With doubts in my heart, all have scruples. The scene is a little subtle.

After a stalemate for a cup of tea, Tang Xuanzang, who couldn't hold his breath, couldn't stand the pressure. With a snap, he sat down with his knees crossed and began to use his unique trick: the Great Sun Tathagata Mantra.

"Master, kill them!"

"Yes, Master, give them a slap!"

Excited, Zhu Ganghya and Sha Wujing finally recovered from their shock. That's right, Master doesn't have a trick! With this move, how many tens of thousands of monsters? You can pinch easily.

The reactions of Zhu Ganghye and Sha Wujing surprised Niu Qingyun and other big monsters, thinking that this monk has some amazing skills.

Following the exit of Tang Xuanzang's first scripture, the sky was filled with radiant rays of light. Looking up, there seemed to be an incomparably huge figure gradually emerging in the dazzling rays of light! That majesty, that might, and that oppressive force actually caused tens of thousands of monsters in the field to fall to the ground with a snap~www.wuxiaspot.com~ no one was spared.

"Hahaha! You are finished! Go to die!" Zhu Ganghye felt for the first time that the Buddha's light on the top of his head was so close, life and death were fast, almost, almost, those idiot monsters should start. I don't know why it took so long. Otherwise, where would Tang Xuanzang have the opportunity to recite sutras?

However, the exciting scene is limited to this. Just as the Buddha's light became more and more violent, a large cloud of dark clouds suddenly floated in the sky. At the same time, the overwhelming coercion disappeared instantly.

No one in the field knew what was going on. Tang Xuanzang, master and apprentice were all dumbfounded, while Niu Qingyun and the other demons were still terrified. They felt that they had escaped from death just now. The first thing to do is to stop the monk's stinky mouth and stop him from reciting that ghost thing. .

The direct shot is to shake the golden rope. A rope is very long when it is shot, and the speed is extremely fast, but it is unbelievably flexible. In the blink of an eye, Tang Xuanzang's three teachers and apprentices were tied firmly, and in the next second, a large stone was stuffed into Tang Xuanzang's mouth. , and then a thorn followed and sewed his entire mouth.

Whether it hurts or not, how could the monsters such as Niu Qingyun feel miserable. This stinky monk had frightened them quite a bit just now, and he didn't cut it with a knife because of the orders of the two great kings.

"Let's go! I'll go to the king first. With this monk in hand, I'm not afraid that the monkey won't come!"


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