Extreme Yama System

Chapter 839: westbound danger

[Book Title: Extreme Yama System Chapter 839 Westward Journey Dangerous Author: Jian Rujiao]

The latest chapter of the Need for Yama System 2k Novel Network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" complete pinyin, easy to remember! nice novel

Strongly recommended: The Return of the Immortal Realm, the Great Lord of Reverse Scales, Lord Xue Ying of the Holy Ruins, One Thought of the Legend of the Eternal Dragon King The next year is not near, but now two years have passed, and the westbound group has still not been able to see the west sky.

In the past two years, there have been more dangers than the previous years combined. And the level of danger is constantly rising.

No, Tang Xuanzang has fallen, not dead, but the situation is very bad. This is a poison planted during an encounter with a centipede spirit. The centipede spirit, who calls himself the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord, is extraordinary, especially the poisonous mist in one hand, which can even erode the indestructible body of Sun Wukong, let alone Tang Xuanzang. Now that he is still hanging his life, it is entirely due to the small credit of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong didn't want Tang Xuanzang to die like this. He has already received a lot of information from Duan Xiaoxiao's mouth, and he understands how he should go. At least for now, he can't live without Tang Xuanzang, and he can only live if Tang Xuanzang is still alive. So it's a lot of effort. Not only did he go everywhere to ask for medicine, but he always protected Tang Xuanzang by his side, worrying that it would be bad if the monk died if he accidentally made a mistake.

And the most crucial role is Duan Xiaoxiao's exhaustion. Many good things that were exchanged before were taken out for Sun Wukong to feed to Tang Xuanzang to control the toxicity in his body. Otherwise, the things that Sun Wukong asked for would not be able to stop the poisonous killing methods of the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord.

In fact, the Tathagata also gave the westbound group a chance. For example, Guanyin in this direction and so on are a large number of immortal Buddhas who are close to the Tathagata. There are many powerful immortals and Buddhas who can help Tang Xuanzang detoxify and survive. But the problem is that now it is not only the Tathagata who is staring at it, there is also a Taishang Laojun next to the Tathagata.

In the past, the Tathagata's family was in Zhangluo, and the immortals and Buddhas who were close to the Tathagata would naturally give the Tathagata face and help the westbound group. But now Taishang Laojun has taken action, and he has made clear the carriage and horses, but he has not yet torn his face. Just like this, who would dare to jump out and blatantly give convenience to the westbound group at such a wonderful time? They are not fake, but they don't want to go straight to Taishang Laojun.

As a result, the immortals and Buddhas who can really help the westbound group can only open their eyes and shut their doors. It's too dangerous outside, and two powerful people in the realm of the Dao are fighting in the lower realm. If they can't figure it out, it will be a battle between gods and Buddhas. Who would dare to be the fuse?

Duan Xiaoxiao didn't have many things. She had already given Tang Xuanzang all the detoxification pills, but the effect was only to protect Tang Xuanzang's vital organs.

"Miss Duan, there's no need to rush this. It's good to protect him like this. He won't die."

Sun Wukong is the only one in the westbound group who can see and communicate with Duan Xiaoxiao. He also knows Duan Xiaoxiao's identity now. Seeing this female ghost is anxious, he subconsciously enlightens him, but it seems extremely blunt.

"Yeah, I can't die, but I also live miserably. Isn't it?" Duan Xiaoxiao hovered beside the dazed Tang Xuanzang, his expression was lonely, and his words were full of exhaustion and sadness.

For two years, even though Tang Xuanzang couldn't see her, she was always by Tang Xuanzang's side. Tang Xuanzang was proud to save his life because of her assistance in many mortal actions. Look at Sun Wukong in tattered armor, and the demon king in the real fairyland is so embarrassed, you can imagine how hard these two years have been.

But now, after the battle of the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord, Duan Xiaoxiao has run out of tricks. The things she had saved since she served as the soul-suppressor of Yin Yang Street have been exhausted, and she could not even protect Tang Xuanzang's life. Only the medicinal pills she had fed her before were barely able to support Tang Xuanzang for half a breath.

"When will the surnamed Xue show up? If he doesn't come again, Tang Xuanzang's life will be lost." Sun Wukong's words were also a little anxious. Tang Xuanzang is related to his life and the road ahead. If the mysterious man surnamed Xue doesn't act again, Tang Xuanzang will be finished. Or even if he was hanging half-dead, what would he do on the westbound road? Just stop like a fool and stop moving forward?

Before Duan Xiaoxiao could answer, the dazed Tang Xuanzang suddenly woke up. He was always awake for one or two hours a day. Although he was tortured by toxins all over his body, these two hours made Tang Xuanzang always smile. full face. It is always good to be alive, even if he is not afraid of death.

"Wukong, you're talking to yourself again? Why do I hear you doing this every time I wake up? Haha, ahem, you've poisoned your brain too, have you?"

Tang Xuanzang is still in the mood to talk and laugh now, because he knows how much Sun Wukong has paid to him in the past two years, and because he firmly believes that Duan Xiaoxiao is not dead. Most of the hatred in his heart has subsided, and the remaining reason will naturally prevail, making him willing to try to re-establish communication with his "big apprentice" who has been in his line for several years.

"No poison can hurt me. It's you, say a few words less, so as not to toss yourself to death."

Tang Xuanzang struggled to sit up, but Duan Xiaoxiao at the side could only look at her and never dared to let Tang Xuanzang see her. She couldn't bear to let Tang Xuanzang see her ghostly appearance and be sad, especially Tang Xuanzang now I just wanted to understand that Duan Xiaoxiao didn't die~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just got out of the pain of several years.

Sun Wukong helped Tang Xuanzang, the latter sat up straight and looked at Sun Wukong with a smile: "I want to understand what you said last time, and I understand it all. But where is the way out of what you said? Wasn't there a choice from the beginning?"

"Bald donkey, you still don't believe it? Hey, it doesn't matter, as long as you don't die."

"Tell me, where did Miss Duan get you?" Tang Xuanzang sighed, followed by a cough. Now, apart from a few important organs, his body has been messed up with toxins, and every word he speaks is a heart-piercing pain in his chest and throat.

"I said bald donkey, now is not the time, I know, but I can't tell you. And don't worry, what should come will always come. I still remember what I said, "there are people outside people, there are days outside the sky" ?"

"Hehe, you **** monkey. Forget it, I'm trying too hard to talk. Hey, if only Miss Duan was still alive. I don't expect to see her again, I just hope she can pass the time safely. This life will be fine."


Although Tang Xuanzang's voice was small, it seemed that only Duan Xiaoxiao and Sun Wukong who were close could hear him, but in fact he climbed straight up, traversing the misty upper realm, and then continued to climb along the traces of the heavens, and finally reached there. A place where clouds and mists lingered in the celestial spirit was a place beyond the sky, which was the sky beyond the sky.

A teacup that was made from something unknown was crushed and scattered on the table. Seeing the Taishang Laojun, who had just put down the cup on the opposite side, raised his brows slightly. He smiled and said: "Tathagata, this cup is my favorite thing, so you used it to vent your anger? Oh, it seems that your "Dari Tathagata True Sutra" is more effective in terms of xinxing than my "One Qi Sanyuan Jue". It’s a lot worse. It’s been so long, you don’t seem to be making any progress.” 2k Novel Reading Network

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