Extreme Yama System

Chapter 84: tongue out

Bright red and smoky, not the keynote here. It was a picture of not being able to see clearly from the outside and looking inside. When you actually come in, you will realize that this place is far from a color or a psychedelic.

The red mist is the dome of this independent world. The light is there, but I don't know where it comes from. Looking around, I don't know how wide or how far, and the eyes are full of strange rocks, and the ground is full of spikes. There are cross-shaped stone pillars all over the mountains and plains.

"Aren't you going to try your torture tool?" Xue Wusuan asked with a smile.

Ma Mian nodded quickly, flipped his hand, and a half-foot-long black pliers appeared in his hand. This thing is called "tongue pliers" and its use is the same as the name, that is, it is used to pull out a person's tongue. It is an exclusive torture tool in hell. It is controlled by the torturer, and can be copied and distributed to various prisoners when needed.

The souls of the dead have no tongues, and some are also transformed from the soul. But it's just out of hell. At this point, the dead soul will be temporarily given all the senses when alive by the rules of hell: pain, fatigue, hunger, hot and cold, and so on. The soul body is also temporarily brought close to the physical body. Even become ten times more sensitive.

Xue Wusuan looked into the distance, every stone pillar meant that he could bind an evil spirit to be tortured. The mountains and plains are boundless, what would it be like to see these stone pillars **** one day? Will it be lively?

The candidate for the jailer is not easy to find, nor is it easy to find the ghost of the evil mirror. It takes time to slow down.

I don't know how long. Xue Wusuan did not find the "bull's head" that he had been thinking about all the time, but ushered in "dog's head", "pig's head" and "wolf's head"...

There are many kinds of these beasts, and as long as there are suitable ones, they will be brought up by Rong Ziju and then let Xue Wusuan take a look.

Xue Wu is not refusing to come. The first level of **** alone requires countless jailers, and no matter how many they are, they will not be disgusted. In the end, after thinking about it, only 300 remained. Because the system told him that jailers also need money to support. Mi Fei is the same as the Yin Soldiers in Yin Bing Camp, each with 10 Soul Points per month. There is no way out of control.

The first "evil ghost" was finally picked up and slipped out from Huangquan Road. The reason is naturally because of "evil". As for what is evil, it is the matter of the evil mirror. No ghosts care from top to bottom.

The evil mirror platform was sorted out by Xue Wusuan. The criteria for "evil" have become very different. This is his standard of Xue Wusuan, and it is also the standard of this unreasonable underworld, and it may become the standard of thousands of worlds in the future.

He was picked up and slipped out, and all the guards looked up and down with curiosity and excitement with the eyes looking at the toy, the guy who had been so frightened that his soul trembled violently.

Ma Mian felt that as the torturer of hell, the first evil ghost to settle in naturally asked him to take care of it himself. To be an example to the jailers.

Tongue-pulling hell. There is finally a lively scene in the stone pillars of the mountains.

Once here, the evil spirit found that he seemed to have changed back to his living appearance. Although the hands and feet are cold, they are no longer illusory. On the face, on the body, and even feel the touch of the skin. Unbelievably, he thought he was resurrected from the dead. Excited, he was about to speak, but he was caught by Ma Mian as if he was grabbing a chick, and he was tied to a stone pillar at will.

No matter how the devil shouted and begged for mercy, Ma Mian did not respond at all. With a big hand, the "tongue pliers" came into its hands. Then the other hand squeezed open the devil's mouth, carefully clamped the tip of the tongue, and slowly, slowly pulled it out.

Strange to say, the evil ghost's tongue was slowly pulled out by the horse face for about ten minutes, sticking out for a full half a chi, but it didn't break, but continued to grow on the pliers. It wasn't until about a foot away that there was a slam, and a lot of blood spurted out. The tongue, which was a foot long, fell on the ground full of spikes, and then turned into blood and disappeared quickly.

A living tongue cannot be a foot long. This is a deliberate change made by **** so that the residents here can enjoy more of the fun of having their tongues pulled out.

The pain of 20 times the normal tongue pulling made the evil ghost on the stone pillar wailing. It took about an hour for the pain to get better, but then the itch came from his mouth again. It's so itchy that it drives me crazy. I don't know how long it took, and found that a new tongue came out of its mouth during the itch. Before I could rejoice in my heart, I saw Ma Mian wave his hand, and a dog-headed jailer stuck out his tongue excitedly, took the "tongue pliers" from Ma Mian's hand and pinched its mouth for the second time. Only then did it realize what it was.


Another piercing scream. The dog-headed jailer's skills seemed to be better than that of a horse's face. Excitedly, he held his torn tongue and asked for credit towards the horse's face.

"Go away!" Ma Mian raised his hand and slapped the flying dog-headed jailer, and then said to the nearly three hundred prison guards behind him: "It's a rare opportunity, you can queue up to practice your hands, wait for the next one to come in, and assign tasks in the order of the test hands. I understand. ?"

"My subordinate understands!"

Three hundred different animal prison guards lined up one by one, each with a "tongue pliers" in their hands, while standing on tiptoe to observe, while also thinking about how to do better when it was their turn. .

One, two, three... The evil ghost can't count how many tongues he has had to pull out, and he can't remember how long it has been, let alone how long it will last. It thought that there were too many times, and it should get used to this unimaginable pain and itching. Who knows, every time it is the same pain and itching, it will not become numb or habitual because of repeated this.

"Why do you do this to me?! Why do you do this! How long am I going to stay here?!"

Every time the tongue grows again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the evil spirit will shout these words frantically while the next suffering begins. But the jailers didn't pay attention to it at all, how did they know how long this guy would stay here? This is the business of hell, they are little jailers, they only care about execution.

With the first, there will be a second and a third. When the evil spirits were irradiated by the evil mirror, they were brought up Huangquan Road and sent to hell. It is even more lively on the stone pillars all over the mountains and plains.

"Jun Yan, my subordinates have gathered three hundred evil ghosts, and I want to invite Jun Yan to watch the fun." Ma Mian found Xue Wusuan, and kowtowed as he spoke.

"Look at the fun? What's the fun?"

"My subordinate heard that Master Rong Ziju, the soul gatherer, said that you like to watch the fun, Mr. Yan, and the subordinate thought that the sound of the execution in **** was very loud and very lively, so I wanted to invite Jun Yan to have some fun." Ma Mian was a little nervous. Although it is a horse, it has never flattered. Hearing from Rong Ziju that Yan Jun likes to be lively, he thought about it in his heart.

Is this flattering? Xue Wusuan was a little confused. He has seen people who invite people to dinner, watch movies, and give things to flatter, but this is the first time he has seen people watching executions and flattering.

But looking at the simple and honest horse face, Xue Wusuan felt amused again. This honest ghost also learns to flatter people, but his brain is not bright, and it is strange to think of this. It is not good to combat the enthusiasm of the horse face. So he smiled and agreed.

Seeing the three hundred evil spirits who had gathered together to be tortured and screamed together, Xue Wusuan felt inexplicably very interesting. It's not that he likes blood and cruelty, but that **** is interesting. It is possible to magnify the pain of a simple "tongue pulling" to such an extent. It is hard to imagine how miserable it will be if it goes further down.

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