Extreme Yama System

Chapter 884: please stay

The 400,000-six-color spiritual crystals were placed in the box, and there was a huge pile of them. The 200,000-six-color spiritual crystals placed next to Ye Tong's 200,001-grade spiritual crystals and a piece set off the colorful and psychedelic crystals.

Why didn't he just put the mustard seeds in Xue Wusuan like Mu Renqing did?

Why else? Show off. Not to show off to the six major factions and Xue Wusuan, but to show the Ye family to Moonwind Wonderland, and to show it to the Ye family.

This is a fight.

Look at it, 200,000-grade spirit crystals, can you take out so much from Moonwind Wonderland? Even if you can take it out, do you dare to take it out? In other words, do you dare to argue with my Ye family? Your Chu Shenji in the upper realm is indeed better than the Ye family, but isn't it crushing? Waiting for you, Yue Lanping, to survive the calamity, how many people are left in Moonwind Wonderland? Dare to rob, and some will suffer for you in the future!

But Moonwind Wonderland's approach is: fight, which cultivator didn't climb up step by step with **** footprints? be afraid? Moreover, since the shot, it must go all out!

If you have the advantage, you must take it out. This is based on the advantage that Chu Tiange guessed, and it is also a sharp counterattack. Yue Lanping used such a full box, 400,000 six-color spirit crystals, and spat fiercely in front of the Ye family.

"Oh? Sect Master Yue Lanping can't come up with first-grade spirit crystals? The value of 400,000 fake spirit crystals can be compared to Mo Yuandan?" Ye Tong's experience over the years told him that things were beyond his expectations. . Yue Lanping is not a fool, and Moonwind Wonderland is not a fool's nest. It is impossible to understand basic common sense. But I feel bad in my heart, but I can't just show it like this. I have already set up my posture. Before deciding the winner, I can't be weak in one breath.

Unexpectedly, Yue Lanping did not pay attention to Ye Tong at all, but bowed to Xue Wusuan, who was sitting on the chair above, and said, "Senior, all the six-color spiritual crystals that can be collected on the market in the lower realm in a short period of time are already here. Now, even if I can still receive it, the number will not exceed the 400,000 pieces. A thousand pieces of Mo Yuandan, the junior promises, next time you come again, it will be the same number, only a lot more!"

The implication is to tell Xue Wusuan that the six-color spiritual crystals in the lower realm are now taken away by the six major factions, and most of the rest are these 400,000. I still want more, but I can't get it together in the short term, and it will be possible in the next three years or longer. It also shows that 400,000 is now the highest bid, and no one will bid a higher price than this.

Moreover, Yue Lanping, based on her actions, words and deeds when she saw Xue Wusuan last time, as well as the news from Chu Tiange, thought to herself that this "Senior Xue" was a businessman, talking about feelings and playing cards. Use, everything depends on what the price can be.

Last but not least, this is Moonwind Wonderland's ultimate trick, and at the same time, it is also a give-and-take. The Moon Wind Wonderland family has it, and it is not inferior to the Ye family. But do you really want to fight for a Grade 1 Spirit Crystal? This has a great potential threat to the back road of Moonwind Wonderland. After all, Yue Lanping knew that once she survived the calamity, regardless of her success or failure, Moonwind Wonderland's strength would definitely drop a notch after losing five elders. Weakness brings slump. Saving some useful resources now can also provide more protection during the downturn.

Therefore, the spirit crystals can't be used to compete with the Ye family, or the "pseudo spirit crystals" that seem completely useless to cultivators are the most suitable price.

Of course, this is the judgment of Yue Lanping and Chu Tiange. Whether or not this is the case will depend on luck.

"One thousand Mo Yuandan, the price is right. The deal." Xue Wusuan listened to Yue Lanping's words with a smile. He didn't care about the authenticity of it. It's not important. The important thing is that those who have tasted the sweetness can contact the upper realm. The top pie is hooked. Greedy bait is always sweet, but once you swallow it and want to spit it out, you can't help it.

Yue Lanping's eyes suddenly lit up, she knew she made the right bet. In the eyes of this mysterious senior Xue, the value of 400,000 six-color spirit crystals is higher, even far higher than 200,000-grade spirit crystals! This is an orientation to subvert the common values ​​of this world. Because according to the normal value analogy, the value of 200,001-grade spirit crystals is a hundred times or even a thousand times that of 400,000 six-color spirit crystals. Of course, both are of the best condition.

Yue Lanping was excited, but Ye Tong, who was beside him, was dumbfounded. When will forty pseudo-spiritual crystals be more valuable than 200,000 top-grade first-grade spiritual crystals? He couldn't be polite at all, and immediately asked loudly: "Senior, why is this? Could it be that the pseudo-spiritual crystals in Moonwind Wonderland are worth more than the Ye family's first-grade spiritual crystals?"

These words are really not of a high standard, and there is even a feeling of showing off one's might and preparing to bully others. Relying on his own upper realm, he also came down to think that a well-known elder, with a high cultivation base, naturally wanted to make a statement. At the same time, it was also because his heart was a little messed up, and he didn't choose what to say.

Of course, Ye Tong, as the contemporary patriarch of the Ye family, should not have been so flustered, but Mo Yuandan is too involved.

But who is Xue Wu? At the beginning, Yuefeng Wonderland wanted to cut off the box of "unfinished black evil fruit" in Mu Renqing's hands, but five hundred elites were snapped with a snap of fingers. Now Ye Tong's words are thorny, how can the dignified Yan Jun Ignore?

"Oh? You want me to give you, um, an explanation or explanation for your Ye family?"

The words that were said, the water that was poured out, even if Ye Tong quickly reacted to something wrong, he could only continue on. Besides, Ye Changfeng had stood behind him without leaving a trace, and gave it silently. His strongest support.

"Senior is serious, the junior is just wondering, I hope the senior can give the junior a chance to understand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xue Wusuan said with a smile: "Everything in the world has value, the pseudo-spirit crystal in your eyes, in my eyes It has extraordinary usefulness. But it has nothing to do with you. "

"Senior, I also look forward to the generosity of the senior. One thousand Mo Yuandan, my Ye family is willing to buy it at a price that the senior is satisfied with. Spirit crystals are also acceptable, and pseudo-spirit crystals are also acceptable!"

"It's too late, I don't have time to wait, and I won't take credit. Next time." After speaking, Xue Wushen was about to leave again, but as he expected, he was stopped again.

This time, it was no longer Ye Tong who stopped Xue Wusuan, but Ye Tiange standing behind Ye Tong. Ye Changfeng, who was also assigned a mission, could not helplessly watch the thousand Mo Yuandans taken out from the mysterious "Spirit Master Xue" all fall into the hands of Moonwind Wonderland. Once this happened, he would not be able to return to the upper realm He explained to his elder Ye Hongmian, the first immortal of the Ye family.

"Master Xue Dan, wait a minute."

Xue Wusuan, who was already making a move, stopped again, but this time there were dozens of jade bottles in front of him, and inside it was "Mo Yuandan".

"What's the matter with you?"

"I also asked Xue Danshi to grant my request from the Ye family's patriarch, and I will repay in the future." These words were even more sharp, and the momentum on the body also burst out, and the coercion directly caused the six major sect masters present at the scene. He was so terrified that he was trapped in an ice cellar.


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