Extreme Yama System

Chapter 835: discussion

[Book Title: The Ultimate Yama System Chapter 835 Discussion Author: Jian Rujiao]

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Highly recommended: The Book of Eternal Night, the Emperor of the End of the Han Dynasty, the Great Ruler of Inverse Scales, Lord Xue Ying of the Holy Ruins, and the Legend of the Eternal Dragon King

The Wang family's three sticks, all called sticks, will let Wang Tianyun give up the first place he has always been ranked before? Don't fry? How can it be. There are actually two reasons for this: First, it is to thank Wang Tianyun for taking care of the Guiya in the matter of Zhou Yan and Montolika. Second, the position can be given to you Wang Tianyun, but the atmosphere can't be too harmonious, otherwise it is not the way to be harmonious. What if Yan Jun looks at it and thinks it is a gang?

There are a lot of twists and turns here, just tacit.

The door of the hall opened, and several big men entered first. But Sikong Xuan and Zhong Wanqiu, who had high status but were the most low-key, didn't enter the hall together. It seemed that something was wrong, but they didn't want to tell it in front of the ghosts. I don't know what's going on, so cautious.

Entering the main hall, Xue Wusuan sat upright on it. Below, Wang Tianyun, the white tiger tooth general, Bao Zheng, the judge of the Guiya, Ding Chunqiu and Zhong Mei, the heads of the research institute and the weapons workshop, and Wang Yuyan, the head of the Naihe Hall, were all present. , stand according to their respective positions, and salute.

"It's all here? Let's talk about it." Xue Wusuan lit a cigarette, leaned back in the chair, and looked at the ghosts below with a smile.

It was naturally Wang Tianyun who stood up to speak first. This is the current No. 1 boss, and the Wang family's three sticks have all given up the first position. Who else would dare to speak before Wang Tianyun?

"Reporting to Yanjun, the 40,000 recruits in the Yin Bing Camp have now completed all adaptation training and have initially acquired combat ability in actual combat. However, the military spirit is a little impetuous, and the internal war shouting has reached its limit. There will be unforeseen consequences.”

"Unpredictable consequences? What are the consequences? To be clear, hesitant and hesitant is not what a general should be like." Xue Wusuan still smiled, but his words became a little cold. He didn't know the situation in the Yin Bing camp, but soldiers are soldiers, and stability and control are the most important criteria.

And Wang Tianyun is the head coach. It is the head coach's responsibility to appease and train the soldiers and control their emotions. Now Wang Tianyun came to say something like this. If it sounds good, it means asking for battle. If it sounds bad, it means asking about Xue Wusuan's plan.

Attacking a plane, especially the plane that Xue Wusuan is aiming to target, is even more difficult and dangerous, and requires careful calculation. And these are all matters of Xue Wusuan, and they have nothing to do with you Wang Tianyun for a dime. Wouldn't it be extremely reckless to inquire like this?

It is also fortunate that Xue Wusuan can control the only passage between this place and the plane of the Westward Journey to conquer demons and subdue demons. There is no need to worry about the slightest information leaking in in advance and disturbing his arrangement. Otherwise, Wang Tianyun's words would be enough to convict him.

Wang Tianyun complained inwardly. He had a hunch that it would be troublesome to tell Yan Jun about this, but as Xun You told him before, the dark surge in the Yin Barracks became more and more ferocious, and continued suppression would inevitably lead to problems. This was the responsibility of his coach, but he had to Tell Yan Jun, otherwise the guilt will be greater.

Now that he has spoken, he has to continue speaking no matter what. Wang Tianyun can only bite the bullet and say: "Back to Yanjun, suppressing excess will seriously damage the fighting spirit and will of the Yin soldiers. The soldiers are now high-spirited and in urgent need of bloodshed and killing, which is also necessary for them to continue to maintain a high fighting spirit. Experience. I implore Yan Jun to consider it as appropriate."

After saying that, Wang Tianyun knelt down on the ground, with a look of sincerity and fear, and even his soul body was trembling.

Xue Wusuan flicked the ash, and then smiled: "Wang Tianyun, this is the first time, and I hope it will be the last time. Remember, you are in charge of the Yin Soldiers, but you can't ask what you shouldn't ask. You understand. As for the blood you need, don't worry, there will be a chance soon."

"Thank you, Yanjun, your subordinates understand!" Wang Tianyun finally breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like he was escaping from death. It seems that the coercion on Yan Jun's body after breaking through the cultivation base this time has become even more bizarre and unpredictable. Just the change in the tone of his speech scared him to the point where his body trembled, and he called himself sloppy.

"Understood? Then back off."

"Yes, Yan Jun. The subordinates retire."

Wang Tianyun knelt on the ground and stepped backwards to the door before getting up and turning out of the hall, which shows the panic in the heart of this Yin soldier in charge of this moment. It also made the rest of the emissaries who stayed in the temple a little nervous: Yan Jun is indeed not as easy to talk as before.

"Wang Dazhui, what are you hiding? Didn't you have a long neck just now? What's the matter now?" Xue Wusuan said as he gathered a big hand and patted the back of Wang Dazhui's head, who was shrinking his neck and wanted to retreat. The latter staggered.

"Yan Jun, I, I didn't hide. I saw Lao Bao standing a little behind. I wanted to pull him over. Lao Bao knows what we have to report to you in the ghost country. Hehe." Wang Dazhui rubbed it. Rubbing the back of his head and being beaten, he felt more at ease. Besides, what they said was not like the bad things that Wang Tianyun said before, what they were going to say was a happy event.

"Oh? Then Bao Zheng, come forward, let's hear what you have to say~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xue Wusuan smiled.

Bao Zheng stepped forward, bowed and saluted, and said, "Yan Jun, please take a look." After speaking, he lifted his right sleeve, revealing the appearance of a virtual soul.

Xue Wusuan didn't know what the four guys in this ghost country were doing, and when he looked closely, his brows furrowed. He found that the part of Bao Zheng's virtual soul body arm actually showed obvious fluctuations in the vitality of heaven and earth? And it is obviously structured into a shallow array?

"This is the gathering spirit array?" Xue Wusuan asked in confusion.

"Yes, Yan Jun. This is a method developed by two wizards sponsored by Guiya before. You can use the vitality of heaven and earth to portray the formation on the soul, forming an acquired ability like natural talent..."

Bao Zheng briefly explained the concepts of Zhou Yan and Montorica, and shocked the rest of the hall. Among them, Ding Chunqiu and Zhong Mei have the most terrifying expressions, because they have heard of this concept before, but they are invariably refuted by them as "nonsense". But now it has been realized in the hands of Guiya?

Ding Chunqiu felt cold all over, and he had a hunch that he might be in big trouble.

"Oh? How can you still use the formation method like this? Wonderful idea!"

Xue Wusuan also opened his eyes. He carefully checked Bao Zheng's arm back and forth for dozens of times, and confirmed that what Bao Zheng said was absolutely true. That simple spirit gathering array was indeed there. It plays its role all the time, it is like Bao Zheng's own talent, and it is wonderful.

Without much thought, Xue Wusuan could think of the great changes that this method would bring to the Wudao Underworld once he studied it in depth.

"What are the names of these two wizards? Where are they now?"

When Xue Wusuan asked this sentence, Ding Chunqiu, who was standing behind him, cried out in his heart: It's over. And Zhong Mei beside him was ashamed. 2k novel reading network

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