Extreme Yama System

Chapter 803: Sun Wukong is here

For six years, Duan Xiaoxiao was suffering from the pain of life and death, why didn't Tang Xuanzang not? There is great love in the heart, and love is also in it. This is not something that the Buddhadharma can resolve and dispel.

"I'll talk about it later. I'm here to see you. I have one more sentence to tell you. Listen to me, and you must memorize it word by word!" Duan Xiaoxiao didn't know how long she could stay. , can only hurry up, look at Tang Xuanzang seriously and say: "You are now in a huge game, you are the key in this game. Use your mind more in everything, and try to look at the problem from a different angle. , to see the people or demons around you.

There are many difficulties in this game, you can't resist. But you can choose who will play your pawn. do you understand? "

How could Tang Xuanzang understand, he shook his head and said, "I don't understand."

Duan Xiaoxiao was about to say more details, but suddenly the crisis in his heart increased greatly, and he understood that he couldn't say more. Can only say: "You don't understand, you can ask your great apprentice Sun Wukong, or you can write it down first, think about it more, look at it more, you will understand! Well, I have to go.... .."

"Miss Duan! Miss Duan..." Tang Xuanzang watched Duan Xiaoxiao disappear in front of his eyes, and there was an inexplicable panic in his heart. It seems that this time Duan Xiaoxiao suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared, leaving behind some mindless words, which made him feel very dangerous.

But why? He is sure that it must be Duan Xiaoxiao, will Duan Xiaoxiao harm him? impossible! Tang Xuanzang firmly believed this. But why can't I understand those words just now? What is the game, what is the key, and why do you have to ask the abominable monkey if you don't understand?

All kinds of turmoil in his mind made Tang Xuanzang a little irritable. For a while, he ignored the appearance of him dying just now, but now he is full of energy. He has forgotten all this, and he doesn't even know that Duan Xiaoxiao has loosened the iron on his mouth. After the needle, he was fed a pill.

"Master! What's wrong with you? I heard a woman's voice? Are you alright?" Zhu Ganghya and Sha Wujing were in charge of the next cell. These two were much luckier than Tang Xuanzang, and they didn't suffer much from the beginning. When Duan Xiaoxiao came just now, they heard the voice, but they couldn't hear what happened.

"I'm fine. I just saw Miss Duan." Tang Xuanzang said melancholy.

"Miss Duan? Master, what are you crazy about?" Zhu Gangjiao had heard Tang Xuanzang's words too many times. Along the way, the dream talk guarded the self-talk, and was always inseparable from the Miss Duan who had been deceased for many years. At this point, Zhu Ganghye was actually very worried. Because if you really want to say it, Miss Duan's death can also be related to him. For fear that one day Tang Xuanzang would come to him to settle accounts. Therefore, every time Tang Xuanzang mentioned Duan Xiaoxiao and Zhu Ganghye, he would make a joke and divert the topic. Same this time.

However, before Zhu Gangyao could speak, Sha Wujing next to him spoke first: "Hey, how can Master's mouth speak?"

Just this sentence, Zhu Ganghya was also stunned. Tang Xuanzang can speak, which means that the restraint on his mouth has been lifted, which means that someone has entered Tang Xuanzang's cell just now to help him!

"Master! Don't worry about that Miss Duan, hurry up and try your trick again, and try to see if you can ask the Tathagata for help!" Zhu Gangjia also immediately thought of this, pressing down on Tang Xuanzang, who was next door to his voice and body.

This cell is very soundproof, so Tang Xuanzang couldn't hear it clearly, so he asked again, only to understand what Zhu Ganghya was talking about, and he quickly came back to his senses. Miss Duan's matter is important, but it will be possible to explore it after he gets out of trouble. Now that the ambiguity was no longer present, he hurriedly began to read the scriptures in a low voice.

Once, twice, three times... I read it over and over a dozen times, but there is no sign of success at all. This is Muggle. Tang Xuanzang understood that this time, his Buddha Lord could not help him.

At the same time, Zhu Ganghya and Sha Wujing next door were disappointed again. I couldn't help but feel very dissatisfied with Tang Xuanzang. It's all this **** bald donkey. If he didn't just want to leave Sun Wukong behind, how could he be so embarrassed now? Even lying under the guillotine, he could lose his life at any time.

Not to mention Zhu Ganghya and Sha Wujing, Tang Xuanzang now regrets leaving Sun Wukong and is too confident. He is not afraid of death, but he is worried that he will not be able to complete the mission entrusted to him by the Tathagata, and the world is still waiting for him to save. Seeing that he was about to reach the western sky, he should not just fall before the dawn of victory.

With mental strength and haggard, and the hope of survival began to fade, Tang Xuanzang's spirit once again became sluggish. The small figure of Duan just now and the voices that haunted him in his mind could not be suppressed again. Even thinking about seeing Duan Xiaoxiao Anhao before he died, he would no longer be concerned.

Over and over again, Tang Xuanzang slowly discovered that the "important words" Duan Xiaoxiao had said before seemed to be alluding to! He even felt that this allusion was referring to himself and the road to the west to save the common people.

"Why did you ask the monkey demon? Could the monkey demon understand what Miss Duan said?"

Just as Tang Xuanzang was thinking about his journey to the west for the first time, he began to think deeply about his journey to the west. At a place a hundred miles away from Pingding Mountain, Sun Wukong was walking slowly. Thinking about Tang Xuanzang's journey, they should have encountered a monster. Must have been caught by now.

As for why Sun Wukong is sure that Tang Xuanzang is not dead~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is very simple. If Tang Xuanzang died, the Tathagata would not let him go to Sun Wukong. Since nothing wrong happened, what is the hurry? ?

Besides, it would be great if Tang Xuanzang really died. He is not without a way out now. In the dark, he always felt that the mysterious man named Xue behind him would come out or that he had another plan to keep him from being killed by the Tathagata.

Getting closer and closer, Sun Wukong soon found a large group of monsters cruising around him, knowing that he was also being targeted. But the dignified demon king, how could this be false? With a flash, it turned into a hurricane, and took the initiative to greet it with a stick.

The magic power of the real fairyland can let the monsters in Pingdingshan know what it means to not leave a piece of armor, and they also deeply understand why this monkey dominated the lower realm five hundred years ago.

Unfortunately, it's too late. The more than 10,000 demon soldiers who fought in front of them, including their extreme army commander, did not escape, and they all lost their souls.

When Niu Qingyun and the other four demon soldiers arrived, there was blood everywhere. But there was no trace of the monkey.

"Hey, are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, a disdainful voice sounded from above the heads of Niu Qingyun and the other demon soldiers. When he raised his head, it was a monkey demon covered in golden armor with a long black and red stick on his shoulders. If not, who else could Sun Wukong be? I've long since disappeared and I've been waiting here.


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