Extreme Yama System

Chapter 868: aroused hatred

Tang Xuanzang was not afraid of death, he was not afraid of it for a long time, and even he thought that if he died on the westbound road, he would die without any regrets, and even very honorable, because he died for the sake of great love, for the benefit of the common people, and died as he deserved. . But now, Tang Xuanzang didn't want to die at all.

Seeing Tang Xuanzang's silence for a while, Xue Wusuan shrugged, and without a word he poured back the poisonous mist that had just been drawn from his body. He turned his head towards Duan Xiaoxiao who kept kowtowing and said: "Don't worry about it, you are also a dead person, aren't you also "living" well? It's just a pair of skins, how much do you want?"

Duan Xiaoxiao didn't dare to argue, and after becoming the soul general of Yinyang Street, she got a lot of information about the underworld, which Xue Wusuan deliberately let her know. It is precisely because of this that Duan Xiaoxiao realized how powerful the person in front of her was, and she was not qualified to argue against her, she could only kowtow for mercy.

Of course, Duan Xiaoxiao did not agree with Xue Wushen's words. Become a ghost? Who would be willing to become a ghost if they were alive? She died, but she didn't want Tang Xuanzang to become like her.

The toxins return to the body, even if the meridians are conditioned, the pain is not a lot, and it will even be more sensitive and painful. These are second, the important thing is that Tang Xuanzang saw the indifference in the eyes of "Master Xue", and it also made him understand that his life and death were nothing in the eyes of the other party.

"I don't want to die."

"Hehe, a monk, afraid of death? Are you worried about it? That little one?"

"I beg Master Xue to save me."

As soon as the word "beg" came out, Tang Xuanzang felt an emotion called "humiliation" for the first time, which made his originally sickly white face flush. Immediately followed by the uncontrollable anger in his chest: Yes, this person is the mastermind behind the possibility of taking away Miss Duan. He is considered an enemy, and I would actually beg for an enemy in order to steal my life?

Xue Wusuan laughed happily, and didn't mind Tang Xuanzang's eyes that seemed to be spewing fire and his clenched fists. The Buddhist thoughts of this monk are deeply rooted in his heart, and the "big love" in his arms is still dominant. This is not good, as a nail, how can it be so non-aggressive?

Xue Wusuan, who often roams in the various states of life, estimates that there is no one who has a better grasp of the human heart than these thousands of planes. Tang Xuanzang's heart had changed naturally, he knew clearly.

A monk whose mind has been controlled since he was a child can be said to be suppressed by deformities. This is not a question of whether he wants to or not, but something that exists instinctively as a human being. It will not disappear, and will always explode at some point. And what Xue Wusuan is doing now is to make Tang Xuanzang's emotional explosion infinitely ahead.

Duan Xiaoxiao is "love", and now Tang Xuanzang is convinced that Duan Xiaoxiao doesn't want to die yet, so he forces him to beg for mercy, which is arousing the "hatred" in Tang Xuanzang's heart. If you get angry together, it will be a wildfire, and if you want to restore the calmness of the mind in the Dharma, it will be even more difficult.

It's like eating. I haven't eaten the delicacies of mountains and seas. I don't think there is any problem with eating bran and pharynx, but after eating delicious food, it will be difficult to swallow. This anger will be the same.

"Very well, your life has nothing to do with me at all. I save you, of course, with a purpose, do you know?"

"Well, I know." Tang Xuanzang replied, his voice was surprisingly harsh, and the Monkey King next to him was surprised, as if to distinguish whether the monk was crazy, this kind of hostility was the first time Tang Xuanzang appeared.

"It's good to know, all right. Let's talk and talk about, what have you encountered all these years?" Xue Wusuan said while pulling out the poisonous mist from Tang Xuanzang's body again, which is very interesting. Last cigar, seems ready to listen to the story.

Tang Xuanzang endured the bizarre anger in his chest, and kept reciting the Buddhist scriptures in hopes of calming himself down, but the Buddhist scriptures that were usually unfavorable this time were of no use.

But when a person begins to cherish his life, there will naturally be changes that he had never thought of before. For example, he can immediately learn what it means to "have to bow his head under the roof". If you don't want to die, then follow the words of this surname Xue.

Ask for help from the eldest apprentice Sun Wukong? Tang Xuanzang thought about it, but he could also see that Sun Wukong and this man also clearly knew each other, and it was impossible to listen to him with his arms in his arms.

Now Tang Xuanzang felt that he could only rely on himself.

After several years of long road, bumps and bumps almost survived, finally it is not far from the west sky. But at this point, it seems to have reached the limit, and even Tang Xuanzang instinctively felt that if he went forward, he would definitely die. Why do you feel this way? Tang Xuanzang couldn't explain it clearly, perhaps because the last time he encountered the terrifying Hundred-eyed Demon Lord, Tang Xuanzang couldn't use that trick anyway: the Great Sun Tathagata True Sutra.

"Oh? Are you not afraid of so many life and death experiences?"

"My Buddha is merciful, and auspicious clouds are always with me, so what is there to fear?"

Tang Xuanzang's answer made Xue Wu nod his head involuntarily. That's right, a monk who has been devout since he was a child should have answered this question in this way. But Xue Wusuan said in his heart: The mouth is hard, do you still think so in your heart?

"Oh? Xiangyun is always with you? Then when you were fighting with the Hundred-eyed Demon Lord~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Where did the Xiangyun beside you go? Your eldest apprentice Sun Wukong is not omnipotent, nor invincible, he almost If you die, what about your auspicious cloud? Hehe, and later you were poisoned, and it was your apprentices who ran and helped you to survive. You won't be able to escape until I come. What about your auspicious cloud?

To put it more directly, who saved you? "

"Hehe." Sun Wukong couldn't help laughing at the side. He was very happy, and seeing Tang Xuanzang being trained was more comfortable for him than eating a hundred peaches. The **** bald donkey didn't even think about it. There used to be powerful monsters who jumped out to fight and kill along the way, but there were always helpers. You could always ask someone who could defeat the enemy to help, or it was Tang Xuanzang who just came up with a "trick" to get it done. But since Pingdingshan, who else is willing to lend a helping hand?

Sun Wukong understood that the Tathagata had already noticed that Tang Xuanzang's mentality had changed because of Duan Xiaoxiao's appearance in Pingdingshan, and he no longer protected the protagonist of the westward journey. In other words, the current westward journey is not for the Tathagata, but for themselves, in order to find a way to survive.

"I, I, I, Buddha, I only have calculations, how can I wait for ordinary people to figure it out?" Tang Xuanzang was a little upset when he was asked about the topic that should be his best at first, and he only had the thick skin. He defended an answer that he himself could not be sure of.

"Really?" Xue Wusuan asked back, and there was no answer.

Seeing that Xue Wusuan seemed to have ended Tang Xuanzang's plan to continue talking, Sun Wukong came over and asked, "How are you going?"

"How? I'm curious about what Xitian looks like, and I want to see it."

(End of this chapter)


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