Extreme Yama System

Chapter 871: Western Heavenly Thunder

Although it is only a fictitious projection of one party, the scene is still very majestic and solemn. After all, this represents the face of the entire Buddhist cultivator in the upper realm, even if you go through the motions, you have to be solid.

So when Tang Xuanzang and his party saw this projection, they were really frightened and shocked. Even the imperial palace of the most powerful country in the lower realm is far from being able to compare with the western sky in front of him, it is too far behind.

One after another, the mysterious Buddha-dharma mighty power that seemed to be visible to the naked eye actually lingered endlessly in the air like smoke, and the mighty solemn aura felt straight to the heart from far away.

Zhu Gangjiao was worried that his ugly appearance would attract the Bodhisattvas in the Western Heavens to dislike it, so he changed to an ordinary mortal appearance, and Sun Wukong didn't say a word to him. Because at this time, Sun Wukong's heart was also thumping and chaotic.

The mysterious Young Master Xue did not continue to move forward. Ever since he saw Xitian, Young Master Xue stopped and said that he would wait for them on the spot, along with the dead soul Duan Xiaoxiao.

does not know the reason. However, Young Master Xue explained some things to Sun Wukong, and because of this, Sun Wukong felt quite uneasy, and even had the urge to escape. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no way to retreat now, it is estimated that he would have retreated. Thinking about the five-hundred-year-old man who was treated as a toy under the Wuzhi Mountain, I feel panicked. Now there is not only one Tathagata, but many Buddhist masters need to face. .

Master, slow down, let me help you go. Zhu Gangyao followed Tang Xuanzang diligently, and the posture was as appropriate as possible. It was to treat Tang Xuanzang as a father. All he wanted was to have a good end when he entered the Western Heaven. Don't be slaughtered The donkey was cut with a knife.

Although Sha Wujing's brain is not as lively as Pig Gang Mane's, he is not stupid. Seeing his second senior brother, he was puzzled at the beginning, but after thinking about it, he understood. almost.

Let go! What kind of system is this? Tang Xuanzang flicked his arm and broke free from the support of Zhu Gangjiao and Sha Wujing, with a serious and joyful expression on his face. Even for today, Tang Xuanzang put on the cleanest set of cassocks he had hidden in his baggage. In any case, this Western Heaven was what he had longed for in his heart for several years, and Tang Xuanzang was very fulfilled to be able to complete it. As for those doubts and obsessions in his heart, now he deliberately does not think about it.

Going forward, after stepping into the clear golden border, Tang Xuanzang felt that the air was much clearer, and he secretly thought: After all, it is a Buddhist treasure land, which is really different from the world.

However, the three brothers of Sun Wukong looked at each other and were stunned. The air here is so clear and simple. It is entirely because the concentration of the vitality of heaven and earth here is much higher than the changes brought about by the outside.

Not long after, two heads dressed in brown monk robes came up to greet them, each with square faces and big ears, a benevolent face, and a red-spotted Dharma seal on the center of his eyebrows.

Is this Master Tang Xuanzang? We are here to welcome you by the order of the Buddha.

Thanks to the two heads, Xuanzang was really flattered.

The two heads clasped their hands together and proclaimed the Buddha's name, then stretched out their hands to lead the way.

The west sky is huge, and there are various buildings, all of which are the residences and management institutions of various Buddhist practitioners. The monks can stand against the forces ruled by the Taishang Laojun, relying not only on the empty words of my Buddha's mercy, but also in the necessary settings, and even the monk soldiers are very powerful.

Master Xuanzang, you see, the towering hall in front is the Daleiyin Temple, where the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are already waiting for you.

Thanks for the tip.

The closer he got, the more restless Tang Xuanzang's heart became. The excitement and achievement he felt when he first entered the Western Heaven is now very weak. I don't know why, but the doubts in his heart are even more eager to move.

The mighty power of one after another is also radiated from the Daleiyin Temple. It is shocking, and it also makes the three demons, including Sun Wukong, consciously put away all their hostility, and follow Tang Xuanzang with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes. . It's impossible to know what each of them is thinking.

Tang Xuanzang, the man who took the scriptures from the west, has arrived, please open the temple door!

At the bottom of the steps outside the main hall, the two heads looked back at Tang Xuanzang's teacher and apprentice, nodded, and then called out loudly.

Almost at the same time as the first roll call fell, a bell rang suddenly above the main hall, and it rang three times in a row.

Congratulations to Master Xuanzang, this is your honor, the three-ringing of the Buddha's bell is already a very high treatment, which is generally not given when an Arhat is canonized. One of the head Tuo explained with envious eyes.

The Buddhist hierarchy is strict, especially in this western world. Those with the lowest status are those novice monks, who are all Buddhist practitioners who have only recently entered the upper realm or who are not talented enough to continue their cultivation. Above the novice is the head Tuo, which can be regarded as some identity. Most of the grassroots managers in the Buddhist world are the head Tuo, just like the two who greeted Tang Xuanzang's master and apprentice.

Above the head is the Arhat, the middle-level force in the Buddhist world, and the status level where potential Buddhist practitioners temporarily stay. Further up is the Bodhisattva. This level is even the high-level level of Buddhism cultivation in the upper realm. They are all bigwig-level figures with the main power structure of Buddhism cultivation. Of course, being a Bodhisattva also has a high status~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no clear dividing line, everything is based on strength.

Above the Bodhisattva is the Buddha's position, which is the position of the leader. The one who is currently in this position is the Tathagata.

The bell rang, and the main hall could be opened with the middle door. This was also a courtesy. It was an affirmation and reward for the hardships and dangers Tang Xuanzang had paid to travel westward. It could be regarded as a spiritual reward.

Master Xuanzang invited in, and the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were inside.

As the head Tuo, the two monks who greeted them were not qualified to enter. It seems that after reading the specifications of Tang Xuanzang's courtesy, he knew in his heart that this mortal was going to rise to prominence in the future, so his attitude became a little respectful.

There are two workers.

Tang Xuanzang saluted the two heads and led his three apprentices before walking forward into the magnificent hall.

As soon as I entered the door, there was a dazzling golden light, and I couldn't open my eyes. After a few breaths, I squinted and saw the scene in the palace in the golden glow.

A huge golden-robed monk is sitting cross-legged on a side of twelve golden lotuses, with a solemn and precious appearance, his eyes seem to penetrate everything, it is the ruler of the western sky, the Great Sun Tathagata. Of course, the projection that can appear in the lower realm naturally cannot be the true body of the Tathagata. Not only that, all the bodhisattvas in this temple are manifested Dharmakayas, and those full of Arhats are just illusory projections. It's just a cutscene after all.

Disciple Tang Xuanzang pays homage to the Lord Buddha!

Tang Xuanzang reacted instinctively, and immediately knelt down. The three apprentices behind him also bowed down.

After crawling on the ground for a long time, Tang Xuanzang heard the sound coming from the front, which seemed to come from the deepest part of his soul.

Tang Xuanzang, all the way west is difficult, can you gain something and understand?


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