Extreme Yama System

Chapter 814: Is a blessing or a curse

The dignified and powerful people in the Dao Realm have almost reached the pinnacle of monks in their inner cultivation, and there are few things that can make them feel surprised or astonished. But just now, the hearts of these two powerful men on the plane of conquering demons and subduing demons in Journey to the West jumped at the same time.

Although this is outside the sky, the two powerful people are holding each other, but it does not affect their perception of the lower realm. It is precisely because of this that they were lost for a moment just now.

The golden rope, a gorgeous golden rope used by the Taishang Laojun as a belt decoration, is also a top-notch magic weapon. The Tathagata knows how powerful this thing is, and many immortals and Buddhas in the upper realms know that it is powerful, especially for monks with a cultivation level below Luo Tian, ​​it is basically incomprehensible. At least according to the Tathagata's knowledge, he did not think that monks with a cultivation level lower than Luo Tian Daxian could escape under the golden rope, including the first demon king of the lower world, Sun Wukong.

But now the fact is that the cognition of the two powerful men has been smashed with one foot, and the Monkey King of the real fairyland actually escaped from the shackles of the golden rope with ease! Not only that, but also lost the golden rope!

The Tathagata was thinking about how this was done, how the golden rope disappeared, and whether there were any details that he just ignored.

After all, this magic weapon belongs to Laojun, is there something strange hidden in it? But there is no need for Taishang Laojun to help Sun Wukong, right? This made the Tathagata a little confused. So that this scene not only did not make the Tathagata feel lucky, but a little suspicious, his eyes raised to look at the opposite Taishang Laojun.

For example, Lao Jun's heart is even more puzzled. He made the golden rope. After following him for many years, he knows better than anyone whether it is power or all the shortcomings. He is even more surprised that Sun Wukong can escape the binding of the golden rope. .

But then, something that shocked Taishang Laojun even more happened: all the links between Huang Jinsheng and him were gone! And it disappeared in an instant!

how can that be! ?

Taishang Laojun didn't understand why he lost contact with his magic weapon at this moment. Even if the Tathagata wanted to grab the golden rope, it was impossible to cover up the connection between him and his magic weapon, and it was completed in an instant. In this world, apart from him, he is a monk with the same cultivation base, and others have no such ability.

In addition to this means of forcibly blocking contact, there is only one possibility left: Huang Jinsheng has been taken to an unknown place that even if he is too old, he can't sense or sense it.

Isn't that what Tathagata did?

Taishang Laojun really can't find any other monks who may oppose him and have this ability, except the Tathagata.

However, neither the Taishang Laojun nor the Tathagata said a word to each other, and they were all silent, but their eyes collided once in the air, which means that some of them are unclear.

Just wait and see. Now that my mind is a little messy, there is more than one Tathagata.

But what happened next was the same or even more unexpected.

Purple gold red gourd, suet jade vase, seven-star sword? !

Tathagata is really a little angry. Taishang Laojun is so shameless and even worse than him, and he has invested so much money, four top-notch instruments! Isn't this bullying?

Fortunately, Tang Xuanzang did not die. Without the golden rope, the golden horn and the silver horn would not dare to let Sun Wukong go. And Tang Xuanzang became the only bargaining chip in the hands of the golden horn and the silver horn, hoping to attract Sun Wukong to use the remaining three instruments to capture Sun Wukong and take back the golden rope. They were not as knowledgeable as Taishang Laojun, and naturally thought that Huang Jinsheng was taken away by Sun Wukong.

In the next scene, even the old man of Taishang couldn't help frowning deeply, and his eyes were full of anger.

Silly! It's so stupid and so annoying! Taishang Laojun felt that his face should almost be lost by these two alchemy children, and he was still in front of the Tathagata. That's not to mention, the purple-gold red gourd and the suet jade bottle that he gave to the golden horn and the silver horn were actually turned into decorations by that Sun Wukong. In the end, the two idiots, the golden horn and the silver horn, actually used the real magic weapon to exchange for two fake ones, and also posted Tang Xuanzang!

The most strange thing is that in the end, the magic weapon that was thrown away by the two fools, the golden horn and the silver horn, was the same as the golden rope, and disappeared so inexplicably. And like Huang Jinsheng, he lost contact with Taishang Laojun in an instant.


Taishang Laojun's face was terrifyingly gloomy, and his eyes were so fixed on the Tathagata opposite.

"Lao Jun, you and I are both in this world. You don't know how much this place is holding back the means of mana manifestation, right?" The implication of the Tathagata is that all the changes in the lower realm have nothing to do with him. relation. Even the Tathagata who "witnessed" all of this expressed special doubts about what happened just now.

There are too many doubts. Whether it's Sun Wukong or those counterfeit instruments that are almost indistinguishable, this is definitely not easy.

Taishang Laojun didn't answer, he put down the teacup and was about to get up, but was stopped by the Tathagata.

"Lao Jun, you'd better stay calm. I think these things are a little strange. Why don't you try it with me first and see what will happen if you don't intervene?" Tathagata said with a smile.

When Taishang Laojun heard the words, he paused slightly, and finally sat down. He knew that the Tathagata was imitating him, forcing him to stay in this world, otherwise it would be unfair, and it would be disgraced and ugly. After all, it was Taishang Laojun who forced Ru to come here before. Besides, Taishang Laojun was also a little curious about what happened next.

As for those missing instruments, to be honest, it's not a pity for Taishang Laojun, he has a lot of good things, and he cares about who is messing with him.

Neither of the two Almighty Ones spoke any more, and closed their eyes at the same time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Spiritual Mind began to reorganize everything that had just happened bit by bit. Not only Sun Wukong and other creatures, but all the space around the Pingding Mountain in the lower realm, every minute and every inch is replayed countless times in their spiritual thoughts.

Those oddities must be found.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a minute, maybe a lot more than that. Taishang Laojun and Tathagata opened their eyes at the same time to look at each other, and found a not-so-obvious strangeness, or a doubt that could not be regarded as a doubt.

That is, after Jinjiao Yinjiao suffered a big loss and left the ruins of Pingdingshan, there was a very unreasonable fluctuation in space within a very small range. It seemed to be blocking something, but it was able to Avoided the divine sense perception of the dignified Daoist realm.

"It seems that the lower world has been silent for so long, and finally something has changed. Laojun, what do you think?" The Tathagata also frowned and moved a string of Buddha beads in his hand, saying something.

"Hmph, change, I'm afraid it's a disaster, right?"

"Oh, it's always a blessing or a curse. Let's see how it goes."

(End of this chapter)

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