Extreme Yama System

Chapter 852: come in a big way

[Book Title: The Ultimate Yama System Chapter 852 is Coming Author: Jian Rujiao]

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Highly recommended: The father of martial arts, Wu Lian, the peak of the Five Elements, the Gate of the Profound Realm, and the Eternal Night King, the Great Ruler of the Holy Ruins, the Lord of Xue Ying, a thought of the legend of the Eternal Dragon King. Every day that passes is like a year. Not only did the disciples under the sect suffer and did not know where to go, and their will became increasingly low, even the sect masters of the six sects became more and more anxious.

"Dayou, why don't we find a place to hide and not ask about the world?" Lin Hongyan lay in Cheng Dayou's arms, with a confused look on her face, and sighed in a bleak tone.

Cheng Dayou touched Lin Hongyan's hair and said with a smile, "Hide? Where can we hide?"

Lin Hongyan: "With our cultivation base, as long as we really want to hide, it won't be easy for Moonwind Wonderland to find us. Now there's a lot of noise here. If the surnamed Xue doesn't come, won't we? Imprisoned in this dead place?"

Cheng Dayou was silent for a while, then smiled: "Hongyan, do you still remember what we said after we fought to the death from those third-rate sects? At that time, we swore that we would take revenge and become the world's top cultivator in the future. Of course, that small faction was destroyed by you and I together in the early years, and the revenge is considered revenge, but what about the latter? Don't you really want to go to the upper realm to see it?"

Lin Hongyan: "So what? Always think about life, right?"

"Stupid, if you want to survive, you can only rely on gambling at the moment! If you hide it, you will eventually be found. At that time, we will die alone. Only by gambling that the surnamed Xue can come on time, then we can survive, and If you can continue to enjoy the black evil fruit, you will eventually have the opportunity to ascend to the world and achieve immortal status."

"But what if the surnamed Xue didn't come?" Lin Hongyan had never had much confidence in that terrifying senior Xue. He looked so evil, how could they have expected all his actions? What if I don't come?

"Not coming? It's just a fight, life and death are still in our own hands. Besides, for more than 5,000 years, it is a beautiful talk to be able to live together after death, isn't it?"


A strangely ugly man, a seductive woman, the love and determination and understatement between words are all saying that they have made the final and worst preparations: things will be difficult for a long time, and you will die. Don't be afraid of dying, then don't be afraid anymore.

Of course, Lin Hongyan wasn't the only one who didn't have complete confidence in Xue Wusuan's arrival. There were seven top figures from the six major factions plus the loose cultivator Zhang Mo, and now they were all equally apprehensive.

Don't look at Mu Renqing's confidence every time, and even after Kun Xu and the three left, he threatened that the plan had been successful for more than half, and even asserted that Moon Wind Wonderland would never come again until he found out everything with the Ye family. Money helped. This is coming and going, and the time is almost there.

But everyone knows that Mu Renqing's words are all based on the premise that Xue Wusuan will arrive on time. What if you don't come? Everything is still unknown.

Heisha Yuguo is now out of stock. Mu Renqing distributed them all, and none of the sect masters and elders of the six major sects, as well as the scattered cultivator Zhang Mo, were left behind. This is equivalent to eating a meal for the dead. Those who are full will have more strength and less distraction. This is very meaningful for maintaining the stability for another month and a half.

On the fifty-seventh day after the siege in Sanwan Town, Qian Qian helped Shanmen welcome a large group of "guests" again, which had been "calm" for nearly two months.

This time, it is not as small as the last three people, but a huge area of ​​darkness, with no less than a thousand people in sight! Moreover, the cultivation base that the field of vision can reach is the lowest, which is also the initial stage of the God Transformation Realm!

The visitor is not good!

The masters of each of the six major factions also gathered at the front of the mountain protection formation, facing away from the "guests" outside the formation.

What should come will always come, if you want to delay time, the plan will always fail to keep up with the changes. There are still three days left to complete the three-year period, but in these three days, the people of Moon Wind Wonderland have arrived. Not the worst outcome, but the most frustrating one. Even Mu Renqing was looking forward to why the mysterious senior Xue didn't arrive a few days earlier?

"The money gang and other six major factions acted perversely and killed indiscriminately. They are indeed the cancer of the monk world! Today, Yuefeng Wonderland and the Lishan Ye family will jointly exterminate them, so as to eliminate evil and righteousness! Now, this six factions will be eliminated. The guilt is announced to the world, for later generations to spurn and warn.

There are thirty-six sins in the six factions, one sin..."

One by one, it sounds like a heinous crime! The six major sects have now become the sects that do all kinds of evil, and they don't accept refutation at all, because they are just talking about the scene, convicting them, and then killing from the commanding heights of morality, who cares about it. How many true and how many false charges? Who from outsiders dares to jump out and question? When the two top mountain gates join forces, what else can they do other than clapping their hands and cheering?

The people from the six major factions had their eyes red when they heard it, didn't they say nothing?

We all know that killing is just a matter of killing. If you win, you will have a chance to argue. If you lose, everything will be empty.

Mu Renqing looked up and saw two figures with great pressure hovering above the Qianjinbang Mountain Gate. One male and one female. Needless to say, the woman is Yue Lanping, who is so beautiful and moving that she doesn't seem to eat human fireworks, and the man beside Yue Lanping is Ye Tong, the contemporary home of Li Shan Ye's family.

It was said that after Kunxu and the other three returned to Moonwind Wonderland that day, Yue Lanping was extremely vigilant and intuitively told her that this matter might not be easy to be involved, and it involved the Ye family, but it made her feel that something was wrong. Therefore, he had to interrupt his intensive cultivation and personally take the six elders to the Ye family to get straight to the point.

Ye Tong's cultivation base is similar to Yue Lanping's~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also preparing to transcend the calamity, concentrates on cultivation, and rarely asks the outside world. But Yue Lanping brought six elders to visit suddenly, and he couldn't help but not show up to receive them.

It is related to the blood feud between the three elders of Huo Dong and more than ten disciples, and Yue Lanping is stronger than before when facing the Ye family. But Ye Tong was at a loss and couldn't understand how this old enemy, the old enemy, came to the door so aggressively, and each of them had the meaning of starting a war with a profound magic weapon.

In this way, one side is questioning, but on the other side he doesn't know anything and regards it as a provocation. In addition, the two sides have long-standing grievances. Where can there be any good results?

However, the final result was half of the fight, and they all stopped. The reason is that Kun Xu took out a letter, scolding the Ye family for shamelessness, and dared to quibble with irrefutable evidence.

Ye Tong thought about it: No! Everyone in my Ye family lives in their ancestral land no matter how far or near. No one has wandered outside for many years. Where are the distant relatives?

After confirming them one by one, Ye Tong understood that his Ye family was being used as a shield. Bai Bai fought with Moon Wind Wonderland, and not to mention the loss of dozens of disciples, the mountain gate was also severely damaged. How can you swallow this breath straight to your forehead?

Yue Lanping also really didn't want to continue fighting with Ye Tong, and if they fought again, there would be no chance to keep their hands. At that time, one accident would trigger her or Ye Tong's calamity, and it would be an endless situation. Seeing Ye Tong denying killing Elder Huo and his party now, his heart trembled, and he felt that he was caught in a trap. Otherwise, why do you always feel that something is wrong in your heart?

After she stopped, she went back to the negotiation. Yue Lanping distinguished the Ye family's words one by one. Finally, she checked the Ye family's collateral genealogy and confirmed that all the Ye family's collateral lineages had returned to the clan hundreds of years ago. For hundreds of years, no one has been wandering outside. How could there be a distant relative who is a chef in Sanwan Town? 2k novel reading network

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