Extreme Yama System

Chapter 862: The storm has receded

it works? Of course it works. What Xue Wusuan took out could still lie to you? Of course, although this pill can indeed enhance the solidity of the soul, you must know that this thing was built by Xue Wusuan with the power of the world's origin. After passing through his hands, it is naturally impossible. There must be some mystery in it.

"Senior, how many of these pills are there?"

Xue Wusuan laughed, and when his mind moved, dozens of jade bottles were added to the small table.

"There are fifty jade bottles here, twenty each. That's all for this time."

A thousand? !

Ye Tong's ears were full of the voice of the elder Ye family who had just swallowed a "medicine pill" and got the benefit. There was only one meaning: the sect master, a single medicine pill can enhance one thousandth of the soul's condensation. Seriously, if you take these 1,000 pills, not to mention doubling the strength, at least 80% of them will be no problem at all.

What does it mean to Ye Tong to increase the soul solidity by 80%? It means that as long as he cooperates with the Ye family's tribulation method, he will have great confidence to survive the calamity safely!

The cultivator's dream is to ascend to the world. In order to realize it, they can give everything they have, and Ye Tong is no exception. The surging in his heart can hardly be suppressed.

After bowing and saluting again, Ye Tong's voice trembled slightly, and said, "Senior, my Ye family bought everything that they wanted. I don't know what the price is?"

"Wait a minute!"

Without waiting for Xue Wusuan to reply, Yue Lanping, the sect master of Moon Wind Wonderland who also stayed, had to speak at this time. The current situation is very tangled for Yue Lanping, and even feels extremely bitter.

The matter started because of the black evil, and then it became a knot because of the death of Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan, and then the Ye family was involved, and then it was a war of annihilation that was supposed to be a great victory. The only result was beyond Yue Lanping's expectations. Not only has the dignified Moonwind Wonderland failed to figure out who killed Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan, but even the main force of his disciples suffered heavy losses. Counting Huo Dong and Tie Duanshan, even the elders of Moonwind Wonderland have already fallen for five years. name.

The situation was very unfavorable, Yue Lanping had been letting Ye Tong speak, standing on the side, thinking and observing. There is always a feeling of calculating every step of the way, it is not clear, but it is really felt.

There is no need to question the effect of the medicinal pill, Ye Tong's words and excited expression have already explained everything. The Heisha Yuguo is temporarily unavailable, and it has a deadly feud with the six major factions. The twists and turns in this are not something to consider at the moment. The most important thing at present is not to let the Ye family enjoy the benefits alone, even if it is a small corner. , Yue Lanping must also get it.

"Oh? Sect Master Yue has something to say? But Sect Master Li Yue, who came first, should understand, right?" Ye Tong certainly knew the purpose of Yue Lanping's words, but he was also not going to give in half a step.

Yue Lanping ignored Ye Tong, and bowed to Xue Wusuan who was sitting on the sofa: "Senior Xue, I have paid the previous price in Moonwind Wonderland, I dare to ask senior, can I have this transaction in Moonwind Wonderland? Eligible to participate?"

Yue Lanping's meaning is very clear, first of all, regardless of right or wrong, the bodies of the five hundred people in Moonwind Wonderland are still lying on the ground. No matter what your senior Xue is dissatisfied with, what you said, Moonwind Wonderland paid for it. Now this medicine pill is another matter, and Moonwind Wonderland should be eligible to participate. Otherwise, the word "senior" would not match the demeanor.

Is Xue Wusuan graceful? Of course not, how can a demon who is only for his heart care about other people's evaluation? However, Yue Lanping's words were what he wanted to hear.

"Of course. The deal is still under discussion. These thousand Mo Yuandan are still up for sale. You can make an offer."

Xue Wusuan settled the tone in one sentence, and Ye Tong quickly replied: "Senior, my Ye family is willing to buy every one hundred and one rank spirit crystals!"

One hundred and one rank spirit crystals? One thousand is one hundred thousand one rank spirit crystals? ! Hearing the people from the six major factions who were recovering from their injuries while watching the excitement secretly stunned, this Ye family really has a solid family background, far from being comparable to a second-rate mountain gate like the six major factions.

"Moonwind Wonderland is also willing to buy all the medicinal pills with one hundred and one rank spirit crystals, and hope that the predecessors will fulfill it." Yue Lanping was not far behind, and quoted the same price.

This is tacit understanding. Compete, but not raise the price.

Xue Wusuan laughed, these people are monkey spirits. But that's right, if you're a fool, how can you cultivate to such a state? How can you control this seemingly small power without a wrist?

"One of the two hundred and one rank spirit crystals, the price is not two, if you agree, you can take it. I don't care how you want to divide it."

Xue Wusuan finally set the price, which was doubled, which seemed very high, but the "low price" he just gave after he explored the Xumi mustard seeds in Ye Tong's hand, the wealth of these guys and the Mu people Qing these buns are not on the same level at all. The total price of 200,000 is nothing.

No need to discuss, Ye Tong said directly to Yue Lanping: "My Ye family wants 600 pieces, won't Sect Master Yue have any opinion?"

The tacit understanding just now and the current competition are all psychological. Ye Tong's sentence contains a lot of information: You are only worthy of 40% of Moonwind Wonderland now.

Five hundred of the most elite disciples fell, five elders and masters fell, and the strength of Moonwind Wonderland has plummeted. It is impossible to think about being on an equal footing with the Ye family. What's more, Yue Lanping's calamity is just around the corner. Regardless of her success or failure, she will no longer be able to intervene in the future situation of Moonwind Wonderland. That is to say, the storm has already begun. If you want to compare the Ye family, today is different from the past.

Although this truth is bitter, it is a fact that must be faced. These thoughts, Ye Tong's words, all turned in Yue Lanping's heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and finally turned into a sigh.

He really didn't have the heart to agree, his face turned sideways, and he was acquiescing to Ye Tong's distribution plan. The hands in the long sleeves were clenched tightly, and the knuckles were white.

Xue Wusuan was still smiling, he didn't care who had more or less. As long as these "elixirs" are in the hands of these top sects, the next thing will naturally follow the path he has paved.

Yue Lanping said nothing, took 400 medicinal pills, and left a mustard seed, which contained 81,000-grade spirit crystals. One-handed payment and one-handed delivery. The same is true of Ye Tong on the side, but there is one more sentence: The remaining 100,000 pseudo-spiritual crystals will be delivered to the Qianjin Gang on time within three days, please senior Xue rest assured.

"Let's go."

"The junior will retire."

With just a few words, the Qianjin Gang station, who was still killing intently just now, regained its calm in a blink of an eye. Only some soft sobbing and the smell of blood that had not yet dissipated in the surroundings indicated that there was a killing here.

"Senior, can this junior ask you one thing?"

The Ye family and the people from the Moon Wind Wonderland left. When the scene was tragic, suddenly, the seductive Lin Hongyan rushed out, and with a bang, she knelt down in front of Xue Wusuan, her head was on the ground, and she was unable to protect her. His forehead was bruised immediately, and blood was flowing.

"Oh? What's the matter with me?" Xue Wusuan responded, and it was a little strange. This Lin Hongyan was the only woman among the six major sect masters. He remembered that this woman seemed to be a pair with the ugly man Cheng Dayou. She has the temperament of a heroic heroine, and she is arrogant and tougher than ordinary men, but she did not expect to be so sincere in asking for help.

Lin Hongyan raised her head, her eyes were red, she glanced at Cheng Dayou, who was lying on the side, still dazed, and said to Xue Wusuan, "Please, senior, save my man! Hongyan is willing to pay any price! I hope senior mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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