Extreme Yama System

Chapter 864: The decision of the ancestors of the upper realm

The Moon Wind Wonderland, the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain, the sacrifice site.

The reason why it can stand for ten thousand years in the monk world, here, this sacrifice ground is the most joint.

In the sacrificial field, there are three table cases, and there are eight golden longevity tablets on the table. The table in the middle has one piece on top, three on the left and four on the right. Many tributes are luxurious, pearls are rice, gold and jade are utensils, and even the sacrificial incense is made of special medicinal materials.

Burning incense and praying is not for the peace or wishes of ordinary people, but to connect with the ancestors in their own sect.

The tablet on the table in the middle reads "Chu Shenji". He was the first patriarch who survived the Heavenly Tribulation and ascended the world more than ten thousand years ago in Moon Wind Wonderland. The absolute pillar in Moonwind Wonderland. Hundreds of cultivators in the world did not dare to touch the Moon Wind Wonderland because of this Chu Shenji's relationship.

"Disciple Yue Lanping, dare to open the altar, burn incense to the patriarch, and hope that the patriarch will have mercy!"

After some complicated and indispensable rituals and mana means, the entire sacrificial field was enveloped by a magical force, and the messages that turned into streamers followed Yue Lanping's words, rushing straight into the sky, and disappeared after a while. .

This is the only way to hook up with the Upper Realm. The requirements are harsh, and the probability of success is not very high. It needs to be repeated repeatedly to achieve. Therefore, this day is already the fifth day, and all the sacrifice methods have been used back and forth no less than fifty times. But the absolute core characters in Moonwind Wonderland were not at all impatient.

Suddenly, just after Yue Lanping completed the fifty-eighth sacrifice, she finally got a response.

It was an unusually majestic and peaceful force that emanated from the tablet on the table in the center, as if a figure suddenly descended on the tablet out of thin air.

"Congratulations to the Patriarch Fajia to come in person!"

"May the sun and the moon shine together!"

There was really a phantom that seemed to be real and illusory on the tablet. It was a man with long beards, a national character face, sword eyebrows, a jade crown on his head, and a white robe. dots. This phantom was transformed by Chu Shenji, the ancestor of Moon Wind Wonderland.

"The sacrifice technique connects the upper and lower worlds, and it consumes a lot of money for me. If you have anything, just report it."

"Yes, Patriarch..."

Yue Lanping succinctly poured out the whole battle of the Qianjin Gang, the mysterious senior Xue and "Mo Yundan, Heisha Yuguo", and explained the heavy losses in Moonwind Wonderland.

"The immortal from the upper realm? The surname is Xue?"

"Yes, Patriarch, that person's cultivation base is unpredictable, and the disciple's cultivation base is insufficient, so he can't find out more information at all."

The phantom frowned and seemed to be in deep thought. After a long while, he said, "Can the pill and the kind of fruit you said be in your hand?"

"I couldn't get the fruit, but there are some pills. Please take a look at the ancestors." Yue Lanping said, taking out a bottle of Mo Yuandan and placing it on the offering table.

"Huh?! This, this medicinal pill actually has the most primitive soul breath? This, this, how is this done?"

Hearing the tone of her patriarch, Yue Lanping felt a dark heart. The words of the patriarch at least illustrate a problem: even the patriarch Mo Yuandan has never seen this, and he is extremely outstanding in the upper realm. As a result, the senior Xue who was able to come up with this kind of medicinal pill did not say anything else in the upper realm, and the identity of a first-level alchemist could not escape. And alchemists, no matter in the upper realm or the lower realm, are all existences.

A magic weapon can be used for tens of thousands of years or even longer, but what about the medicine pill? Consumables! Who is not missing? In this way, the status of an alchemist naturally becomes natural.

Sure enough, as Yue Lanping had guessed, her patriarch, Chu Shenji, murmured inexplicably for a while and then suddenly asked, "Where is this person now? What does he look like?"

"This person was at the Qianqian Gang station before. His appearance was ordinary, but his aura was extremely evil." As she said that, Yue Lanping sketched a phantom of Xue Wusuan's portrait out of thin air.

But this phantom was seen by Chu Shenji for a long time, but he didn't recognize it at all. Could it be that this fellow from the upper realm has changed his appearance? But the problem is that he is the gatekeeper of the upper realm. Why do I not know which alchemy master is in the lower realm? Could it be from the Buddhist school?

On the other hand, this so-called Mo Yuandan made Chu Shenji's heart fiery. Although he couldn't grasp the substance of the medicinal pill, his spiritual sense still researched the inside and outside of the medicinal pill. Although I don't know how this pill is made, its effect is clear in my heart: it enhances the solidity of the soul!

Cultivators cultivate their bodies and spirits, and this "god" refers to the soul. Whether it is Yue Lanping, or Chu Shenji, who has long since ascended to the world, this is the practice. But the cultivation of the soul is the most difficult, time-consuming and laborious, and the effect is extremely slow.

Neither Mo Yuandan nor Chu Shenji have heard of the medicinal pill that can directly enhance the solidity of the soul. If this is publicized, it will definitely shock the entire Upper Realm. Because the monks in the upper realm understand how difficult it is to cultivate the "soul".

"You must confirm the trace of that person, and I will send someone down as soon as possible. Remember, no outsiders should know about it at this time. If there are any omissions, try to keep your mouth shut, especially those big factions that can hook up with the upper realm. Let them know ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ understand?"

"Understood. However, the Patriarch and Ye family also got this Mo Yuandan, and the people from the six major factions also know about it and have that kind of black evil in their hands..."

Yue Lanping's words were interrupted by Chu Shenji's phantom: "The Ye Hongmian from the Ye family is also a well-known figure in the upper realm, and his brain is not stupid. I passed it on. Ye Hongmian will naturally warn the children of the Ye family how I warned you just now. As for those six major sects, don't worry, they will naturally not talk nonsense. Otherwise, you will not be too late It took so many years to figure out.

Remember, the message is well controlled. At least not until my people come down. Can it be done? "

Yue Lanping nodded, and after that, the phantom of Chu Shenji dissipated. The means of connecting to the upper realm can only last so long.

After the contact is over, the furnishings on the sacrifice field also need to be removed. Yue Lanping went to the back mountain alone. This is the cemetery in the Moon Wind Fairyland Gate. There are tombstones and tombs all over the mountain, all for the sake of the Moon Wind Fairyland. Some of the tombs are even empty, with only a tombstone indicating who has shed blood for this mountain gate.

"The death of the five hundred disciples has nothing to do with it? Does it really become a mere compensation?" Yue Lanping was bitter, and she saw five hundred new tombstones, many of which she was familiar with.

"If you don't enter the upper realm, you will only be ants after all. But is the upper realm really a peaceful paradise?" He sighed in his heart, and when he flipped his hand, there was a black pill, which was Mo Yuandan. After shaking her head for a moment, Yue Lanping raised her hand and swallowed the medicinal pill...

(End of this chapter)

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