Extreme Yama System

Chapter 890: retreat

Every time Xue Wusuan returned to the original world, he was on vacation, and at the same time he was wandering and contemplating.

Xue Wusuan's cultivation base has reached the point where Xue Wusuan is now. In many cases, it is useless to retreat. Unless you have a feeling and you are ready to go to the door, retreating is just a waste of time. The correct way is to travel, look at everything in the world carefully or even countless times, and keep looking at it from different perspectives, so as not to miss the truth of every corner, and to make your own cognition. It is possible to increase, thereby driving the slow improvement of cultivation.

There are many benefits of Wudao Yama, one of which is that Xue Wusuan does not need to travel, and the bits and pieces in the book of life and death can experience all kinds of situations, joys and sorrows, ups and downs, ups and downs, bittersweet, salty, all in this thin film. On a small notebook. Therefore, Xue Wusuan's current cognition is far from being summed up by a mere Jinxian realm. Even powerful people like Rulai and Taishang Laojun cannot be said to be stronger than Xue Wusuan in terms of cognition.

Of course, the incomparable power of the soul allows Xue Wusuan not only to wander around the world in the book of life and death while on vacation in the original world, but also to do some other things, such as researching various methods and methods to expand and extend suitable for no-nonsense The souls of the dead in the Taoist government and the things of the devil's cultivation practice came out.

On the other hand, there are observations. Observe the piece of "Six Realms Killing Plate" that Xue Wusuan made by himself using the six original cosmic stones in the "Avengers" world.

It can be said that to this day, Xue Wusuan already has quite a few trump cards in his hand. In particular, the Six Realms slaughter that even he himself hadn't anticipated, he had always regarded it as a retreat, a retreat that all the hosts that the system had once hosted had never had.

"There are thousands of planes and almost everything. The only thing that is exhausted is the imagination and cognition of living beings. The infinite is the wonder of this plane. It claims to be the goal of ruling all worlds, and I don't know what this system does. The plan, really, maybe more unknowns will come at that time. Life and death are up to me, if only I can do it."

The Six Realms are changing, and every additional change makes Xue Wusuan's Dashi in his heart drop slightly. Not having a choice is the cruelest thing, and having one more path is the most suitable situation. Those countless former "devil masters" who perished in various planes just ran to the darkness one by one because they had no choice, and in the end they died and died, but none of them were able to do it.

But now, as a new generation of demon masters, the differences brought about by his background and circumstances, as well as the accepted habits of technological civilization, make him always appear unprepared when facing the system. The way of looking at the problem is also very different from the previous demon masters.

For example, Xue Wusuan knew that "many people are powerful", that "unity is strength", that "the barbarians control the barbarians", that "sustainable development", and that "learning from others' strengths to complement one's weaknesses".

Therefore, there are several planes that provide resources for Wudao Underworld continuously, and Wudao Underworld is also providing returns to several planes. There is also the "Soul Engraving Technique", which has the standard equipment of Yin soldiers and various weapons of mass destruction. It is also the fundamental reason why Xue Wusuan was able to go all the way up with his humble cultivation base as he is now, and win several planes little by little.

Of course, the role of the system in this is undeniable, but Xue Wusuan is doing his best to control the path and direction.

Zhou Huiru is more and more bright now, not only because Xue Wusuan leaves her with a lot of rare and precious supplements every time she comes back, but also because of an external kung fu called "Breath-Breathing and Qi-Training". This was specially made by Xue Wusuan for Zhou Huiru. The use is simple, it is just to strengthen the body, and by the way, it can also regulate some internal functions, delay aging, and at the same time make your skin and other external appearances look more vibrant.

This woman has some demonic obstacles now. She is always worried that Xue Wusuan will find other women and neglect her in the future when she gets old. This is not the mentality that a dignified woman should have. Xue Wusuan is also patiently trying to find a way to strengthen his woman's self-confidence.

It may sound a little ridiculous, but it is the truth. You can't expect a woman who can't practice to understand what it means to be eternal time and co-mortality of heaven and earth.

There is also bad news, that is, old man Liao's lifespan is almost up. In the book of life and death, old man Liao's lifespan is only eighty-five years, which is neither short nor long, an ordinary life. Coupled with the fact that Xue Wusuan can be maintained, this fate can only continue for no more than ten years. In other words, maybe if Xue Wusuan was trapped in another plane, he might die when he comes back. For Xue Wusuan, the emotional impact was not small.

"You said that people live for a lifetime, ordinary people, what can they leave behind in this world? In ten or twenty years, who else will remember this person?" Zhou Huiru, who was on her body, asked, her tone a little desolate.

"Why did you say this all of a sudden? Didn't you say that life and death are not a big deal? Now I can't figure it out again?" Zhou Huiru clenched her man's arm, and asked in a somewhat amused and somewhat strange manner.

"Life and death are indeed trivial matters to me. Even if I want to, going against life and death is nothing. But after some reincarnation, there is no trace left, don't you think it's a pity?"

"I don't think so. I have friends, grudges, and lovers in my life. It's not necessarily vigorous, but it's not empty. It's my own business. If you don't leave regrets, you'll be complete. What's not a pity? Most people in the world. Haven't they all been like this? I don't see anyone complaining about the heavens and the earth?"

"Yes, but I'm a little nervous."

Actually being taught a few words by his wife~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xue Wusuan is a little funny. Immediately, I realized that I was being made a little emotional by the six killings.

The six original cosmic stones were smashed into countless tribulations by Heaven in the plane of "The Avengers", and the change that was born can be described as a great opportunity. Originally, the six cosmic raw stones of the power of the plane rules, and now after entering the formation set up by Xue Wusuan and the impact of the tribulation thunder, a tiny "seed" was actually born inside. It was this seed that made Xue Wusuan's emotions fluctuate a bit during this period.

Life and death, Xue Wusuan has always been comprehending, watching and controlling, but he has never touched the original origin. And now he has this opportunity.

With the evolution of the rules and the impact of the tribulation thunder, a seed appeared and was slowly expanding outward at an almost imperceptible speed. What will this seed become in the end? A new plane? Or is it a new and unique space? This is Xue Wusuan's retreat, the retreat in hope, but all the "origins" involved in it cannot be explored by Xue Wusuan.

It's his, and it's not his. Everything depends on how he treats the seed in the six killing plates.

Perhaps, in the near future, the changes in this thing will continue to exceed Xue Wusuan's expectations.

"Let's go out for a walk? Aren't you curious about what our company's cars look like? I'll show you?"


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