Extreme Yama System

Chapter 854: here we go

Chapter 854 has begun

Consuming one's own people, the reason why Mu Renqing can see clearly at a glance is entirely because he himself has done the same thing.

There are always complicated relationships in a large sect, especially the monks have a very long lifespan. After a long time, there will always be many family members behind them stepping in through the back door, and then various resources will always be on these disciples who go through the back door. been over-accumulated. Some are talented and hardworking, but most of them are becoming more and more lazy and become the second-generation ancestors of the sect.

Without combat power, Kong has a cultivation base that is not only vain, but also greedy for life and fear of death. What is the use of such a person? It's all worms in the door.

But if you want to clean up these worms, you can't do it directly, and the relationship will lead to huge internal conflicts. Therefore, external killing has become the best way. After all, for a "weak" sect like the Qianjin Gang, it is also very reasonable and reasonable to use it for those second-generation ancestors to practice their skills. It is for their own good. Who can stop it?

But all of this is quite unfamiliar to Cheng Dayou, and he has never thought about it. He was stunned when he heard it, and said from the bottom of his heart: A group of black-hearted people, compared with you, I have been considered pure and loyal.

"If they want to consume it, let them consume it, reduce the strength of the counterattack, and maintain a good formation." Mu Renqing made adjustments quickly. Since the opposite party had the idea of ​​cleaning up the portal, he should naturally fulfill it. The longer it continues, the better it will be for the six factions.

There are still two and a half days before the arrival of Senior Xue after the three-year period expires.

The big formation has always been strong, and the outside attack can't get in, but the inside can attack the outside from a long distance. This is the most useful point of the mountain protection formation. Otherwise, if you can't even shuttle out from the inside, wouldn't it be a turtle shell? What's the point?

High in the sky, the two sect masters who each had murderous intentions towards each other in their hearts actually had a very subtle tacit understanding with each other at this moment.

"Sect Master Yue, don't your disciples have more than 100 casualties? Have you ever thought about how to explain to the elders and the older generation?" Ye Tong smiled.

"Didn't your Ye family's children also die over a hundred? You don't care, what do I care about? It's just scum." Yue Lanping did not try to hide her disgust for the dead worms below. It's long overdue to clean them up, and there has been no good opportunity. Now how can I let it go? I must remove all the unstable factors in the door before I fly to the upper realm.

Ye Tong shook his head and said: "It's different, I am the sect master and their patriarch, even if they are not satisfied, they will understand. Hehe, but I heard that your Moon Wind Wonderland has not been peaceful recently, and you are crossing again. At the threshold of robbery, do you have so much energy to deal with them?"

Yue Lanping glanced at Ye Tong and said with a smile, "Master Yemen, I don't think this has anything to do with you, right?"

"Indeed, but don't you find it strange?"


"The people from the six major factions below. They are obviously slowing down the speed and strength of their counterattacks. Although they can still rely on the good flying sword array to help you and me cut off the worms of the door owner, it is definitely intentional. For this reason, it seems that they are using our plan to delay time. Is there anything they can rely on in the face of such a situation? "

Yue Lanping stroked her head beside her ear, her eyes crossed the large formation and cast her eyes on Mu Renqing, who was commanding Ruoding in the formation, and said, "Rely on? Unless it is a big man from the upper realm, otherwise the money gang and other six major The faction is bound to be wiped out. Do you think that with them alone, there will be big bosses in the upper realm to help them?"

Ye Tong smiled and didn't speak again, and the silence between the two returned to the beginning again.

Below, the slaughter continued, the blood and the screams never stopped, the six disciples of the Sword Array had already changed a batch, and more than 300 people from the Moon Wind Fairyland and the Ye family outside had also been killed.

Mu Renqing saw that the elders of the Ye family and the elders of the Moon Wind Wonderland had flown up several times to find Yue Lanping and Ye Tong, but in the end they could only fly down in frustration, looking angry and helpless.

"It seems that Yue Lanping and Ye Tong are determined to clean up all the second-generation ancestors in the door. Are they making final preparations for what will happen after they ascend to the upper realm?" Mu Renqing thought so, at the same time Once again, the sword array slowed down the killing speed.

From early morning to night, all day long, the mountain protection formation was under attack, and the disciples in the formation were fighting back hard. Many disciples with lower cultivation bases were exhausted. Even those with higher cultivation bases looked ugly and exhausted. great.

The scene in the formation was even very interesting. The screams at the front were loud, and the back was a huge auxiliary formation that blocked the sound. Inside, there were all six cultivators who were using spiritual crystals to restore mana. There was no suddenness at all between this stillness and the movement, but instead there was a strong sense of solemnity.

Everyone knows that a day has passed, but the enemy outside has not used all their strength, and may not even use half of their strength. In the future, they still have to work hard.

Mu Renqing has been standing next to the four cultivators in the extreme realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are all the masters of the six major factions. Every once in a while, two of them will take turns to preside over the formation, and then return to Mu Renqing Stand beside you while absorbing spirit crystals to restore mana. Mu Renqing's current banner must not be overturned, otherwise the six major factions will be scattered in an instant.

"Clan Master Mu, how long do you see the energy consumption of those dog **** outside?" Cheng Dayou had just recovered the mana consumption of the formation, and immediately approached Mu Renqing and asked. The killing intent in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he instinctively felt that the crisis was imminent. To be honest, he didn't want to fight Yue Lanping and Ye Tong at all, but he had to face it now.

"It will take up to noon tomorrow. Those Moon Wind Wonderland and Ye Family's second ancestors should be almost dead. If the rest are not dead, it means that they have some ability. After this baptism, they will be able to become sect masters. Midstream."

"Noon tomorrow? Do you mean that at noon tomorrow is the time for the Ye family and the Moon Wind Wonderland to attack us aggressively?"


"Then we?"

Mu Renqing laughed suddenly, turned his head to look at the several sect masters behind him, and said, "Several, before Mu Renqing, I never thought that one day I would live and die with you. Let's see if God appreciates it or not."

"Then Senior Xue..."

"I don't know."

Moonset, Sunrise. There is still one day left until the three-year period. But it seems that the time of the six major factions cannot last for the last day.

Yue Lanping glanced at the bottom, knowing that the corner of her mouth rose slightly, it was time. Ye Tong, who was beside her, also had satisfied eyes. The two of them simultaneously transmitted voice transmission to the chief elder below them, and the official slaughter attack could begin.

(End of this chapter)

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