Extreme Yama System

Chapter 845: silent siege

[Book Title: Supreme Yama System Chapter 845 The Silent Encirclement and Suppression Author: Jian Rujiao]

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Highly recommended: Oriental DreamWorks Choose the Day to Remember the Eternal Night King, the Great Ruler of the Sacred Ruins, Xue Ying Lord, the Eternal Dragon King Legend, the immemorial God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements Tian Bing Yu San's efficacy is beyond doubt. This strange poison is rare and hard to come by. Legend has it that it was refined by a top sect a long time ago. Later, this sect was destroyed, and the ice jade powder that was circulated became more and more precious, because no one knew how to refine it, and a little less was used.

Mu Renqing also got a bottle by chance many years ago, and now he uses it all at once on the monks in Moonwind Wonderland.

The chef in the inn is not really so powerful that he can make delicious dishes that the well-informed disciples of Moon Wind Wonderland are coveted. He is because he put ice powder and jade powder in the meal. There are different medicines in it, to enhance the taste and enhance the fragrance, wouldn't it make the monks who have long been fasted to eat it?

Now, don't look at the monks in Moonwind Wonderland, one by one, and they are beating the monks of the six major factions. This is just an appearance. First, the poison caused by the magic power of Bingyu San has not completely erupted, and secondly, it is also the six major factions. Not working hard, all waiting.

"Huh? Me, I... poof!"

The latent time of the medicinal effect was completely exhausted by the continuously stimulated mana, and the appearance of a local elite disciple of Moonwind Wonderland who vomited blood and fell to the ground, was followed by screams of panic. They are elite disciples, and their cultivation is not low. They are the main force in Moon Wind Wonderland, but compared to the disciples and elders like Huo Dongtie Duanshan, they are far from each other. A batch of toxic attacks.

"There was, yes, poison in the previous meal!"

The miserable voice made the atmosphere of the whole scene change abruptly. The disciples of Moon Wind Wonderland, who were full of confidence before, looked pale and took out the antidote from Xumi's ring in horror to save the emergency. But the dignified Bingyu San, and it has been in the stomach for a long time, how can it be solved? Besides, they are not in the Moonwind Wonderland but in Sanwan Town, and they are not facing the same sect but the enemy of life and death. How can they allow them to take medicine pills flawlessly?

"Pfft!" A big head was wrapped in scarlet blood and rushed up to a height of more than ten feet. The stench made the eyes of the monks of the six major factions red, and the corners of the mouth under the black scarf also sneered: a group of self-righteous fools, Go to hell!

Originally, the monks sent by the six majors were all carefully selected experts, and the monks and experience were all selected. Help, everything makes a big difference.

The Moonwind Wonderland cultivator, who originally had the upper hand, was now poisoned by Bingyusan, and he became a turkey. The trance and severe pain, not to mention fighting back in such a situation, it is not bad to be able to run two more steps. So the scene changed from a fight to a slaughter.

Cultivators like to throw heads when killing people, because in this way, they can prevent Nascent Soul from pretending to be dead, and then follow up and destroy Nascent Soul. This is far more cruel than the killing of mortals, and it can be said that it will not leave you a little bit of life.

"It's Bingyusan! Damn it! Evacuate, quickly evacuate!"

After all, they were monks in the extreme realm. Although Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan were also poisoned, they did not lose their fighting power immediately, and they were able to protect those few disciples even during the war.

When the elite disciples are finished, it is impossible to rescue them, but the disciples are different. They each have a master, and they have a lot of life-saving means in their hands. Even if they lose all combat power after being poisoned, they are not dead and can escape. This is why everyone says that the disciples of the top sects are powerful, and the background lies there.

After the Tie Duan Mountain was broken, Huo Dong quickly retreated towards the north as he said before, guarding a few disciples. But they didn't know that Cheng Dayou and Lin Hongyan were waiting there long ago. Hearing a long whistle from Mu Renqing, Huo Dong, who had just left quickly, was stopped again. This time, if he wanted to return with the disciples in the robe, he would have no problem.

Mu Ren snorted coldly, heard the screams from a distance and Huo Dong's roar, and understood that only Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan were the twenty people who came to Moon Wind Wonderland this time.

"Who are you?! Do you know what will happen to the cultivator who kills me like this? Whoever you are, it's too late to stop now!" Huo Dong fought back and finally joined Tie Duanshan. The faces of the two were pale, all their disciples were killed, and they were poisoned again, and this time they capsized in the gutter. No matter what happens next, the top priority now is to save your life first.

Moreover, up to now, Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan are still not sure whether it is the money gang and other six factions that are besieging them. Because the methods of these people are very general, but the mana is too stable, it seems that the natural soul is extremely condensed. As far as they know, apart from the top disciples of the top sects, it is extremely difficult for other cultivators to have this ability, let alone those who are also known as the masters of the six major sects for a long time. No one will always know.

But who are the six factions? Because of this ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan were amazed and horrified. Because if it is not the money gang and other six factions who are attacking and killing them, there may not be much left. Except for those mountain gates that belong to the top faction like Moonwind Wonderland, Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan would not think about it. Who else will come out. If that were the case, threatening words would have little effect.

And the reaction of the masked Mu Renqing in black made Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan more certain of their guess: These people are definitely not people from the six major factions such as the Money Gang! They are masters secretly cultivated by other top sects, and they are deliberately plotting against them!

It seems that the magical fruit is not only felt in Moonwind Wonderland, other top mountain gates may even be discovered earlier. Or maybe the six major factions such as the Money Gang are simply a chess piece in the hands of a top-level mountain gate hidden in the dark?

Mu Renqing didn't intend to say a word, these monks in the Moon Wind Wonderland are not simple, even if they seem to be trapped in the Jedi now, no one can say whether there is any last resort to save their lives. Besides, Huo Dong has never guessed their identities, this is the best result. After all, the main purpose of the six major factions is to delay time, not really facing the hard top with Moonwind Wonderland.

Therefore, the fighting continued, and now it was the six sect masters and a group of experts who were besieging the Moonwind Wonderland with two highly poisonous elders. The scale of victory has already touched the floor on the side of the six major factions. Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan have no chance of winning, and the longer the time drags on, the more violent the poison in their bodies, the deeper the damage will be. If you don't get hacked, you get poisoned.

"Broken Mountain! You leave with the red gold sword, I will help you block them, go to the east, and return to the mountain gate in a roundabout way. The red gold sword must never fall into the hands of these people!" Huo Dong also understood the situation in front of him, and his heart was determined for a while. , transmit the sound to Tie Duanshan Road beside him. 2k novel reading network

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