Extreme Yama System

Chapter 888: Dan to the upper bound

"Ye Changfeng has been abolished?"

"Yes Patriarch. It was where the Qian Qian Gang was stationed. I witnessed it with my own eyes, and all the Ye family members including Ye Changfeng and Ye Tong were brought back to the mountain gate."

"Oh? Bring me to see."

This is the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain of the Moon Wind Wonderland, and it is also the location of the sacrifice site for the ancestors of the upper realm. I don't know how many years it has been, but this is the first time outsiders have been welcomed into this forbidden area, and they are absolutely hostile to outsiders, and these outsiders are directly involved in this matter of connecting with the upper realm.

The money gang moved back to the mountain gate as quickly as possible, and they moved with the dozen or so people together. But the matter was very urgent. As soon as he arrived at the mountain gate, he couldn't take a rest at all, and immediately opened the sacrificial field and connected the upper realm to spread the news.

This time, perhaps God also felt the anxiety of the contemporary sect master of Moonwind Wonderland. The sacrifice ceremony was successful after only three back and forth. The phantoms of the ancestors of Moonwind Wonderland were mixed with the message that the fellows built up and descended on the table. Above, with bright eyes, they looked at Yue Lanping and Chu Tiange, who were kneeling on the ground in the sacrifice ground.

The Ye family, who were forcibly imprisoned with their mana and brought back to Moonwind Wonderland, were brought here, except for a few elders who were locked in a secret room, the owner Ye Tong and Ye Changfeng, who had become a dying old man. Inside the top-secret Houshan sacrifice site in Moonwind Wonderland. Because the ancestor of the generation here, Chu Shenji, wanted to see them.

The real body can't get down, but the spiritual sense can still rely on this linked information channel to get down. It is completely enough to investigate the physical condition of Ye Changfeng and Ye Tong.

"Do you know that that person abolished Ye Changfeng?" Chu Shenji's voice was a little gloomy. He didn't care about the Ye family, but just because of some disrespectful words, he abolished an earth immortal. This kind of thing can Explains a lot of questions. At the very least, if you look down on the Ye family, it is very likely that you will also look down on Moon Wind Wonderland and his Chu Shenji. The reason why only the Ye family was unlucky was just luck.

"I don't know what the ancestors said..." Yue Lanping reiterated what she had seen and heard, and Chu Tiange, who had just swallowed a few qi rejuvenation pills, also supplemented it.

"Tiange, I will send Xu Ning to replace you in the next few days. After Xu Ning arrives, you will immediately return to the upper realm with half of Mo Yuandan."

"Respect the patriarch's order." Chu Tiange bowed and agreed. I also understand that Mo Yuandan must go to the upper realm as soon as possible. He has stayed in the lower realm for a long time. The ancestor can wait for three years before ordering, and it also depends on the time when Danshi Xue appeared. Now that there is more information again, the medicinal pill can't wait any longer.

After finishing speaking, Chu Shenji looked at Yue Lanping and said, "You can handle the matters of the lower realm by yourself, as long as you think it is right, do it, the risk of the upper realm is not something you need to consider, everything depends on Mo Yuandan and figuring out that Pill master Xue is the most important thing. Do you understand?"

"The disciple understands, please rest assured."

After the brief exchange, the phantom of Chu Shenji dissipated, and Chu Tiange also seized the time to return to his quiet room to meditate and rest. He was ready to wait for the upper realm to replace him. And he is not going to take care of other things, that is Yue Lanping's work.

After returning from the sacrifice grounds, Ye Tong and other Ye family cultivators only stayed in Moonwind Wonderland for half a day before leaving secretly. With the magic spell given by Chu Tiange, it would not take them too much time to rush back to the distant Ye family.

It was a great blessing to be able to save his life. Ye Tong was too late to care about some "minor details", and the elders accompanying him would not jump out and sing naysayers at this time.

"Make a blood oath, you have 80% of the pseudo-spiritual crystals in your inventory, and 60% of the pseudo-spiritual crystals in the next hundred years must be handed over to Moonwind Wonderland." This is the only condition for Yue Lanping to let Ye Tong and others go.

It doesn't seem like it's harsh. Compared to being all killed, this is already quite generous "money" to buy one's life. But the humiliation, depression, and grief and indignation are inhumane.

In fact, Yue Lanping really wanted to destroy the Ye family. This is the best opportunity in thousands of years. But she also knew that it would be uneconomical to destroy the Ye family in the current situation. Even if the patriarch Chu Shenji gave her absolute authority, she still had to take into account the unforeseen consequences of destroying the Ye family. The consequences may directly destroy the excellent advantages currently occupied by the upper and lower realms of Moonwind Wonderland. Even Yue Lanping felt that the handling this time was a test of the Moon Wind Wonderland from the Upper Realm.

Because Yue Lanping was worried that if the Ye family in the lower realm didn't take the opportunity to destroy herself, the Ye family in the upper realm would jump over the wall and release the news about Danshi Xue and Mo Yuandan, making Moonwind Wonderland also end up in a bamboo basket.

It's better to get some benefits, but it also delayed the Ye family's news for a few days. That's not bad.

"You have done a good job, hurry up and condense your soul now. I think your current state is very close to that day's robbery. I look forward to seeing you again in the upper realm." Chu Tiange warned Yue Lanping before leaving. .

As one of the gatekeepers of Tianmen, there is no doubt about the convenience. Just look at those immortals who suddenly discovered that their roots in the lower realm lost contact with the upper realm and were in a hurry to know that it would be useless for them to be in a hurry. But the disciples of the Upper Realm in Moonwind Wonderland would not be subject to such restrictions.

When Chu Tiange took 700 Mo Yuandans through the Heavenly Gate and returned to the upper realm, there was no delay at all, and he was immediately taken away by two seniors who were working in the upper realm in the Moon Wind Wonderland. Now, he even set up a cover-up method on his body to prevent all possible contact with any immortal in the upper realm.

It's just a preventive measure, it's necessary, it has nothing to do with trust or not.

"Is it going well?"

After arriving at Chu Shenji's mansion, Chu Tiange's cover-up method was removed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and was already in a secret room. After seeing Chu Tiange, Chu Shenji's first sentence didn't ask Mo Yuandan, whom he cared about most, but asked "Is it going well?" This means that Chu Tiange should repeat the previous trip to the lower realm.

"So based on your estimation, that Xue Danshi's cultivation is at least in the late stage of True Wonderland or even higher?"

"Yes, the ancestor. Ye Changfeng is in the middle stage of the fairyland like me, and the path of cultivation is similar. After arriving in the upper realm, he is more focused on studying alchemy techniques and neglects to consolidate his skills. In terms of combat power, we are almost the same. Waste, I don't even know how the other party uses the means. At least this can only be done with a cultivation level higher than ours. Coupled with that magical Mo Yuandan, the disciple is actually more inclined to his cultivation level. A real fairyland."

Chu Shenji obviously agreed with Chu Tiange's judgment, with a lot of doubts in his tone: "Above the real fairyland, Jinxian? Alchemist? Surnamed Xue? With such a ruthless means to ignore the Ye family, its status should be ours. Above, but I have never heard of it. Could it be that he concealed his appearance and disguised his breath? Or is it really from the Buddhist side? But what is his purpose? What is the purpose of collecting those useless pseudo-spirit crystals?"

After some detailed inquiries, Mo Yuandan appeared. Chu Shenji also took a "Mo Yuandan" and studied it for a long time before swallowing it, and only opened his eyes after a while.

"That's right! It's really the power of the most primitive source of the world! It's amazing, it's really incredible!"


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