Extreme Yama System

Chapter 850: laugh wanton

[Book Title: Superb Yama System Chapter 850 Laughing Wanton Author: Jian Rujiao]

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Mu Renqing had actually taken some rescue measures for the current situation before. He expected that Moonwind Wonderland would definitely go to Sanwan Town to investigate, and he also thought of the town residents who would be found evacuated. So, he had to do something.

Originally, those townspeople should have left quickly under the **** of the money friars. But now it has to use these mortals to make a fuss.

Mu Renqing personally did the massacre in the col, and Mu Renqing also put the letter into the chef's arms. The purpose is naturally to lead the eyes of Moonwind Wonderland to another top sect in the north: the Ye family.

The Ye family and the Liangzi of Yuefeng Wonderland, Mu Renqing, the sect master of one party, naturally knows that, and also understands that once the Ye family is involved, the Yuefeng Wonderland must be extremely cautious, so that the six major factions will not be so tight. .

But Mu Renqing still missed a bit. Even if Moon Wind Fairyland turned his attention to the Ye family in the north, the Little Money Gang or the six major factions were still nothing in the eyes of Moon Wind Fairy Land. It's just stepping on an ant, how much can you care? Therefore, Mu Renqing did not expect that the people from Moon Wind Wonderland would come so early.

"Oh? Don't open it? Gang Master Mu, is this your attitude towards us Moonwind Wonderland? Or do you think I'm not qualified to join your money gang?"

Kun Xu's voice drifted in the mountain gate of the Qianjin Gang, gloomy and terrifying, obviously waiting for Mu Renqing's answer, a careless act would be an irreversible killing.

Mu Renqing shook his head and said with a smile: "Elder Kun is serious. How dare our little money gang neglect the distinguished guests of Moon Wind Wonderland. It's just that the gang has been plagued by plague recently, and it is inconvenient to treat guests. Haha, that's all. It’s true that my money helped, isn’t it? After a while, I will personally come to the door to apologize to your sect master. What do you think about this?”

Mu Renqing would not let three guys in anyway. Although the money gang is not a top-level faction, it is not a small faction. . Mu Renqing had tried it before, even if a cultivator like him wanted to break through this mountain protection formation, it would take a lot of effort, it would take several days, and he had to be undisturbed, otherwise it would take longer.

Now the six major factions are basically crowded in the money gang's station. It may seem silly to have all the "eggs" in one basket, but it's actually the smartest thing to do in the current situation. Anyway, it's a grasshopper on a rope, who can run away? It's better to work together and make enough money! And maybe it can turn around?

"Plague?!" The three Kun Xu were so angry that they almost fell from the air. I've heard all kinds of excuses and excuses, and even seen scenes of scoundrels. But this Mu Renqing in front of him refreshed Kun Xu's new understanding of the face. Where is this money gang? Looking at the whole world, it can be regarded as a cultivator sect in the middle and upper reaches. Even if the name is a bit tacky, it is still a serious sect, and there is such a shameless sect master.

Are the monks afraid of the "plague"? As long as you reach the alchemy stage, the world's pain is basically completely eliminated. What plague can plague monks? Anyway, the three of Kunxu had never heard of it.

"Mu Renqing! Are you kidding me?"

Mu Renqing smiled and bowed his hands, with a look of grievance on his face: "Three elders, I'm not lying, there is a plague, and it's very powerful. If you don't believe me, there's nothing you can do, even if you start attacking me here. The Great Array is also afraid to let you in. Oh, by the way, I still have some guests who are sick with the plague, you can ask."

Mu Renqing said, with a wave of his hand, there were five more figures behind him. It is the remaining five sect masters of these six factions.

"I have seen Elder Kun, Elder Pang, and Elder Zhao!"

The five of them also looked ill, and greeted the three of them, as if they really had some serious illness.

This makes me even more angry. All of these people are cultivated to the extreme realm, but they have not stepped into the extreme realm for a long time. As long as they are not killed, it is not a problem to live for thousands of years. How can disease be eroded. them. If it is so fragile, who still cultivates?

However, the anger returned to the qi, and the vigilance in my heart was immediately raised. Now, including Mu Renqing, there are already six masters of the extreme realm. Although I am not afraid, it is not so easy to kill so many masters of the extreme realm, at least three Kun Xu are not enough, at least one of the elders of the Moon Wind Fairyland will be able to take the magic weapon of the heritage.

And one more point, where did the money gang and the other five factions come from? Don't they know? Even if Moonwind Wonderland chooses to avoid it this time, what about next time? It doesn't take much, five elders and a hundred or ten elite disciples can easily wipe out all of them, and even set up a large formation, it is not impossible to make this money for thousands of miles into a white field.

What are these people thinking? Really want to ask for a quick death?

Kunxu and the others didn't understand the idea of ​​the money gang and the other five sects, but they were sure of two things: first, these six sects now seem to be preparing to advance and retreat together; second, these guys must have something to rely on!

The three Kun Xu couldn't help but think: Could it be that they are really just chess pieces, and the Ye family is the one who plays chess? Otherwise, how could these guys dare to make fun of them?

"Sect Master Mu, think about it clearly, this time you teased me in Moon Wind Wonderland, the next time, it will be a disaster." Kun Xu eats hard steel if he is not ready~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The current situation is a bit beyond He expected that the six major sect masters gathered together, plus the elites of each faction, the three of them present would not be able to please. But the scene speaks volumes.

"Big disaster? Moonwind Wonderland is the leader of the monk world, the great faction of ten thousand years. I believe that the bearing and power it should have is far beyond that of a small family such as me. This time it is indeed my money gang's rudeness, but It's really helpless, who can explain this plague clearly? I also ask the three elders to take care of it."

"Shameless!" Kun Xu turned around and left with a flick of his sleeves. The hatred in my heart has stopped thinking about it, and I must ask for reinforcements as soon as possible to destroy the six ants who dared to tease the Moonwind Wonderland in one fell swoop!

Seeing that the three of Kun Xu were coming and leaving with hatred, Mu Renqing and the others suddenly burst into laughter, and they laughed extremely happily. Even Cheng Dayou burst into tears.

The disciples, whose peripheral nerves were slightly relaxed, first stared at the big guys on their side laughing wildly, and then they laughed loudly, and the laughter was almost shocking for a while.

Rejoice! Once upon a time, they were always regarded as ants by those arrogant top factions and wantonly oppressed. Who hasn't suffered from the losses of these top factions? In the past, I broke my teeth and swallowed it in my stomach. I never thought that there would be a loud laugh and mockery of the elders of the top sects today.

Anyway, this is the end of the matter, can't make the old men smile? Happy once is once! How many people in the monk world can have this experience?

"Hahaha, I didn't see it, Gang Master Mu turned out to be so good at teasing people!" Cheng Dayou also laughed until his stomach hurt, and it took him a long time to recover.

Mu Renqing also laughed almost, and replied: "Haha, I think I also traveled outside back then, and I also practiced kung fu. But it's still a little bit worse, otherwise it would be better if I could directly anger these dogs to death. But that's it." 2k Novel Reading Network

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